
  1. 主要的方案包括:自动连续加煤、富氧制气、改造吹风气回收装置、尿素解吸废液深度水解及合成放空气提氢等。

    The main programs include : Adding coal automaticity , Manufacture of coal gas used oxygen-rich gas , Reform blown heat recovery unit , Depth hydrolytic the liquid from urea desorption and recycle hydrogen from the gas that purged of synthesis , and so on .

  2. 液压阻尼系统控制浮放立式储罐提离失稳

    Uplift control study on vertical unanchored storage tank with hydraulic damper system

  3. 用于高放废液的提铯离子筛的制备与研究

    Preparation and study of cesium ion-sieve for the ~ ( 137 ) Cs removal from HLLW

  4. 她们在澡盆里放满从厨房提来的热水,洒了香油。

    They filled her bath with hot water brought up from the kitchen and scented it with fragrant oils .

  5. 晚上,我整理好自己的提箱,把10先令放进辟果提给我的小钱包里。

    In the evening I packed my case , and put the ten shillings in the little purse Peggotty had once given me .

  6. 腹侧肌的双侧协同活动大于背侧肌,并且侧放时大于侧提,无和轻负重大于重负重。

    The co - activation ratios of bilateral ventral muscles were greater than that of bilateral dorsal muscles , of lowering compared with lifting , and of no - load or low - load compared with heavy load conditions .