
  • 网络Stocking density
  1. 方差分析的结果表明,蟹种的个体生长率随放养密度的递增而下降,组间差异极为显著(P<0.01),性早熟比例与密度递增组间差异不明显;

    Results of variance analysis showed the individual growth rate of crab decreased with the increase of stocking density and the difference was quite significant ( P < 0.01 ) . Ratio of pre maturation was not obviously related with stocking density .

  2. 对虾池的放养密度对浮游生物群落的影响

    The impact of stocking density on plankton community in shrimp pond

  3. 投饵和放养密度对沉积物硝化、反硝化和氨化速率都有显著影响(p0.05)。

    The density of sea cucumber and feed model had signification effects on nitrification , denitrification and nitrate reduction rates of sediment .

  4. 在350、400、450、500尾/m2的放养密度下,研究了小网箱养鲤效果。

    The effectiveness of carp cultured under various densities ( 350,400,450,500 fish / m 2 ) in small cages were studied .

  5. 在实验室条件下测定了温度、溶氧、放养密度胁迫对河蚬溶菌酶(LSZ)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响。

    Under laboratory condition , We determine the Lysozyme ( LSZ ) and Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity in different stress of temperature , dissolved oxygen and density .

  6. 不同放养密度对泥螺生长的影响

    Effects of Different Stocking Densities on the Growth of Bullacta exarata

  7. 大瓶螺多级轮养放养密度的研究

    Studies on Selecting Suitable Farming Density for Ampullaria gigas

  8. 不同放养密度和投饵次数条件下对鲤鱼苗生长影响的研究

    The Influence of the Different Stocking Density and Feeding Times in the Growth of Carp Larvae

  9. 养殖过程中的病害防治、饲料配方及放养密度,有待进一步研究。

    The problems such as the diseases prevention , diet formulation and stocking density are waiting to study .

  10. 罗氏沼虾池塘养殖高产试验豫北低池盐碱地池塘放养密度与鱼产量之间关系初探

    Relation Between the Farming Density and the Yield of Fish in Ponds in Low-lying Saline-Alkali Soil in Northern Henan

  11. 对影响存活率的因素以及放养密度、苗种选择进行了探讨。

    Factors affected the survival rate and the stock density as well as the choosing of the juvenile was discussed .

  12. 高位池最适放养密度为210~255万尾/hm2。

    The optimal stocking density was 210 ~ 255 thousand shrimps / hm ~ 2 in Pacific white shrimp culture .

  13. 不同放养密度和混养石莼对牙鲆鱼种生长的影响

    Influence of stocking density and polyculture with ( ulva pertusavar ) on growth of Japanese flounder ( paralichthys olivaceus ) juveniles

  14. 养殖结果显示:在适当的条件下,提高放养密度可以增加单位面积的产量和产值。

    It showed that raising culture density could increase the output and output value of unit area under the suitable conditions .

  15. 本文报道罗非鱼不同放养密度对淡水微型生态系统结构与功能影响的部分研究结果。

    In this paper , the effect of varying densities of Nile tilapia , Oreochromis niloticus , on structure and function of freshwater microcosms is studied .

  16. 结果表明:鱼种阶段大黄鱼生长速度呈指数增长,这与放养密度减低有关;

    The result indicated that at fingerling stage , the growth speed of P. crocea could exponentially increase , relating to the reduction of culture density ;

  17. 当前,中国精养池塘养殖产量和效益的提高主要是通过大幅度提高放养密度和增加商品饲料的投入量来实现的。

    However , the increase of pond fish production and improvement of economic return are mainly achieved through increase of stocking density and feeding amout of commercial feeds .

  18. 建立了自来水厂取水口附近的人工生态系统水质模型、研究在水面面积,水生植物放养密度、取水量等改变条件下,取水口处水质的变化特征。

    The water quality model in an artificial ecosystem near the water intake region of a water plant was developed and the character of water quality variation with surfacer area 、 macrophyte density and water intake rate of the system were studied .

  19. 在生产中,放养密度对鱼类个体增重倍数和群体产量有着直接影响,本文通过试验和生产实践,总结了豫北低洼盐碱地池塘鲢鱼的合理放养密度。

    Farming density has direct influence over the weight increase of individual fish and the colony yield . On the basis of practical production and experiments this paper sums up the rational farming dencity of silver carp fish in ponds in low-lying saline - alkali soil in Northern Henan Province .

  20. 首先,分析了室内封闭育珠体系中放养方式、养殖密度和循环水质指标,确定了该体系的最佳育珠条件。

    Firstly , we analyzed culture way , culture density and water quality in indoor recirculating aquaculture system , and determined the optimum conditions for culturing pearl .