
  • 网络radiation oncology;ASTRO
  1. 这种变化的步伐之快在本周举行的美国放射肿瘤学学会(ASTRO)年会上则表现得最为突出。

    Nowhere was the rapid pace of change more evident than at the recent American Society for Radiation Oncology ( ASTRO ) meeting .

  2. 加州大学欧文分校放射肿瘤学教授CharlesLimoli说:“我们的研究发现为干细胞可以逆转放射导致的大脑健康组织损伤认识方面提供了有力的证据。”

    Our findings provide solid evidence that such cells can be used to reverse radiation-induced damage of healthy tissue in the brain ," said Charles Limoli , a UCI radiation oncology professor . "

  3. 结论胶体32P肿瘤间质内注射对胰腺癌是一种介入放射肿瘤学有效的治疗方法,最佳剂量范围应在185~37MBq/cm3之间,临床实验正在逐步进行中。

    Conclusion Intratumoral injection with colloidal 32 P is effective in treatment of pancreatic cancer , and the recommended dose is 18 5 ~ 37MBq / cm 3 .

  4. 背景与目的:18F-2脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)正电子发射计算机断层显像(PET)在判断恶性肿瘤治疗后病灶残留上的应用是放射肿瘤学目前研究的热点之一。

    Background and Objective : The use of F 18 fluoro 2 deoxy d glucose positron emission tomography ( FDG PET ) in detection of suspected residue of malignant tumor after treatment has become one of the most important targets of study in radiotherapy .

  5. 研究的第一作者是罗彻斯特的一名放射肿瘤学住院医师MicheleCorsini博士,他在2007年1月20日星期六的胃肠癌专题讨论会上提出了这个发现。

    The study 's lead author , a radiation oncology resident in Rochester , Michele Corsini , M.D. , presented the findings Saturday , Jan.20 , at the2007 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium .

  6. 放射肿瘤学目前已经进入到精确放射治疗时代。

    Radiation oncology community has entered a new era of precise radiotherapy .

  7. 《中华放射肿瘤学杂志》2001&2004年引文分析

    Citation analysis of the Chinese Journal of Radiation Ocology from 2001 to 2004

  8. 中华放射肿瘤学杂志

    Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology radionuclide studies in oncology

  9. 本科生放射肿瘤学教学浅谈

    Superficial Experience of Radiation Oncology Teaching for the Undergraduate

  10. 摘要目的探讨医学影像专业放射肿瘤学的教学改革。

    Objective to explore the teaching reform of radio-oncology of medical science image .

  11. 放射肿瘤学的新进展

    New Advances in Radiation Oncology

  12. 影像技术在放射肿瘤学中的应用

    Current imaging in radiation oncology

  13. 放射肿瘤学进展

    Developing on Radiation Oncology

  14. 目的:研究建立放射肿瘤学数据库,促进肿瘤放射治疗资源共享;

    Purpose : To study the feasibility of establishing radiation oncology database for promoting the radiation oncology data resources sharing ;

  15. 材料和方法:放射肿瘤学数据库的数据来源包括放射肿瘤学专著;

    Materials and Methods : The data sources of radiation oncology database are radiation oncology monographs and websites of authoritative medical organizations .

  16. 其中最高的是放射肿瘤学组,其次是介入放射学组和临床核医学组,最低是放射诊断学组。

    The highest of which is the radiation oncology group , followed by interventional radiology and nuclear medicine clinical group , the lowest group is Diagnostic Radiology .

  17. 放射学以及介入放射学、临床核医学、放射肿瘤学等电离辐射的医学应用分支学科,已成为现代医学不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Medical applications for ionizing radiation , such as radiology , intervention radiology , clinical nuclear medicine and radiation oncology , are an important part of modern medicine .

  18. 高危前列腺癌的男性患者中获益最大,研究者说之前,美国社会,从放射肿瘤学会议下周在圣地牙哥。

    Men with high-risk prostate cancer benefited the most , the researchers said ahead of an American Society for Radiation Oncology meeting , which starts next week in San Diego .

  19. 在周日举行的美国放射肿瘤学学会年会开幕式上,许多演讲者认真思考了他们的职业在利用新技术测试其有效性时面临的挑战。

    In the ASTRO show 's opening session on Sunday , a series of speakers looked hard at the challenges their profession faces in utilizing innovative technologies while testing their efficacy .

  20. 自上世纪60年代以来,中国医学物理学有了很大的进展,推动了中国现代放射肿瘤学、核医学和医学影像学的发展;

    Since the 1960s medical physics in China has achieved rapid development that has greatly promoted the progress of the modern medical sciences of radiation oncology , nuclear medicine , and medical imaging in the country .

  21. 在基因水平阐明辐射生物学效应的机理,是放射生物学、肿瘤学、预防医学与辐射防护学研究的重点。

    To illuminate the molecular mechanism of radiation carcinogenesis is the key point of oncology , radiation biology and preventive medicine .

  22. 肿瘤乏氧细胞的放射抗拒性问题一直是放射肿瘤学和放射生物学研究的重点之一。

    Radiation resistance of hypoxic tumor cells is one of the key points in radiation oncology and biology .

  23. 进入新世纪以来,随着放射物理学、放射生物学、临床肿瘤学和医学影像学等相关学科的发展,放射治疗技术领域发生了巨大变革。

    In the new century , with the development of radiation physics , radiation biology , clinical oncology , medical imaging and other related disciplines , radiation therapy technology has undergone tremendous changed .

  24. 影像引导放射治疗(IGRT)是近年来放射肿瘤学领域最先进的治疗技术。

    Image - guided radiotherapy ( IGRT ) system has been the most advanced treatment technique in radiation oncology in recent years .

  25. 因此,探寻增加肿瘤放射敏感性和放射效应的措施成为放射肿瘤学一个非常重要的课题。

    Therefore , it has become an important issue in radiation oncology to seek for measures to decrease local radiation dose and increase anti-tumor effect .

  26. 从经典的三维适形放射治疗技术发展到现在的调强放射治疗技术(intensity-modulatedradiotherapy,IMRT),是放射肿瘤学史上的一次重大变革。

    It is a historic advancement for tumor treatment that the classical three-dimensional ( 3D ) conformal radiotherapy ( 3DCRT ) evolved into the intensity-modulated radiotherapy ( IMRT ) .