
  1. 超细加工电路比传统放电加工机之细加工约快20%。

    Extra fine machining circuit provides 20 % faster cycletime than that on a conventional EDM .

  2. 台湾「NUMERIKON精电牌」放电加工机、CNC放电加工机和慢走丝线切割机床;

    Taiwan 's " NUMERIKON " fuzzy logic electric discharge machine , CNC electric discharge machine and EDM wire-cut machine ;

  3. 台湾「BATAR百得牌」铣床、加工中心、平面磨床、放电加工机、CNC放电加工机、车床和慢走丝线切割机床;

    Taiwan 's " BATAR " machining center , milling machine , surface grinder , lathe and electric discharge machine , CNC electric discharge and EDM wire-cut machine ;

  4. Depo系列放电堆焊加工机的应用

    The Application of Depo Series Discharging Welding Machine

  5. 论叙了Depo放电堆焊加工机对模具分型线部位进行堆焊修复的优点。

    The advantages for Depo discharging welding machine to renovate die parting line are stated .

  6. 介绍了Depo放电堆焊加工机的特点和应用实例,对比了其它堆焊方法。

    The character and applied instance of Depo discharging welding machine is introduced , and compared with other welding methods .