
  • 网络Mobile phone spare parts;Mobile phone parts
  1. 面向大规模定制的S公司手机零件供应链管理优化案例研究

    A Case Study of Optimization of Supply Chain Management in Mass Customization of S Cellphone Component Company

  2. 苹果公司还展示了他们的回收机器人——李阿姆,这个机器人可以把苹果手机零件剥离,并回收利用。

    The firm also showed off a recycling robot called Liam which can strip down old iPhones into their components for reuse .

  3. 之前的报道称,在中国苹果公司只为客户维修有损坏或有其他问题的手机零件,而在其他国家却对其提供更换手机服务。

    The initial report claimed Apple repaired only broken or otherwise faulty parts within its products for customers in China , versus providing new replacements in other countries .

  4. 翻盖手机的塑料零件日趋复杂,其中前盖的结构不但复杂,而且精度要求也高,导致模具设计制造的困难。

    The plastic parts of double-cover cellphone become complex day by day , front cover structure not only complex , moreover the precision request is also high , which causes the difficulty in mould design and manufacture .

  5. 示威者举起手机,用电脑零件扔政府大楼。

    Demonstrators held up mobile phones and threw computer parts at government buildings .

  6. 手机制品中有些零件用到镁合金或者铝合金成型,因为镁铝合金材料具有高强度、高硬度,是一般的塑胶材料所不能达到的。

    Some parts in mobile phone products need magnesium alloy or aluminum alloy to mold , because it has high strength and high hardness . The general plastic materials can not achieve it .

  7. 手机振子、手机零件、笔记本零件;

    Oscillator phone , cell phone parts and notebook parts ;