
  • 网络Mobile Maps
  1. 谷歌地图、谷歌手机地图、谷歌手机搜索、谷歌翻译在2009年成为中国使用率第一的相关软件。

    Google Maps , Google Mobile Maps , Google mobile search , Google translation in2009 became the first usage of the related software .

  2. 最后,本文在对手机地图服务深入调研的基础上,基于Android平台设计和开发了手机地图服务系统,该系统包含系地图浏览、地点搜索、自我定位等功能。

    Finally , on the basis of deeply research on the mobile map service , based on Android platform , I design and development a mobile maps service system . The system includes browse city map , place search , self-localization and other functions .

  3. Java手机地图服务的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Map Service on Java Mobile Phone

  4. J2ME手机地图加载及显示的研究

    Research on loading and displaying maps on Java mobile phone

  5. 其中,手机地图服务业务作为LBS的重要组成部分,得到爆炸性发展。

    Especially , as an important part of LBS , mobile map service has obtained explosive growth .

  6. 同时还阐述了手机地图查询的原理,手机客户端同后台服务器传输电子地图信息的网络通信过程,以及基于J2ME的手机客户端应用程序界面的实现。

    Theory of map inquiry and communicating process between client of handset and background server are described . The graphical user interface of this system is realized based on J2ME .

  7. 知情人士表示,今年早些时候,三星参与了以色列手机地图服务公司WazeLtd.的收购竞价。

    Earlier this year , Samsung was among the bidders for Israeli mobile-mapping service Waze Ltd. , according to people familiar with the matter .

  8. 解析了Activity的生命周期,从应用程序的启动到结束分析了整个程序的运行流程,详细的解析了Android环境的搭建以及手机地图服务的实现原理。

    Resolve Activity life cycle , from the start of the application to the end of the running processes of the entire program , detailed analysis of the structures of the Android environment as well as the realization of the principle of the mobile phone map service .

  9. 在对手机地图服务的两种方案(WAP和J2ME)进行比较的基础上,设计并实现了基于J2ME技术和地图服务技术的Java手机地图服务系统,并对其中的关键技术进行了介绍。

    A java mobile map service system based on J2ME technology and map service technology is designed and implemented after the comparison of the two implementation methods of mobile map service : WAP and J2ME . Key technologies of the system implementation are discussed .

  10. 本文所实现的手机地图服务是基于Android平台开发的,采用GoogleAndroidSDK、Eclipse、ADT等开发包和开发工具并结合Google具有影响力的网络服务GoogleMaps来实现手机地图应用。

    The handset map service is based on the Android platform in this article , and the use of Google Android SDK , Eclipse , ADT and other development tools combined with Google influential network services , such as Web Map Google Maps to achieve mobile map applications .

  11. 在这个由百度和新对手高德地图(Amap,阿里巴巴两年前从高德软件(AutoNavi)手中收购)主导的领域,腾讯在争夺智能手机地图用户上面临着一场硬仗。

    Tencent faces an uphill battle for smartphone map users in a sector dominated by Baidu and Alibaba 's recent entrant Amap , which it acquired two years ago from AutoNavi .

  12. 其中,手机地图业务,是一项非常新兴且有很广阔的市场和重要应用价值的业务。

    With the coming age of3G time , more and more service and applications come out , one of which is hand map service .

  13. 按照层次化和模块化的思路,提出了多方位置共享系统的系统架构和主要功能模块的设计方案,实现了具有多方位置共享功能的手机地图位置应用系统。

    In accordance with the modules and hierarchical thinking , the topic proposes the system architecture and design scheme of main modules , and implements the system with multi-location sharing .

  14. 此界面借用了用户现实生活中使用放大镜观察阅读的生活经验,并将其映射到智能手机地图应用的使用行为上去。

    This interface uses the user in real life experience that use a magnifying glass to observe and read , and mapped into the smart phone map application use behaviors .

  15. 这是“智能手机地图僵尸”的时代——人们偶尔从电子导航上抬头看一眼,以防踩到什么东西或被车撞。

    This is the era of the " smartphone map zombie " - people who only take occasional glances away from an electronic routefinder to avoid stepping in anything or being hit by a car .

  16. 其次研究了实时手机地图的个性化处理方案,提出了基于用户操作的个性化处理和基于用户对地图内容检索的个性化处理方法,使其能应用到实时地图个性化生成中。

    In the second study of real-time cell phone map personalized treatment options proposed personalization based on user operation on the map processing and user-based content retrieval , personalized approach so that it can be applied to real-time generation of personalized maps .

  17. 经过系统测试,本文设计的手机地图服务系统,响应速度快、加载时间短、定位精确,能够满足大部分用户的基本需求,具有一定的实践应用价值。

    After the system test , the paper presents the design of mobile map service system , fast response , loading time is short , positioning precision , and can satisfy the basic needs of most users and has certain practical application value .

  18. 基于Android平台的手机Web地图服务设计

    Mobile Web Map Service Design Based on Android

  19. 基于MMS的手机导航地图应用研究

    The research of mobile navigation map based on MMS Technology

  20. 在苹果公司发布导航系统3个月后,谷歌发布了一款iPhone手机的地图应用。

    Google today released a map app for iPhones nearly three months after Apple put in its own built-in navigation system on its new devices .

  21. 面向智能手机导航地图系统的设计和实现

    Holistic Design for the Navigating Map System Based on Smart Phone and Its Rudimentary Realization

  22. 设计出面向智能手机导航地图系统的数据库总体框架,并为客户端的一些主要功能的实现提供了设计方案和实现方案;

    Afterward , it designs holistic database frame for the navigating map system based on smart phone and schemes of some important functions for client terminal .

  23. 一位公司的发言人表示,百度已在日本、泰国、韩国和新加坡发布了台式电脑版和手机版地图服务,希望借此吸引中国游客放弃使用谷歌地图服务。

    A spokesperson for the company said it had launched the desktop and mobile mapping service in Japan , Thailand , South Korea and Singapore , in the hope of luring Chinese travelers away from using Google Inc 's mapping function .

  24. 本文采用J2MECanvas用户界面设计技术和J2MEMIDP的网络传输技术,进行手机GIS电子地图的绘制。

    In this paper , the GIS electronic map is drawn in mobile phone based on the technology of the user interface design of J2ME Canvas and the network transmission in J2ME MIDP .

  25. 然而,机会不仅仅存在于在手机上安装地图。

    The opportunity , though , goes beyond mere maps on phones .

  26. 安卓系统手机的谷歌地图应用有了新改进。

    Google maps from mobile on Android has a few new good ease .

  27. 导航鞋利用蓝牙链接手机中的地图导航系统。

    The shoes use a Bluetooth link to communicate with your mobile 's mapping system .

  28. 苹果公司(Apple)在自主开发地图软件的过程中,专门针对中国打造了一套用于新版手机操作系统的地图。

    Apple 's efforts to create its own mapping software has led to a different set of maps for its new mobile operating system built specifically for China .

  29. 这款4G手机可以安装谷歌地图、脸书、推特等多款应用程序。

    The 8110 comes with 4G , and a handful of apps including Google Maps , Facebook and Twitter .

  30. 因为苹果公司出售的每一步手机都包含谷歌地图,YouTube,和默认的谷歌搜索引擎。

    Because every phone Apple sells includes Google maps , and Youtube , and the Iphone 's default search engine is Google .