
  • 网络Munich air disaster;Crash
  1. 曼联球迷喜欢的比较是邓肯。爱德华兹,他在慕尼黑空难之前也展现了伟大的天赋。

    The comparison United 's supporters prefer is with Duncan Edwards , a pure thoroughbred who would glide upfield with colossal intent before the Munich air disaster claimed his life .

  2. 曼联经理弗格森爵士欢送曼城官员将于周二凭吊1958慕尼黑空难留念碑的决议。

    Sir Alex Ferguson , the Manchester United manager , has welcomed the news that Manchester City officials are to lay a wreath at the memorial to the1958 Munich air disaster on Tuesday .

  3. 例如,在慕尼黑空难前曼联打的最后一场比赛是在1958年2月1日,当时他们在伦敦击败了阿森纳(Arsenal)。

    For instance , the last game that Manchester United played - on February 1 1958 - before the Munich air tragedy was in London where they beat Arsenal .

  4. 声音1:慕尼黑空难有英雄出现。

    Voice 1 : The Munich air crash had its heroes .

  5. 声音2:博比·查尔顿爵士在慕尼黑空难中幸免于难。

    Voice 2 : Sir Bobby Charlton survived the Munich air crash .

  6. 他不得不在慕尼黑空难后重建球队。

    He had to rebuild the team after Munich .

  7. 我们从不把自己的水准降低到和那些嘲弄慕尼黑空难的家伙一样。

    We do not lower ourselves to the levels of those that mock Munich .

  8. 这场展览与慕尼黑空难有关。

    It is about the Munich Air Crash .

  9. 边锋司侃龙在1958年的慕尼黑空难中幸免于难,并在接下来的赛季中卫曼联打满了所有42场联赛。

    Outside forward Scanlon survived the Munich disaster in1958 and went on to feature in all42 league games for the Reds the following season .

  10. 作为回应,皮涅拉先生认为曼联从慕尼黑空难的废墟中重新站起来成为欧洲顶级球队也是非常伟大的。

    In response , Mr Pi ñ era drew parallels with United 's history and the determination shown after the Munich tragedy in rising again to become Britain 's first European champions .

  11. 声音3:“当时我大约十二岁,正在放学回家的路上。我遇见了下班回家的祖父。他在哭泣。那时我还没有听到任何关于慕尼黑空难的消息。而当我得知这件事时,我也深感震惊和悲伤。”

    Voice 3 : " I was about twelve at the time and coming home from school . I met my grandfather coming home from work . He was crying . I had not heard anything about the crash in Munich . When I did , I was also deeply shocked and sad . "