
  • 网络St. Mark;San marco;Saint-Marc;Saint Marc;Saint Mark's
  1. 大客船-刚刚走出圣马克广场就看见了这个巨大的渡轮。

    A great ferry just out of San Marco Piazza . Later I realized that there are ferries much bigger than this one .

  2. 尤其是当城市中的6万居民日复一日的品尝着美味的食物,徘徊在一流的博物馆,逗留在圣马克广场喝咖啡、吃冰淇淋。

    That 's when the city 's 60000 full-time residents go about their daily routine of eating delicious regional cuisine , wandering through world-class museums and hanging out in the Piazza San Marco sipping cappuccino and eating gelato .

  3. 就在圣马克广场那边,一艘游轮经过,每年都有数百艘这样的游轮出现在这些中世纪建筑的周围。

    Just beyond St. Mark 's Square , a cruise ship passes , one of hundreds every year that appear over their medieval surroundings .

  4. 各店铺不得不往窗户上放标牌,指明圣马克广场(StMark’sSquare)或里亚尔托桥所在的方向,以免人们纷纷跑进来问路。

    Stores have taken to putting signs on the windows showing the direction to St. Mark 's Square or Ponte di Rialto , so people will stop coming in to ask them where to go .

  5. 自豪的威廉王子和凯特王妃目睹了他们的王室宝宝们穿着可爱的Pepa和Co.的衣服,准备在Englefield的圣马克教堂的过道上走过。

    Proud parents Prince William and Princess Kate watched as their royal toddlers , who were dressed in adorable outfits by Pepa and Co. , prepared to make their way down the aisle at St. Mark 's Church in Englefield .

  6. 在威尼斯,圣马克钟楼并非是惟一的濒危文化遗产。

    The tower is not the only architectural treasure in Venice under threat .

  7. 莫扎特于1791年逝世,当时他被埋在维也纳圣马克墓地的一个贫民坟墓里。

    Mozart died in1791 and was buried in a pauper 's grave at Vienna 's St.

  8. 周三,意大利威尼斯部分地区遭遇洪水,其中包括著名的圣马克广场。

    And parts of Venice , Italy , including the famous St. Mark 's Square were flooded Wednesday .

  9. 它们填满它,家伙便宜面具,只不过离开圣马克广场的照片。

    They fill it , guy a cheap mask and leave with nothing but photographs of St Mark 's Square .

  10. 当地人和这些艺术爱好者,已经结成了某种抗衡前进在圣马克广场上的人潮的联盟。

    The locals and the art enthusiasts have developed a sort of alliance against the crowds who march on St. Mark 's.

  11. 他们的月亮酒店位于威尼斯的中心地带,距离圣马克广场只有几步路的距离。

    The family 's Luna Hotel is at the heart of Venice , a stone 's throw away from St. Mark 's Square .

  12. 人们在圣马克广场以及沿着著名的里亚尔托桥建造了临时的木制走道,帮助人们在城市里穿行。

    Makeshift wooden walkways were erected in St Mark 's square and alongside the famous Rialto bridge to help people navigate their way around the city .

  13. 一群人坐在圣马克广场的一家咖啡馆里,他们完全是泡在水里,水漫到腰部;而另一对大胆的夫妇决定快快游个泳。

    One group soaked up their surroundings as they sat submerged up to their waists at a caf in St Marks Square while another daring couple decided to go for a quick swim .

  14. 那些迷人的时光一直延续到凌晨,游客们起床之前,圣马克广场上空荡荡的,只有一些鸽子和赶着去上班的早起者。

    Those enchanting hours stretched into the early morning , before the tourists stirred , when St. Mark 's Square itself was empty except for the pigeons and the early risers headed to work .

  15. 拍照片的时候凯特王妃抱着她,一家人抵达了位于恩格尔菲尔德的圣马克教堂,走进教堂时,乔治王子牵着爸爸的手。

    She was pictured in the arms of the Duchess when the royal party arrived at St Mark 's Church in Englefield , with older brother Prince George holding the Duke 's hand as they walked in .