
  1. 巴西《圣保罗页报》(FolhadeS.Paulo)日前报道称,距离开赛不到一个月之际,大多数预期完成的项目还没有交工。

    Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo reported recently that less than one month before kick-off , the majority of the intended projects were unfinished .

  2. 《圣保罗页报》(FolhadeSaoPaulo)举行的民意调查显示,对于世界杯的支持人数已从2008年的79%跌至如今的4%。

    Polls taken by the Folha de Sao Paulo show thatsupport for the World Cup has fallen from 79 % in 2008 to 48 % today .

  3. 巴西《圣保罗页报》援引国际奥委会与当地主办方的话称,避孕套发放数量的增加与寨卡病毒毫无关系。

    Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo , citing the IOC and local organizers , said the increase was not related to the Zika virus .