
  • 网络ground calligraphy
  1. 我厌恶地把书扔到一边。

    I threw the book aside in disgust .

  2. 她生气地把书都撕破了。

    She tore the book angrily .

  3. 这反映出冯梦龙由衷地同情书中的这些主要人物

    This reflects that Feng Menglong heartily sympathized with these protagonists .

  4. 我尽可能快地把书带过来。

    I brought the book with me as soon as possible .

  5. 米勒德很负责地把书中的选项都浏览了一遍。

    Ms. Millard dutifully runs through the options in the book .

  6. 图书管理员准确地把书放回原处。

    The librarian replaced the books correctly on the shelves .

  7. 地将书放回到书架原处。

    She carefully returned the book to its place on the shelf .

  8. 后来想起我在,他便偷偷地把书丢在椅子下。

    Remembering my presence , he furtively dropped it under his chair .

  9. 他很痛快地把书借给了我。

    He lent me the book with a good grace .

  10. 他仔细地把书摆在书架上。

    He carefully arranged all his books on the bookshelf .

  11. 约翰极度从容地把书放进公文包。

    John , with great deliberation , put his books into his briefcase .

  12. 她越来越深地躲进书中去了。

    More and more she retreated into books .

  13. 他从第一页读起,不折不扣地按照书中建议的训练方法去做。

    He started at page one and carried out its recommendations to the letter .

  14. 他们还继续大胆无畏地做书呆子。

    Yet they boldly continue to be nerds .

  15. 他不假思索地将书扔了。

    He threw away the book without thought .

  16. 凯特迫不及待地打开书开始读了起来。

    Kate to open the book and began .

  17. 辩证唯物地研究书次号&再与蒋鸿标先生商榷

    Research the Book Numbers by Dialectical Materialism

  18. 终有一天,你将对着镜子,自豪地接纳书呆子这个绰号。

    One day you 'll look in the mirror and proudly embrace the term nerd .

  19. 他翻了几页,嗤之以鼻地把书还给我。

    He skimmed through a couple of pages , snickered , handed the book back .

  20. 他微笑着说:他肯定会安全地把书和钱都送到的。

    He 'll be sure to deliver everything safely , ' he said with a smile .

  21. 我慢慢地把书,家具和地板都当作燃料烧掉。

    As fuel , I 'm slowly burning the books , the furniture , the floorboards .

  22. 在印度尼西亚西苏门答腊岛巴东一个学校刚刚开放的图书馆里,孩子们如饥似渴地看着书上的图片和文字。

    Children devour words and pictures in a newly opened library at a school in Padang in Western Sumatra .

  23. 有其它什么给此个体的建议,让他更好地准备书的这一章?

    Is there any other advice which may be given to this entity at this time in the preparation of these chapters ?

  24. 温弗瑞在曾说过:我记得以前读这本书,然后去学校上课就一个劲不停地讨论书中的故事。

    Winfrey quotes , I remember reading this book and then going to class and not being able to shut up about it .

  25. 他失望地推开书,可使他惊奇的是他找的钥匙就在书下面。

    He thrust all the books disappointedly away , but to his surprise , the key he was looking for was under the books .

  26. 老师要求学生们机械地背诵书上的知识,但是从来不鼓励学生质疑、提出挑战或者不同见解。

    Students are required to mechanically remember what is written in the books , but receive no encouragement to question , challenge , and disagree .

  27. 奇怪地,书的结局常常和我预期的恰好相同,在绕了一大圈之后路线又会回到这里总结。

    Oddly enough , books often end just as I expected them to , after taking a very round about path to reach the conclusion .

  28. 当我从座位上跳起来,粗暴地把书塞进书包里的时候,我亢奋的表情铁定向杰西卡出卖了我。

    As I jumped up out of my seat , shoving my books roughly in my bag , my uplifted expression must have tipped Jessica off .

  29. 读者有两种:其一会仔细通读一本书,其二则同样仔细地让书通过他。

    Readers are of two sorts : one who carefully go through a book , and the other who as carefully let the book go through him .

  30. 在有些同学的房间里,摆放着好几个大书橱,里面全是书,他们经常静静地在书海里遨游。

    In some students room , decorated with several a large bookcase , which are all books , they often travel into the sea in the book quietly .