
  1. 与C型塑料排水板相比,软式透水管作为竖向排水体可加快地基固结压缩,提高地基深层加固效果。

    Comparing with C type of plastic drainage board , the flexible permeable hose can speed the consolidation and compression of the foundation and raise the deep reinforcing effect .

  2. 基于Biot理论的沙井地基固结沉降分析

    Consolidation Settlement of Sand Drain Subgrade Based on Biot Theory

  3. 此外,结合工程实例,研究了Merchant模型各参数对循环荷载下黏弹性地基固结的影响。

    In addition , according to numerical examples , the influence of parameters of Merchant model on the consolidation was investigated .

  4. 利用空腔固结解析解建立透水元件分别位于探头不同部位的孔压静力触探和BAT系统测取地基固结系数的解析解模型。

    Analytical models for different CPTU or BAT-systems were gained , and the testing principle and procedures of IFCO BAT-system for consolidation coefficient were described .

  5. 在编制并验证Biot固结有限元(FEM)程序的基础上,对单桩复合地基固结进行了有限元分析,并比较了强排水桩复合地基和弱排水桩复合地基的固结性状。

    The programming and validating FEM code of Biot 's consolidation theory were used for FEM analysis of the consolidation of composite ground with single pile , and the consolidation behavior of composite ground with strong drainage pile was compared with the one with weak drainage pile .

  6. 基于双层地基固结理论,推导了CFG桩复合地基加固区、下卧层孔压分布公式,获得了单级匀速加载情况下,复合地基平均固结度、加固区固结度和下卧层固结度。

    Based on consolidation theory of two - layers foundation , formula for excess pore water pressure in reinforced area and substratum of CFG-pile composite foundation is deprived . And get the whole mean consolidation degree , consolidation degree of reinforced area and substratum under load exerted equally and once .

  7. 在Rosenbluth两点概率估计方法的基础上,进一步研究了更为精确的多点概率估计法在竖井地基固结概率分析中的应用。

    Based on Rosenbluth 's 2-point estimate method , further research is done on the application of multi-point estimate method , which is more accurate in the probablity analysis of the vertical drain ground consolidation .

  8. 砂井地基固结分析半解析方法的改进

    Improvement of Semi-analytic Method for Consolidation of Foundation with Sand Drains

  9. 软土地基固结与沉降概率分析

    Probabilistic Analysis of Consolidation and Settlement in a Soft Foundation Site

  10. 复杂条件下复合地基固结解析理论研究

    Analytical Study on Consolidation Theory of Composite Ground under Complicated Conditions

  11. 软土地基固结系数确定方法探讨

    Probe into fixing methods of soft soil basement fixed knot parameters

  12. 筒桩复合地基固结性状三维有限元分析

    3D FEM Analysis of Consolidation Behavior of Tubular Pile Composite Foundation

  13. 散体材料桩复合地基固结理论研究

    Study on the Consolidation Theory of Composite Ground with Granular Columns

  14. 塑料排水板加固地基固结沉降特性研究

    Research on ground consolidation and settlement features in plastic drainage plate

  15. 软土地基固结有限元法分析

    Consolidation Analysis of Soft Clay Ground by Finite Element Method

  16. 堆载及真空预压砂井地基固结解析理论

    Consolidation Theory on Heaped Load & Vacuum Preloading of Sand Drain Foundation

  17. 碎石桩加固双层地基固结简化分析

    Simplified analysis of consolidation of double-layered ground reinforced by gravel-piles

  18. 附加应力沿深度变化的砂井地基固结分析

    Analysis of sand drain ground consolidation considering additional stress distribution

  19. 未打穿竖向排水井地基固结理论

    Consolidation theory for soft soil with partially penetrated vertical drains

  20. 用蒙特卡罗模拟法分析了双层地基固结的可靠性。

    The reliability of consolidation of double-layered soil is analyzed by Monte-Carlo method .

  21. 成层竖向排水井地基固结分析

    Analysis of consolidation of layered ground with vertical drain

  22. 刚性基础下水泥土桩复合地基固结分析

    Consolidation analysis of cement-pile composite foundation under rigid foundation

  23. 高速公路砂井地基固结度时空变化规律探讨

    The space-time analysis for the consolidation degree of the highway sand well roadbed

  24. 地基固结过程中滤垫的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of geotextile during consolidation of subsoil

  25. 考虑涂抹作用的未打穿砂井地基固结理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of partially penetrated sand drains foundation in consideration of smear effect

  26. 水泥搅拌桩复合地基固结沉降变形分析

    On Settlement from Consolidation of Cement-mixed Pile Composite Foundation

  27. 由实测沉降数据反演地基固结参数的适用计算方法

    A method to calculate the consolidation parameters by available settlement data of foundation

  28. 不同排水板滤膜在地基固结中的对比研究

    Study on Contrasting to Plastic Drainage Board of Different Size in Foundation Consolidation

  29. 成层地基固结性状中不同定义平均固结度研究分析

    Comparable Analysis of Different Definitions of Average Degree of Consolidation of Layered Soils

  30. 等应变条件下的砂井地基固结解析理论

    Consolidation Theories for Drain Wells under Equal Strain Condition