
  • 网络drainage pit
  1. 本文基于Merchant模型分别推导了自由应变条件和等应变条件下打穿软粘土层的竖向排水井地基粘弹性固结问题解析解,同时考虑了井阻和涂抹作用的影响。

    The rigorous solutions are derived for the consolidation problems of soils with drain wells through soft clay layer by use of the Merchant model under both free strain and equal strain conditions and in consideration of the effects of both well resistance and smear action .

  2. 变荷载下竖向排水井地基粘弹性固结沉降解析解

    Analytical solutions for viscoelastic consolidation by vertical drains under time-dependent loading

  3. 塑料插板排水井软基加固机理研究

    Study on Consolidation of Soft Ground by Drainage Well of Plastic Slabs

  4. 矿山排水井水力设计中的若干问题的讨论

    On Some Problems of Hydrodynamic Design for Mine Unwatering Well

  5. 竖向排水井地基工后沉降预测

    Estimation of post construction settlement of ground with vertical drains

  6. 未打穿竖向排水井地基固结理论

    Consolidation theory for soft soil with partially penetrated vertical drains

  7. 成层竖向排水井地基固结分析

    Analysis of consolidation of layered ground with vertical drain

  8. 对于排水井列,采用了杆单元模型。

    The drainge with the model of shank element .

  9. 竖向排水井地基粘弹性固结解析理论

    Viscoelastic consolidation theories of soils with vertical drain wells

  10. 半透水边界的竖向排水井地基粘弹性固结分析

    Analysis on viscoelastic consolidation of soil foundations by vertical drain wells considering semi-permeable boundary

  11. 抗液化排水井(桩)间距确定方法的研究

    Research on calculating method about the spacing of drainage wells ( or piles ) against sandy soil liquefaction

  12. 根据所得解编制了计算程序,分析了未打穿竖向排水井地基的固结性状。

    Corresponding computer program was developed and the consolidation behavior of soft soil with partially penetrated vertical drains was investigated .

  13. 该方法主要包括根据观测的等地下水位线反求水文地质参数的反演试验方法和正演电网络模型中薄断层和排水井列的模拟方法等。

    It mainly involves the inverse test method for determining the hydrogeological parameters according to the observed ground-water contour in situ , the way of simulating the thin faults and drainage well in the forecast model etc.

  14. 通过实测沉降资料与近似理论曲线的拟合,获得竖向排水井地基的最终沉降量和平均固结度,从而预估其工后沉降量。

    The least squares optimization method is used to best fit the theory settlement curve with the measured settlements and to determine total primary settlement and average consolidation degree , consequently post construction settlement can be estimated .

  15. 同时,以此解为基准,对现有未打穿竖向排水井地基平均固结度近似计算公式和方法进行了较为详细的比较,得出了现有近似计算公式及方法适用的范围。

    On the basis of this solution , the approximate methods so far available for computing average consolidation degree of soft soil with partially penetrated vertical drains were compared in detail , and their applicable conditions were obtained .

  16. 基于广义Viogt流变模型,提出了排水砂井未贯穿的均质地基的粘弹性固结分析方法。

    Based on general Viogt rheological model , consolidation theory of homogeneous ground with partially penetrated sand drains has been developed .

  17. 浅谈住宅小区楼前排水检查井的做法

    Discussion on the building of catch pits in front of residential districts

  18. 排水砂井除排水作用外,还起到竖向加筋抗滑作用。

    Packed drains also have a vertical reinforcement and anti slide effect besides the drainage .

  19. 排水砂井在某高等级公路软基处理中的应用效果分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Soft Soil Treatment by Using Sand Drains for a High-grade Highway

  20. 高寒地区给排水检查井的冻害分析及防治

    To analyze and prevent the freezing hazard to the inspection wells for water supplying and draining in paramos

  21. 本文全面介绍了华南地区某高等级公路采用排水砂井堆载预压法加固软基的实际效果,现场应力应变测试资料分析表明:施工期至预压期地基平均固结度达80%强;

    The results from the treatment of soft soil by using the sand drains and heap preloading for a high grade highway in South East China are fully introduced .

  22. 排水地段观测井与排水渠水质相关分析

    Relational Analysis on Water Qualities in Observation Well and in Drainage Ditch

  23. 定量分析了土体本构模型参数、渗透系数、塑料排水板和井阻作用等因素对软土地基的地表沉降和孔隙水压力的影响。

    Effect factors on ground surface settlement and pore water pressure of soft ground , such as the constitutive model parameters , the permeability coefficient , plastic drainage plate and the well resistance , are studied .

  24. 用排水沟代替排水井列的有限单元法分析

    Finite Element Analysis for An Array of Wells Replaced by A Drainage Ditch

  25. 随着城市现化代水平的提高,排水管道及检查井日益增多。

    With the enhancement of urban modernization level , drainage pipelines and inspection chambers are increasing .

  26. 具有排水层的砂井地基排水效率研究排水采气。

    Drainage Efficiency of Soils with Sand Drains and Draining Layers At present , water production is serious during gas reservoir development .

  27. 借鉴目前国内外多种计算抽油井井底压力的方法来获取排水采气工艺井井底流压。

    Flowing bottomhole pressure ( FBHP ) on drainage gas recovery wells is obtained by calculating bottomhole pressure of pumping wells at home and abroad .

  28. 用有限元法结合英布鲁水电枢纽工程,对降水方案选择、基坑防渗帷幕、排水沟、排水井对基坑渗流场的影响进行了研究。

    In combination with the Yingbulu engineering , the author studied deeply the influence of drainage plan drainage well pit impervious curtain , drainage ditch drainage well on seepage field .

  29. 顶盖内积水正常情况下通过自流排水排至积水井,紧急状态下通过装在廊道内的自吸泵排水。

    Normally , the cumulated water in top cover is drained to cumulated water well by gravity drainage , in emergency situation , the water would be drained by the self-priming pump installed in gallery .

  30. 基坑降水设计常采用大井法计算基坑排水总量,再根据单井出水量,计算排水井的数目和间距,简单易行。

    The total water displacement is obtained through the generalized large well method in the dewatering design for foundation pits , and then the number of wells and space between wells are calculated based on the out-let of single pumping well .