
  • 网络pneumatic caisson
  1. 对气压沉箱施工下沉过程进行了数值模拟。

    The course of pneumatic caisson sinking is numerical simulated .

  2. 滦河大桥是中国铁路史上最先采用气压沉箱法施工的铁路桥。

    Luanhe River Bridge is the first use of the history of China Railway Construction of pneumatic caisson railway bridge .

  3. 沉箱的环形刃脚基础下土体的极限承载力问题是气压沉箱设计与施工的关键问题。

    The problem of ultimate bearing capacity of ring footings is the pivotal problem on the foundation design and construction of the pneumatic caisson .

  4. 对气压沉箱的结构内力与变形以及沉箱下沉时对周围环境的影响进行了全面系统地监测。

    Systematical monitoring on the structural inner stress and deformation of pneumatic caisson and the effect of pneumatic caisson sinking on the surrounding environment are proceeded .

  5. 现代气压沉箱工法在桥梁基础及各种地下工程建设中具有许多独特的优点,在日本得到广泛的应用。

    The modern construction using the pneumatic caisson has multiple unique advantages in construction of bridge foundations and underground works , and is widely used in Japan .

  6. 主要包括以下几个方面:1.对气压沉箱施工现场具有代表性的砂质粉土进行室内试验研究。

    The main contents are following below : 1 . The physical and mechanical characteristics of the representative silty clay in the in-situ spot of pneumatic caisson construction are experimentally tested .

  7. 但因该工法所需设备昂贵,技术要求高,因此,在当今世界上,气压沉箱技术仅为极少数发达国家所掌握。

    However , the equipment used in this method is very expensive and the high technology is necessary . The techniques of this method are mastered only by few developed countries in the world .

  8. 由于气压沉箱工法在深基础建设中有着诸多的优点而被越来越多的用于摩天大楼、大跨度桥梁、大深度地铁站、地下油库、大型水电站等设施的深基础建设中。

    Because of having many advantages , more and more pneumatic caisson method is used in the deep foundation construction of the high-rise skyscrapers , the huge trans-sea bridge , the deep underground station , the large underground oil depository , the huge hydropower station , and so on .