
  • 网络caisson foundation
  1. 用映射无限元模拟直立式沉箱基础

    Simulation of the Caisson Foundation By Using Infinite Elements

  2. 水压爆破拆除沉箱基础

    Demolition of a caisson foundation by water-pressure blasting

  3. 深基础工程在20世纪后半叶获得空前大发展。常见的深基础类型有:桩基础,墩基础,沉井基础,沉箱基础和地下连续墙等。

    Deep foundation engineering acquires unprecedented big development in latter half 20 centuries .

  4. 循环加载条件下吸力式沉箱基础极限承载力特性分析

    Numerical analysis of ultimated bearing capacity behavior of suction caisson foundations under cyclic loading

  5. 与缓慢加载条件相比,快速加载条件下沉箱基础的承载力更大;

    The capacity under rapid load rate is larger than the one under slow load rate .

  6. 地震作用引发的地基液化,往往导致沉箱基础的破坏。

    The soil liquefaction due to earthquakes will usually result in the damage of caisson foundation .

  7. 控制和调整中小型涵闸沉箱基础偏位的方法

    The Methods for Controlling and Adjusting the Displacement in Caisson Foundation of Medium and Small-Sized Cloughs

  8. 计算结果满足规范要求。5、对于采用沉箱基础的海上锚碇,对于抗震性能有着严苛的要求。

    The calculation results meet code requirements.5.For the sea anchor of caisson basis , the seismic performance has a tough demands .

  9. 本文主要对土-重力式平台沉箱基础-流体相互作用体系在地震荷载作用下沉箱基础上所受到的动水作用力的问题进行了研究。

    In this paper , the problem of hydrodynamic loads acting on the cylindrical foundation subjected to ground motion is studied in consideration of soil and fluid interaction .

  10. 本文基于层状半空间理论处理了位于层土地基上的重力式海洋平台沉箱基础的水平、摇摆耦合的动力反应问题。

    In this paper , the dynamic response of horizontal and rocking coupling caisson foundation of gravity offshore platform on layered soil is discussed on the basis of the layered semi-space theory .

  11. 在施工中采用了大型浮吊安装上塔柱和主梁,在船坞中预制和浮运沉箱基础等海上作业的方法。

    Lots of offshore construction methods have been adopted , such as erecting of the upper pylon shafts and main girders with huge floating cranes , prefabricating of the caissons in docks and floating of the caissons to their destinations .

  12. 随着沿海城市交通事业的蓬勃发展,跨海桥梁作为现代交通的重要组成部分,如何针对大跨度、高标准的跨海桥梁锚碇沉箱基础建设,是目前急需解决的问题之一。

    With the development of transportation and coastal city , cross-sea bridge is an important part of modern traffic , according to the large span , high standards of cross-sea bridge anchorage caisson foundation construction , is one of the urgent problems at present .

  13. 同时还积累了设备制作、安装及操作的经验,为今后在海工和港口工程中运用巨型沉箱打下了基础。

    Meanwhile the experience of equipment manufacture , installation and opera-tion has been accumulated .

  14. 现代气压沉箱工法在桥梁基础及各种地下工程建设中具有许多独特的优点,在日本得到广泛的应用。

    The modern construction using the pneumatic caisson has multiple unique advantages in construction of bridge foundations and underground works , and is widely used in Japan .

  15. 由于气压沉箱工法在深基础建设中有着诸多的优点而被越来越多的用于摩天大楼、大跨度桥梁、大深度地铁站、地下油库、大型水电站等设施的深基础建设中。

    Because of having many advantages , more and more pneumatic caisson method is used in the deep foundation construction of the high-rise skyscrapers , the huge trans-sea bridge , the deep underground station , the large underground oil depository , the huge hydropower station , and so on .