
  • 网络sedimentation
  1. 选用聚合硫酸铝(PAS)为絮凝剂,用以取代进口药剂对PVC废水的絮凝沉淀处理,进行了实验室工艺条件试验,确定其使用的最佳工艺条件。

    Experiments of coagulation sedimentation of polyaluminum sulfate ( PAS ) for displacing imported reagents in PVC wastewater were conducted in laboratory to select the optimum process conditions .

  2. 仅投加氢氧化钙的简单沉淀处理含氟废水的研究;

    Study on simply sedimentation process with only calcium hydroxide added ;

  3. 催化氧化后的废水经混凝沉淀处理,调节pH为8~9,可达标排放。

    C4.The coagulating sedimentation effluent of which the pH is adjusted to 8 ? C9 can meet the national discharge standards .

  4. 姜黄素工业废水经Fenton试剂氧化、Ca(OH)2中和及PAM絮凝沉淀处理,废水有很好的脱色及COD去除效果。

    Turmeric industry wastewater can remove color and degrade COD well by Fenton 's reagent oxidation with Ca ( OH ) 2 neutralization , PAM coagulation and sedimentation process .

  5. 结论巢湖源水具有潜在致突变性,经混凝、活性炭吸附及沉淀处理后其DNA损伤作用有所下降,但氯化消毒可增加水中有机提取物的DNA损伤作用。

    Conclusions Source water of Chaohu lake had latent mutagenicity , the DNA trauma of fish red blood cell could be decreased by coagulative precipitation , absorption of active carbon and precipitation , but the action might be amplified by adding chlorine .

  6. 质谱采用电喷雾电离源(ESI)正源,以各物质准分子离子峰选择离子监测(SIR)模式进行定量分析,血浆样品用乙腈直接沉淀处理。

    The quantitation was done by selected ion recording ( SIR ) mode of electrospray ionization , with chlorimipramine as internal standard . Plasma was deposited by acetonitrile directly .

  7. 本文采用高效絮凝模拟反应器进一步对实际生活污水进行连续运行处理试验,结果表明,直接絮凝沉淀处理后的出水浊度去除率和COD去除率分别达到93.4%和79.2%,可完全达到排放标准。

    The coagulation and flocculation test for municipal wastewater treatment was studied with the high-efficiency flocculation reactor . Results show that removal efficiency of turbidity and COD from municipal wastewater are 93 - 4 % and 79 . 2 % .

  8. 方法:20例健康受试者单次口服40mg替米沙坦受试或参比制剂,按规定时间采集肘静脉血,乙腈沉淀处理血样。

    Method : A single oral dose of 40 mg telmisartan test or reference tablets was given to 20 healthy volunteers in two-way cross - over design .

  9. 1100℃/4小时沉淀处理形成尺寸为0.5μm的立方状γ′沉淀,在760~1050℃整个温度范围使含Hf合金的蠕变强度远高于不含Hf的合金。

    The precipitation treatment of 1100 ℃ / 4hr leads to cuboidal γ′ precipitation of about 0.5 μ m size and causes the Hf-containing alloy to have a much higher creep strength than the Hf-free alloy in the temperature range of 760 to 1050 ℃ .

  10. 实验研究了利用FeSO4絮凝沉淀处理含241Am废水时,在各种絮凝条件下絮凝体的粒径分布情况。

    The paper gives distribution of floccule diameter for () ~ ( 241 ) Am wastewater flocculated by FeSO_4 under varions flocculating conditions .

  11. 离心弃沉淀处理对药品微生物限度检查结果影响的考察

    The study on the results of microbial limit test after centrifugation

  12. 采用自然蒸发法对除尘废水沉淀处理系统进行了局部地改进。

    The natural evaporation is adopted to modify the system of sedimentation .

  13. 酸化水解-UBF-混凝沉淀处理工艺在造纸黑液中的应用

    Application of Hydrolytic Acidification-UBF-Coagulation Sedi - mentation Process for Paper-making Black Liquid Treatment

  14. 通过超临界抗溶剂沉淀处理的可吸入药物颗粒。

    Respirable drug particles processed through supercritical antisolvent precipitation .

  15. 酸化破乳-Fenton试剂氧化-混凝沉淀处理电子感光废水的研究

    Study on Treatment of Electronic Photosensitive Wastewater with Acidification Demulsification-Fenton Reagent Oxidation Coagulating Deposition

  16. 方法菌体破碎液经热沉淀处理后,用金属鳌合层析柱纯化重组蛋白。

    Methods The recombinant protein was extracted by metal chelate Sepharose chromatography from E .

  17. 低温低浊水混凝沉淀处理研究

    Study on coagulating precipitation for treatment of raw water with low turbidity and low temperature

  18. 投加混凝剂可以提高投加填料强化沉淀处理装置的污染物去除效率。

    Adding coagulant could increase the pollutant removal efficiency in filler dosed enhanced precipitation process .

  19. 本文研究了硅酸钠在模拟铀矿坑水的石灰沉淀处理中的助凝作用。

    The flocculation promotion of Na_2SiO_3 was studied in precipitation treatment for simulated uranium mine water .

  20. 废水的化学沉淀处理法

    Wastewater treatment by chemical precipitation process

  21. 高锰酸钾预处理对废纸造纸厂废水混凝沉淀处理的作用

    Effect of Pretreatment by Potassium Permanganate on Treating Wastewater from Recycled Fiber Mill by Flocculent Precipitation

  22. 微絮凝拦截沉淀处理低温低浊水

    Study on the Utilization of Micro-Floc Intercepting Sedimentation Tank in the Treatment of Low-Turbidity and Low-Temperature Water

  23. 电泳漆液沉淀处理

    Deposition treatment of electrophoretic paint

  24. 方法以甲磺酸罗哌卡因为内标,血浆样品经蛋白沉淀处理后,在0.2mL。

    METHODS Plasma samples were treated by addition of ropivacaine as internal standard and protein precipitation before injection .

  25. 多层叠合复合流沉淀处理脱硫除尘器废水中试研究

    Pilot study on the treatment of wastewater from desulphurization dust removal by sedimentation of multilayer & superimposed compound flow

  26. 生物接触氧化/气浮、生物滤池/沉淀处理地表水比较

    Comparative Research on Treatment of Surface Water by Biological Contact Oxidation / Air Flotation and Biological Filter / Sedimentation Process

  27. 粗提物经柱层析分离,重结晶,再经过超临界流体沉淀处理后,可提高叶黄素的纯度。

    After column chromatographic separation , re-crystallization treatment and supercritical fluid precipitation treatment , the purity of lutein is improved .

  28. 絮凝沉淀处理含~(241)Am废水时絮凝体粒径分布的影响因素初探

    Preliminary investigation of impacting factors of particle size distribution of floccule for treatment of ~ ( 241 ) am-containing wastewater

  29. 研究了助凝助沉剂在化学中和-混凝沉淀处理含镍废水过程中的助凝助沉作用。

    The effect of flocculation-sedimentation aids on treating the wastewater containing nickel by the chemical neutralization-coagulation method has been studied .

  30. 采用酸浸法浸出废催化剂中的钼、镍、铋、镁,将浸出液沉钼酸后,对钼酸母液中的镍、铋、镁经过多级沉淀处理后加以综合回收。

    Nickel bismuth magnesian is recycled by multiprecipitate after molybdenum is deposited from molybdenum-leaching solution and industrial production is realized .