
  • 网络resin regeneration
  1. 用Fenton试剂处理炼油厂离子交换树脂再生废水的研究

    Treatment of waste water of ion exchange resin regeneration in refinery with Fenton reagent

  2. HPD-100大孔树脂再生方法的研究

    Study on HPD-100 Macroporous Resin Regeneration Method

  3. 对离子交换树脂再生盐水回用工艺进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:当HJ-1与HJ-3、HJ-4、HJ-5联合使用时,再生盐水中镁离子的浓度可大幅度地降低。

    The researched results show that the combined usage of the chemical agent HJ-1 with HJ-3 , HJ-4 and HJ-5 can reduce the concentration of magnesium ions in the saline wastewater .

  4. 弱型混合离子交换树脂再生新工艺研究

    A Novel Technology for the Regeneration of Weak Mixed Ion-Exchange Resin

  5. 树脂再生剂投加量的神经网络控制方法

    Reborn of Resin Nerve Network Control Method for Adding Reborn Chemical

  6. 离子交换树脂再生水回用的实验研究

    Study on Reuse of Saline Wastewater Treated by Using Ion-Exchange Resin

  7. 一种新型的控制离子交换树脂再生进酸碱量法

    New way to control regenerant volume of ion exchange resin regeneration

  8. 提高阴树脂再生剂品质;

    Improving quality of the regenerative agents for anion exchange resin ;

  9. 强碱性离子交换树脂再生新工艺的研究

    Study on a New Process for Regenerating Strong-basic Ion Exchange Resin

  10. 弱碱性阴离子树脂再生新技术的研究

    Study on A New Regeneration Technology of the Weak Alkaline Anion Resin

  11. 固定床树脂再生废水达标排放

    Standard Drainage of Reproduced Waste Water of Fixed Bed Resin

  12. 离子交换技术净化湿法磷酸树脂再生的研究

    Regeneration of resin for purification of WPA by ion-exchange technology

  13. 强碱型阴离子交换树脂再生的研究

    Research on the regeneration of strong base type anion resins

  14. 离子交换树脂再生法的改进

    The improvement on the regeneration of ion exchange resin

  15. 重污染阴树脂再生试验研究

    Research on Regeneration Experiment of Highly Polluted Anion Resin

  16. 超声波在树脂再生中的应用

    Application of ultrasound in the regeneration of polymeric resin

  17. 多相平衡规律在树脂再生过程中的应用研究

    Application of multiphase balance rule in resin reprocess

  18. 催化氧化法处理电厂离子交换树脂再生废水

    Treatment of regenerating wastewater of ion-exchange resin in electric power plant with catalyzed oxidation

  19. 离子交换树脂再生废液的综合利用&复合絮凝剂的制备

    Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Liquid in Regenerating Ion Exchange Resin & Compound Coagulant Making

  20. 本文综述了在这一领域的最近研究进展,各种不同频率和功率对树脂再生效果的影响,为该领域的研究工作提供参考。

    This paper also discusses the effects of ultrasonic frequency and power on the process .

  21. 再溶糖浆脱色和树脂再生新技术的应用

    The Colorants Removal for Remelt Syrup and New Technology for Resin Regeneration in Sugar Factory

  22. 吸附树脂再生效果的实验研究

    Study on Recycle Effect of Macroporous Absorbent

  23. 从理论上分析了液碱对阴树脂再生度的影响。

    This paper analyze how anion reisn 's regeneration degree effected by liquid alkaline purity .

  24. 去酸水用于钠离子交换树脂再生试验

    Experiments of the application of acid washing water to the regeneration of sodium ion exchange resin

  25. 水处理中离子交换树脂再生时酸碱耗的降低

    Reduction of Acid and Alkali Consumption in the Regeneration of Ion Exchange Resin during Water Treatment

  26. 离子交换分离钨钼及微波诱导树脂再生的研究

    Studies on Separation of Wolfram and Molybdenum by Ion Exchange and Induction of Resin Revivification by Microwaves

  27. 对解吸剂和掩蔽剂及其浓度的选择做了较详细的探索,并研究了树脂再生和循环使用情况。

    Strippant , screening agent and their concentration are determined . Regeneration and recycle of the resin are studied .

  28. 本文详细介绍了在现代大型微电子工业用高纯水系统中,混床内树脂再生的新工艺。

    This article elaborated the newprocess of mixed-bed inner resin regeneration in the mod-ern large-scale microelectronics industry highly pure water .

  29. 介绍了浮动床离子交换器的原理、结构特点和树脂再生情况。

    The principle , structural characteristic of floatation bed ion exchange reactor and the regeneration status of resin are introduced .

  30. 对干法再生出来的树脂再生砂进行制芯的工艺实验,实验标准按照生产上的要求来实行。

    The technological experiment of reclaimed resin bounded sand produced through dry reclamation is made , the way of which is standard .