
  • 网络raspberry pi;raspberry
  1. 赫尔曼将一块WiFi模件焊接到树莓派Zero上,经由Resin.io服务升级系统。

    Hermanns soldered a wifi module to a Raspberry Pi Zero and used a service called resin.io to update programs .

  2. 程序员赫尔曼制作出了一台迷你Mac,他用乐高做了这台微型苹果电脑的外壳,内置树莓派Zero作为主机系统,并用电子纸屏幕作显示器,而且它竟然真的可以用。

    Programmer Jannis Hermanns create this tiny Macintosh Classic using a Raspberry Pi Zero , an e-paper display , and of course , Lego , and , believe it or not , it works !

  3. 孩子们可以通过Kano组装属于自己的真正电脑。这款玩具包括树莓派驱动的主板、基本导线以及显示模块。

    The Kano lets kids assemble their own actual computer , using a Raspberry Pi-powered board , basic wiring , and modular display unit .

  4. 我们要从使用书本转移到使用平板电脑,就像印度的Aakash平板电脑或20美元的树莓派电脑。

    We have to move from books to tablets like the Aakash in India or the Raspberry Pi , 20 dollars .

  5. 难以想象在1995年左右至2012年卡片式电脑树莓派(RaspberryPi)诞生之间,在英国还有人使用国产电脑,然而,英国的科技公司,比如起源于Acorn计算机公司(AcornComputers)的ARM,在全球仍然举足轻重。

    While few in Britain , you would suspect , used a British computer between around 1995 and the emergence of the Raspberry Pi in 2012 , UK tech companies such as ARM , which has its roots in Acorn Computers , are still of global importance .

  6. 内部由树莓派驱动,还装有MarsCatSDK(软件开发工具包),这是一个开源软件开发库,你可以完全控制机器人的所有功能并进行编程,也使它成为了很有趣的STEM教育和研究工具。

    Inside , it 's powered by a Raspberry Pi , and it ships with MarsCat SDK , which is an open software development library that allows you to fully control and program all of the robot 's functions . This makes it an interesting gadget for STEM education and research , too .