
shù rén
  • Tree People;cultivate young persons;educate the young
树人 [shù rén]
  • [nurture men of talent] 培养人材

  • 一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。--《管子.权修》

  1. 《指环王》中的树人Ente可以通过行走四处移动。

    The tree people in the Lord of the Rings — the Ents --- can get around by walking .

  2. 基础教育是立德树人的事业,要旗帜鲜明加强思想政治教育、品德教育,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,引导学生自尊自信自立自强。

    Basic education fosters virtues and socialist core values should be reinforced in order to help students become people with strong sense of self-esteem , self-confidence , self-reliance and self-improvement .

  3. 应用C肉毒杀鼠素防治针叶树人工林鼠害试验初报

    Preliminary report on harmful rodents control in coniferous plantations using botulin C

  4. 延安精神是高职院校立德树人的重要法宝

    Yan'an Spirit is an Important Formula of Strengthening Morality in Vocational Universities

  5. 可移动形态时,该树人可进行近战攻击。

    The Treant deals melee damage while in unrooted form .

  6. 树人中学成立于1995年,是一所民办学校。

    Founded in 1995 , Shuren High School is a private institution .

  7. 十年树人倒是可以的。

    But it is quite possible to bring up people in ten years .

  8. 树人与创新&王阳明教育思想的启示

    Cultivation of Moral Goodness and Innovation : Reflections on Wang Yangming 's Educational Philosophy

  9. 若是种得好,有谁知道种树人的辛苦?

    If the tree lives , who really knows the efforts put in by the planter ?

  10. 月宫外,还有一棵桂花树和一个叫吴刚的伐树人。

    And outside the palace , there was a sweet-scented osmanthus tree and a lumberjack called Wu Gang .

  11. 育人为本,德育为先,立德树人是教育的根本任务。

    Education for this , the moral education first , moral education is the basic task of the education .

  12. 树木树人满乾坤热烈祝贺北京林业大学园林学院55周年院庆

    Congratulations on The 55 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of The School of Landscape Architecture of Beijing Forestry University

  13. 不计辛勤一砚寒,桃熟流丹,李熟枝残,种花容易树人难。

    Without a cold , hard are ripe peach , lee ripe branch flow Dan residual , growing flowers easy treant difficult .

  14. 有些树可以活上百年.百年树人,减少九十年,十年树人。

    Some trees can live for hundreds of years . Let 's subtract ninety from the hundred years and rear people in ten .

  15. 建设树上旅馆的灵感源于纪录片《爱树人》。

    The Treehotel hotel was inspired by a Swedish documentary film named Tree Lovers where three men built a hotel on a tree .

  16. “清晰预兆”:此法术不再能在“树人形态”或“枭兽形态”下施放。

    " Omen of Clarity ": This spell is no longer castable in " Tree of Life Form " or " Moonkin Form " .

  17. 教育工作要坚持育人为本、德育为先,把立德树人作为根本任务。

    We must adhere to people-centered education , moral education first principle , take high moral values establishment and people cultivation as the fundamental task of education .

  18. 房树人测验结果表明,干预组在缺陷感、情绪状态和社会交往倾向上均有很大程度的改变。

    Result of Housing-Tree - Person Test suggests that the participants in intervention group were significant improved on defect sense , emotional damage and social interaction . 3 .

  19. “树人形态”:技能说明已改正以说明“自然迅捷”和“重生”能在该形态下施放。

    " Tree of life form ": the tooltip has been corrected to indicate " nature 's swiftness " and " rebirth " are castable in this form .

  20. 今后,生命力过于旺盛的野草还会给不仅农民,还有种树人、土地管理者和园林工人们造成多少更大的麻烦呢?

    What would be the additional cost in the future , not only to farmers but also to foresters , land managers and gardeners , of beating back supercharged weeds ?

  21. 白木树如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树人为去叶对紫椴幼树叶片净光合速率的影响

    Any of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree , basswood , or cottonwood . Effect of Artificial Defoliation on Leaf Net Photosynthetic Rate of Tilia amurensis Young Trees

  22. 德育,意在树人,是教育工作的首要任务,理应成为中等职业学校培养人才的首要目标。

    Moral education , aiming at " cultivate people ", is the primary task of education and should be the primary objective of the secondary vocational schools when they culture talents .

  23. 大学校园文化的制度,不但是文化活动的规范,更是育人的教育规范,构成了立德树人的教育资源,促成了制度育人的价值导向。

    System of university campus culture , not only cultural activities of specification ,, the education standard of education constitutes the Khalid nets education resources , contributed to the system of moral education value orientation .

  24. 根据访谈和统合型房树人投射测验结果,可从另一个侧面说明犯罪青少年存在人格缺陷及心理问题。

    According to interviews and Synthetic House-Tree-Person Technique results may be from another perspective , the existence of young offenders personality defects and psychological problems . 8 . the characteristics of juvenile delinquency are : ⑴ .

  25. 大学生素质教育是高等教育的重要任务之一,是一项创新启端、树人养志的伟大事业,功在当代,利在千秋。

    Quality education of college students is one of the main tasks of higher education and a great cause of encouraging the innovation and cultivating students , which leaves the merit to the present generation but benefits for generations .

  26. 观看这部影片的时候,你不会一直笑个不停,但至少会有一些瞬间让你哈哈大笑,比如树人和克里斯?帕特出场的时候。

    It 's not like you 're going to watch this movie and laugh your way through it , but you 'll at least have some moments of " ha ha , Groot , " and " lolololol Chris Pratt . "

  27. 整体性视域下,素质教育是一种全人教育和树人教育,它着眼于开发人的潜能,实现人的全面发展。

    Under the holistic point of view , the quality of education is a kind of " education to make people whole " and the " education of building people ", which focuses on the development of human potential and all-round development of people .

  28. 植物种质资源丰富度因森林群落类型而异,总体上,次生林种质资源种类数高于原始林和针叶树人工林,阔叶树种人工林种质资源种类数与天然次生林接近。

    Plant germplasm resources abundant degree varied from forest community types . Overall , the species number of germplasm resources in the second growth forest are higher than ancient forest and coniferous plantation , and that in the hardwood kind of plantation germplasm resources are closed to natural secondary forest .