
  • 网络Lake Town;Lake-town;Laketown;Esgaroth
  1. 然后龙离开了山去攻击长湖镇,而所谓的救世主巴尔德,最后一次见到他是在监狱里。

    The dragon then leaves to attack Lake-town , whose supposed savior , Bard , was last seen in jail .

  2. 我想再回去在幽暗密林的小径上徜徉,探访长湖镇再看一眼孤山。

    I meant to go back , wonder at the powers of Mirkwood , visit Lake-town , see the Lonely Mountain again .

  3. 巴尔德也和长湖镇镇主关系很好,完全区别于在《史矛革之战》中他被塑造成一个反叛的船员形象。

    Bard has a good relationship with the Master of the town as well , a stark contrast to the rebel bargeman portrayed in the Desolation of Smaug .

  4. 随后导致了集体在长湖镇被分开,跟随索林的几个人去了山上,而另一些留在镇里照顾奇力,这是电影中一个很大的改编。

    This later leads to the company splitting up in Lake-town as some follow Thorin to the mountain and others stay behind to care for Kili , a huge departure from the book .

  5. 有人偷听到了他告诉矮人龙的弱点的消息,并去告知了长湖镇的巴尔德,这是好事,因为史矛革随后离开了山,袭击了镇民。

    A thrush overhears him telling the news of the weakness to the dwarves and leaves to inform Bard at Lake-town , which is a good thing because the dragon has left the mountain to terrorize the townspeople .