
  • 网络long stator
  1. 在高速磁浮列车定位测速试验系统中的实验表明,该检测方法的检测精度达到对应长定子直线同步电机线圈周期的3o,满足高速磁悬浮列车运行控制的要求。

    In the speed and positioning experiment system of high speed maglev train , the measurement accuracy is less than 3 ° of the winding pitch of the long stator and can meet the requirement of the operating control system of high-speed maglev train .

  2. 基于状态方程的长定子直线同步电机特性分析

    Analysis of characteristic of long stator linear synchronous motor

  3. 针对高速磁浮列车用长定子直线同步电机的特点,提出了一种基于电感式传感器和DSP的电机动子位置检测新方法。

    A new method is forwarded to detect the rotor position for linear synchronous motor in high speed maglev train based on inductive sensor and DSP .

  4. 长定子直线同步电机磁场分析软件设计

    Program Design of Long-stator Linear Synchronous Motor 's Magnetic field Analysis

  5. 长定子直线电机驱动的传输系统

    Goods Transport System Driven by Long State Linear Motors

  6. 长定子直线同步电动机抑制推力脉动的新方法及机理分析

    Method and Mechanism Analysis of Retraining Thrust Pulsation for Long Stator Linear Synchronous Motor

  7. 基于长定子齿槽的磁浮列车测速定位传感器信号处理

    The Signal Disposal of Position and Speed Detection Sensors Based upon Long Stators for Maglev Train

  8. 长定子直线同步电动机轨道空间处的电枢反应电抗和谐波漏抗

    The armature reaction and differential leakage reactance in free space of a long stator linear synchronous motor

  9. 高速磁浮列车长定子段换步馈电新技术的研究

    The Research of a Novel Stator Section Crossing Method of Long Stator Linear Synchronous Motor for High Speed Maglev Vehicles

  10. 利用新型优化方法对长定子直线电机、盘式复合电机进行系统的分析和设计。

    The long stator motor and the axial field composite motor are analyzed systematically and optimized by the proposed novel optimal method .

  11. 磁悬浮列车的运行原理和结构特点形成了其特殊的牵引控制方式&长定子换流技术。

    Operation theory and structure character of electromagnetic suspension train result in its special traction control way-switchgear of power in long stators .

  12. 常导高速磁悬浮列车采用长定子直线同步电机驱动,依靠电磁场进行悬浮和推进。

    The research achievements of the electromagnetic fields of a high speed normal magnetic levitation vehicle experimental system are reported in this paper .

  13. 主要研究内容如下:(1)对应用于高速磁浮系统的长定子直线同步电机进行了研究。

    The central research works are below : ( 1 ) Do a deep research on long-stator linear synchronous motor for Wolong maglev experimental line .

  14. 磁悬浮列车的推进原理及其结构特点,导致了供电系统对直线同步电机长定子绕组的特殊的供电方式。

    Propulsion theory and its structure character of MAGLEV result in'the special power supply mode for linear synchronous motor with long stators through power supply system .

  15. 针对长定子直线同步电机驱动的高速磁悬浮列车,提出了采用对定子齿槽进行计数的测速定位方案。

    A speed and position detection method for high-speed maglev train driven by long-stator synchronous linear motor , based on measuring cog-slots of the long-stator , was presented .

  16. 在与上海高速磁浮示范运营线完全相同的长定子上进行的实验结果证明所提方案是可行的。

    The experiments on the test bench that contains the same long stator as the LSM used in Shanghai high-speed maglev line show that the proposed scheme is feasible .

  17. 本文结合课题,对磁浮列车的驱动电机(长定子直线同步电机)磁路进行了有限元分析,并设计了电机的变频控制系统。

    Based on the project , the thesis analyses the motor magnetic field with FEM ( finite element method ) and design the control system for the maglev train .

  18. 根据检测线圈电感沿长定子周期变化的情况,提出了一种检相器的设计方案,用以确定磁悬浮列车运行中磁极与长定子之间的相对位置。

    According to the periodical variation of the detecting coils along the long stator , a phase detector was designed to measure relative position between the vehicle 's pole and the long stator .

  19. 导轨上的长定子线性点击被分成区段,各区段均有独立开关,只有列车通过该区段时才有电力供应。

    The long-stator linear motor in the guideway is divided into segments which are individually switched on and off , with power only being supplied to the given segments as the train passes .

  20. 悬浮电磁铁作为直线同步电机的次级,在绕组电流的激励下,与长定子轨道相互作用,同时具备悬浮、推进、发电等多项功能。

    As the rotor of the linear synchronous motor , the suspending electromagnetic irons are excited by rotor current and act with the long stator railway mutually . They have multiform functions such as suspending , advancing and generating electricity .

  21. 介绍了一种高速磁浮列车测速与定位试验系统,该系统包括长定子直线同步电机齿槽计数测速与相对定位系统和感应式编码绝对定位系统两部分。

    A speed and position detection system for high-speed maglev which consists of a speed measuring and relative positioning subsystem based on detecting cog-slots of the long-stator synchronous linear motor and an absolute positioning subsystem based on inductive coding is introduced .

  22. 上海高速磁浮列车采用长定子驱动,通过车上感应线圈拾取电机谐波感应的电能给车上悬浮、空调及其它设备供电。

    The High-speed maglev train in Shanghai is drived by the long stator . the power energy which supply the suspension , air conditioning and other equipment on the vehicle comes from the induction electric energy by induction coil picks up the motor harmonic .

  23. 在STEP7编程环境下,利用系统所提供的各类功能函数完成主站与从站间的数据通信及系统监控,并初步实现了对于长定子换流过程的模拟。

    The paper particularly shows that in STEP 7 programming environment , through system functions provided by the system , data exchange between master and slaves and monitor for the system is realized , and the simulation for switchgear of power in long stators is preliminarily completed .

  24. 首先介绍了直线电机和磁悬浮列车运行原理、运行特点以及发展状况,并且采用场和路结合的方法,进行长定子直线同步电机的电磁参数计算和推力计算。

    The main content of this dissertation is as follows : First , this dissertation describes the basic theory and the development status of the linear motor and the MAGLEV system , calculates the electricity and magnetism parameters and the thrust by combining magnet circuit and magnet field .

  25. 然而,这种结构的直线电机仍然存在一些不足之处:无论是同步电机还是感应电机,短定子或是长定子直线电机,铁磁芯的饱和最终会限制最高推进力。

    High speeds can be conveniently obtained ; however , some drawbacks still remain . The main shortfall of a linear motor , whether it be synchronous or inductive , short stator or long stator , is the magnetic saturation of its ferromagnetic cores which ultimately saturates generation of thrust .