
  • 网络long file name;lfn
  1. 解析FAT文件系统对长文件名的支持

    Analysis of support of Fat file for long file name

  2. 要获取一个文件的MS-DOS文件名,长文件名,或完整路径,可以按照下列方法。

    To get MS-DOS file names , long file names , or the full path of a file you can do the following .

  3. windows将保留文件及文件夹的长文件名及扩展文件信息。

    Windows will maintain long names and extended file information on files and folders .

  4. windows不支持长文件名和长文件夹名及其扩展时间信息。

    Windows will not support long names and extended time information for files and folders .

  5. 详细介绍了了FAT文件系统对8.3格式文件名和长文件名之间的结构差异。

    The structure difference between the 8.3 format name and the long name of the Fat files is introduced .

  6. 这个功能对于长文件名尤其有意义;可以只输入前几个字母并让shell补齐文件名。

    This functionality is particularly useful with long filenames & you can key in the first few letters and let the shell complete the filename .

  7. 答:Netware服务器不支持长文件名。

    Answer : The NetWare server does not support long filenames .

  8. RockRidge:是对ISO-9660的扩展,它允许长文件名和UNIX样式的符号链接;保留了所有文件属性,如所有权和许可权。

    Rock Ridge : Extensions to ISO-9660 allowing long filenames and UNIX-style symlinks ; preserves all file attributes , such as ownership and permissions .

  9. 并通过对各类磁盘上FAT16和FAT32文件系统数据结构的分析,着重讨论了这两个文件系统在使用长文件名存在的问题和需要注意的技术要点。

    The analysis of the data structure of the Fat 16 system and the Fat 32 one is made with emphasis on the problem existed and technique crux .

  10. 要备份长文件名的源目录或驱动器。

    Directory or drive to backup long file names from .

  11. Windows95长文件名的结构及转换

    Structure and change of the name of a long file for windows 95

  12. 下次重启动时自动还原长文件名。

    Automatically restore long file names on next boot .

  13. 要从中还原长文件名的数据文件。

    Data file to restore long file names from .

  14. 如果您反复用到长文件名,那么这是一个非常好的工具。

    It 's a great tool if you are using long file names repeatedly .

  15. 后压缩包中的文件以长文件名存在。

    Store files using long name inside package .

  16. Windows95中的长文件名

    Analysis of the Long Filename in Windows 95

  17. 介绍了Windows95长文件名的优点及实现方法。

    This paper introduces advantages and realized methods of long filename in Windows 95 .

  18. 存到磁盘的文件或文件夹的长文件名出错。

    The file or folder 's long name was stored incorrectly on your disk .

  19. 禁用旧程序的长文件名存储方式。

    Disable long name preservation for old programs .

  20. 已经选择使用快速方式安装并推迟长文件名的创建。

    You have chosen to install using the Express method and to postpone long filename creation .

  21. 该实用程序可以还原本机上用此程序备份的长文件名。

    This utility can restore the long files names on this machine that were backed up with this utility .

  22. 请运行磁盘扫描程序以检查并修复所有小问题,如簇丢失或长文件名无效等。

    Run ScanDisk to check for and fix any minor problems , such as lost clusters or invalid long file names .

  23. 同时由于业务需要,必须实现长文件名机制,并要求不断完善。

    Meanwhile as a result of the service need , we must realize the long filename mechanism , and requests to consummate unceasingly .

  24. 长AIX用户名和文件名支持

    Support for long AIX usernames and filenames

  25. ENAMETOOLONG:您已创建比PATHMAX长的路径名,或者已创建比NAMEMAX长的文件名或目录名。

    ENAMETOOLONG & You 've created a path name longer than PATH_MAX , or you 've created a file or directory name longer than NAME_MAX .