
  • 网络length deformation
  1. 本文通过拉萨&贡嘎、GPS控制网的研究,根据地理位置不同,选择合适的中央子午线和基准投影面,是抵御长度变形的有效手段;

    According to the research on the GPS control nets in LASA , the conclusion is that it is an effective way to control the length deformation through choosing a proper central meridian and basic project plane according to the different location is generated .

  2. 高等级公路测设长度变形控制的研究

    Research on Control of Length Deformation in High Road Layout

  3. 影响GPS投影长度变形的因素

    Factor of the Effect on Length Distortion in GPS Projection

  4. 对GPS测量数据后处理过程中产生的投影变形问题进行了探讨,并提出了解决办法。并且推导了按各点的法线投影的单幅图的长度变形公式。

    This paper discusses the effect of length distortion in GPS survey projection to transmission line aerial survey , and tells us how to avoid it And the formulas of the length distortion are also given .

  5. 结果表明,对于2000海里左右的中程大地距离(罗兰C系统的作用距离范围内),地心纬度球面上的积分长度变形达2~3km。

    The result indicate that integral distance distortion on the geocentric latitudinal sphere is 2 ~ 3 km in the about 2 000 miles ( Loran C system ) .

  6. 城市平面控制网坐标系统的选择应满足投影长度变形不大于25cmkm,从而便于城市大比例尺测图和市政工程的施工放样。

    The selection of a city coordinate system of the plane control network must be satisfied with the deformation of projective lenth to be not bigger zhan 2 5cm / km , thus it is easy for the large-scale mapping of a city and the construction lofting of municipal engineering .

  7. 地心纬度球面上的积分长度变形公式

    The Distortional Formulate of Integral Distance on the Geocentric Latitudinal Sphere

  8. 并且推导了按各点的法线投影的单幅图的长度变形公式。

    And the formulas of the length distortion are also given .

  9. 减小测区的长度变形

    Reduce Distortion of Length in Area of Survey in g

  10. 试论水利枢纽工程测量中的长度变形问题

    On the Length Deformation in the Surveying for Multipurpose Water Conservancy Project

  11. 长输管道工程测量投影长度变形的应对措施

    Methods to Control the Projection Distortion in the Survey Work for Distance Transmission Pipeline

  12. 经实例验证,应用该种方法能较好地抵偿长度变形。

    The example validation shows that appling the method can compensate length deformation better .

  13. 高海拔地区矿区控制网长度变形问题研究

    Research on the Length Deformation of Control Network in Mining Area in High Altitude Region

  14. 高等级公路测量基准面的确定及长度变形分析

    Determination of Datum Surface of Horizontal Control Net and Analysis of Length Projection Deformation for High-grade Highway Surveying

  15. 然后,根据影像的长度变形、方向变形、灰度变形及双向一致性条件,计算匹配支持度;

    Then the matching support can be calculated according to length distortion , direction distortion , gray distortion , and double faces constraint .

  16. 从分析矿区控制网际要求的长度变形容许数值入手,确立出适合矿区需要的,统一投影带的范围以及对局部坐标系统的选择和换算问题。

    This paper gives the answers of national regulated scope of projection zone and problems of choice and conversion of the partial coordinate system suitable for the needs of mine diggings .

  17. 针对这一问题,必须采取有效的约束条件和措施,使得长度变形小于1/40000,从而满足铁路测量精度要求。

    Therefore , some necessary restricted measures should be taken to make the projection length ( deformation ) less than 1 / 40 000 in order to meet the requirement of accuracy for railway surveying .

  18. 论述了建立独立坐标系时中央子午线及投影面的选择与各地区投影长度变形值的关系,说明了尽量利用原有坐标系统的重要性。

    The relation between central meridian projection plane choice and the distortion value of projection length of areas was discoursed on , and then the essentiality to make use of intrinsic coordinate system was explained .

  19. 精密工程控制网的建立主要解决以下两个问题:①建立工程需要的坐标系统,以减少高差和地图投影引起的长度变形对工程施工的影响;②各级控制网精度控制。

    There are two important issues in establishing precise engineering control network : ① establish applicable coordinate system , so as to decrease distance distortion due to height difference and projection in construction ② dominate accuracy of control network .

  20. 高速公路平面控制测量需要将控制点纳入国家高斯平面坐标系,由此不可避免地出现距离长度变形,并导致平面控制测量投影面与施工高程面分离。

    It is inevitable that the length distortion will happen when the control points are linked to the State Gauss Plane Coordinates System in the plane control surveying for speedways , by which the construction elevation plane would separated from the projection plane of control surveying .

  21. 拉伸试样尺寸与长度方向变形量对r值测量的影响

    Influence of Tensile Sample Size and Deformation at Length Direction on r-Value Measurement

  22. 在矿区GPS控制网数据后处理过程中,对长度投影变形的处理不可回避。

    It is inevitable for length projection deformation processing in mine GPS control data transacting .

  23. 本文根据公路勘测需要,应用大地测量学的一些理论,建立公路GPS测量的非参数基准,探讨了解决长度投影变形的计算方法。

    In the article , the author built non-parameter benchmark of GPS surveying on the road with the theory of geodesy according to the demand of road surveying , meanwhile discussed the methods of calculating the length projection transmutation .

  24. 公路勘测放线中长度投影变形的影响及对策

    The impacts of Length Projection Distortion on Route-placing Precision in Road Survey

  25. 减小长度投影变形的一种地图投影新方法

    A New Method of Map Projection to Decrease Projection Distortion

  26. 高速公路线路放样中长度投影变形的影响和对策

    The Impacts and Countermeasure of Length Projection Distortion on Route Place in Expressway

  27. 城镇测量中长度投影变形问题的处理

    Measurements on Length Projective Deformation in City Survey

  28. 采用单因素试验法,探讨了三层结构实木复合地板背板的含水率对地板长度方向变形的影响。

    Linear deformation as a function of moisture content ( MC ) was investigated on the bottom layer of3 layer parquet .

  29. 另外,还给出了特征长度、变形模量与冰密度和未冻液体含量的试验关系。

    In addition , the experimental relationships of the characteristic length , strain modulus and density , content of the unfrozen solution were given .

  30. 但其面积(体积)、地层厚度、各标志层的长度在变形前后保持相等,即变形前后的剖面是平衡的。

    But the area , bed thickness and marker bed length remain unchanged ; that is to say , the geological section keeps balanced before and after deformation .