
  • 网络Electrostrictive effect;electrostriction effect
  1. 从热弹光声的基本方程出发,考虑热扩散效应、光穿透效应、电致伸缩效应,对液体中激光激励的声源进行了研究。

    The sound source which is generated by laser in liquids is studied theoretically on the basis of the thermoplastic equation which includes thermal diffusion effect , optical penetration effect and electrostriction effect .

  2. 本文研究了热压烧结和普通烧结的锆钛酸铅掺镧(PLZT)陶瓷的电致伸缩效应。

    The electrostriction in the Lanthanum-doped Lead Zirconate-Titanate ( PLZT ) ceramics with hot pressed and non-hot pressed sintering is investigated .

  3. 而经过高能电子辐照的P(VDF-TrFE)共聚物具有巨电致伸缩效应,开辟了这类材料在大应变机电传感器和驱动器方面的应用前景。

    Giant electrostrictive response was observed in high-energy electron irradiated P ( VDF-TrFE ) copolymers , which indicates great potentials in electromechanical transducers and actuators .

  4. 而PVDF及其共聚物由于柔软、易于大面积制作等优点也一直得到广泛的研究,尤其是近年来PVDF共聚物的电致伸缩效应也有了一定程度的研究。

    The PVDF and its copolymers have also been studied widely for the characteristic of flexibility and easy production in large scale , during which the electrostrictive effect of PVDF copolymers has been especially studied recently .

  5. 未极化的LiNbO3晶体受直流电场作用时,其亚临界裂纹扩展的加快,系压电晶体电致伸缩效应所致;

    The increase of subcritical crack growth for unpolarized LiNbO_3 crystal specimens when affected by the DC field is due to the electrostrictive effect of the piezoelectric crystal ;

  6. 数字散斑相关在电致伸缩效应测量中的应用

    Application of Digital Speckle Correlation Method for Measuring Electrostrictive Effect

  7. 基于电流变液体准电致伸缩效应的柔性微致动器

    Electrostriction Effect of Electro Rheological Fluid and Its Application in Flexible Micro Actuator

  8. 弛豫铁电体PZT:La陶瓷的电致伸缩效应的研究

    Electrostrictive Effects in Relaxed Ferroelectric PZT : La

  9. Ba-PZT系陶瓷电致伸缩效应研究

    Electrostrictive Effect of Ba - PZT System Ceramics

  10. 强非线性铁电陶瓷的电致伸缩效应

    Electrostrictive effect in ferroelectric ceramics

  11. 用计算机控制的椭偏仪可以用于薄膜光学测试的广泛领域,特别适用于跟踪阳极薄膜生长,测试它们的电光效应和电致伸缩效应。

    A computer-controlled ellipsometer was used for measuring optical properties of films , especially for electrooptic and electrostrictive effects .

  12. 一种具有大电致伸缩效应的陶瓷材料弛豫铁电体PZT:La被我们发现了。

    A relaxation ferroelectrics , I , e. , PZT : La ceramics , exhibiting a great electrostrictive effect , has heen found .

  13. 从微观上系统分析了电致伸缩效应、逆压电效应和铁电效应的位移机理,表明:三种效应的位移机理是根本不同的;

    The displacement mechanisms of electrostrictive effect , inverse piezoelectric effect and ferroelectric effect are systematically analysed in a microcosmic way , and the results of analyses indicate that the displacement mechanisms of these three effects are totally different ;

  14. 在一维情况下,通过解热扩散方程和波动方程,得出了位移的一般表达式.讨论了热扩散效应、光穿透效应、电致伸缩效应对声波振幅的影响。

    In one dimensional model , the general expression of wave displacement is obtained by solving the thermal diffusion equation and wave equation , which the influence of the thermal diffusion effect and the optical penetration effect on the wave displacement amplitude is analyzed .

  15. 晶体和陶瓷中的压电效应与电致伸缩效应

    Piezoelectric and Electrostrictive Effect in Crystals and Ceramics

  16. 本文通过必要的数学表述及热力学函数定性讨论了介电晶体的压电效应与电致伸缩效应和热电效应与电热效应。

    In this paper , piezoelectric and electrostrictive and thermoelectric and electrothermal effects of the nonlinear dielectrical crystals were discussed through necessary mathematical describe and thermodynamic functions .

  17. 压电陶瓷执行器的位移主要是由逆压电效应、铁电效应所引起的,电致伸缩效应对位移的贡献极其微弱,可以忽略不计;

    The displacement of piezoelectric ceramic actuators is mainly due to inverse piezoelectric effect and ferroelectric effect ; the contribution of electrostrictive effect to the displacement is so little that it can be neglected ;