
  • 网络Electromagnetic conversion;pdf
  1. 各种方案的实验对比表明,采用适当的线圈设计参数和散热方案,能有效提高激励线圈的电磁转换效率,增加换能器的最大工作电流,从而充分利用大功率换能器中GMM的潜在性能空间。

    Contrast of the experimental results from these schemes illustrates proper solenoid design parameters and heat dissipate schemes can improve the electric-magnetic transfer efficiency , and increases the maximum driving current , consequently can fully utilize the giant magnetostrictive property of high power actuator .

  2. 磁通门磁变仪状态函数对电磁转换函数测定值的影响

    Effects of state function of magnetic flux magnetometer to measuring value of electromagnetic transform function

  3. 微波加热具有较高的电磁转换效率,加热效率高。

    Since microwave heating has a high efficiency to convert electricity energy to electromagnetic energy .

  4. 结合天体物理应用,本文译述了强磁场中与辐射有关的高能电磁转换过程。

    From the viewpoint of astrophysical applications , we review high-energy electromagnetic conversion processes related to the radiation in strong magnetic fields .

  5. 本实用新型涉及一种陀螺,特别涉及一种通过电磁转换和磁电转换进行工作的电磁陀螺。

    The utility model relates to a top , in particular to an electromagnetic top which makes use of the electromagnetism conversion and magnetoelectricity conversion to run .

  6. 将振动能转换为电能的方式主要有电磁转换、静电转换、压电转换等等,本文主要探索了振动能到电能的压电转换方式。

    There are three basic mechanisms by which vibrations can be converted to electrical energy : electro-magnetic , electrostatic and piezoelectric . In this paper the piezoelectric conversion is explored to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy .

  7. 主要有三种能量转换形式可以实现环境振动能到电能的转换,即:压电转换、电磁转换和静电转换。

    The micropower generator based on ambient vibration energy sources will be the most promising micro power sources and there are three conversion methods to achieve this type of energy , which are piezoelectric , electromagnetic and electrostatic conversion .

  8. 燃气发动机热电联产机组控制系统包括了气体流动、燃烧与膨胀,往复式机械运动,电磁转换等众多复杂的瞬变动态过程,具有时变、非线性和多不确定性干扰等特性。

    The control system of gas engine cogeneration unit is a complex one with time-variable and nonlinear properties , in which contains a lots of transient and dynamic processes such as gas flow , combustion , reciprocating mechanical movement and electromagnetism transform .

  9. 发电机是旋转的电磁转换机械,其运行过程中会在其轴两端产生轴电压,而轴电压会严重损坏旋转设备,尤其是使用静态励磁系统的大型汽轮发电机组。

    The generator is the revolving electromagnetism transformation machinery , in its movement process can produce the axis voltage in its axis both sides , but the axis voltage can the major damage revolving equipment , use the static excitation is in particular the excitation large-scale steamship power set .

  10. 通过推导公式和不断修正磁芯间隙、多绕组分布结构和变比来提高电磁转换效率,改变磁通耦合系数,增加传输功率,进而优化电气隔离变压器与外围驱动电路的匹配。

    Formula derivation and constantly amendments of magnetic core gap , structure adjustment of multi-winding distribution and ratio are conducted in order to improve electromagnetic conversion efficiency , change magnetic flux coupling co-efficiency , increase transmission power and optimize the match between the electrically isolated transformer and peripheral drive circuit .

  11. 对圆形平行板电容器电磁能量转换问题的浅析

    The preliminary analysis of electromagnetic energy transition of the circular parallel-plate capacitor

  12. 电磁铁是一种把电磁能转换为机械能的电磁元件,其产量大、用途广。

    Electromagnet is a kind of electromagnetic element coverting electric energy into mechanical energy .

  13. 它把电磁能转换成机械能(动能),借电磁力做功,传动载荷。

    It transforms electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy ( kinetic energy ), driving load by electromagnetic force acting .

  14. 一种把下述光谱范围内的电磁辐射转换成电流的装置:红外线、可见光和/或紫外线。

    A device for converting electromagnetic radiation in the infra-red , visible and / or ultra-violet regions of the spectrum into an electric current .

  15. 稀土超磁致伸缩换能器是将电磁能转换成机械能或声能的器件,具有高效的机电转换效率。

    Rare earth gaint magnetostrictive transducer is a device which changes electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy or sound energy . It has high mechanical and electrical conversion efficient .

  16. 在输配电过程中,电能传送和电磁能量转换都是通过电流实现的,电流通过导线或电气设备时会产生损耗。

    In the course of transmission and distribution , power transmission and electromagnetic energy conversion is achieved through the current , the current through the wires will have a loss .

  17. 外形设计是将目标反射波偏离雷达发射方向,吸波材料是将电磁能转换成热能而耗散或消失;

    Contour design can make reflection wave of target to depart from transmit direction of radar . Absorbing materials will make electromagnetism energy transform into heat energy , so as it dissipates or disappears .

  18. 主动空间试验中空间电荷波向电磁波的转换

    Transformation of space-charge wave to electromagnetic wave in active space experiments

  19. 电声响被定义为由电磁辐射直接转换成的可听见的声音。

    Electrophonic sounds are defined as sounds produced by direct conversion of electromagnetic radiation into audible sounds .

  20. 但是为了有效地实现电磁能量的转换,在设计天线时需保持一定的天线尺寸。

    In order to transform the energies of electricity and magnetism efficiently , it must fulfill certain size of antenna in design .

  21. 频率-直流电压变换器频率域直升机航空电磁法视电阻率转换及应用

    Frequency-dc voltage converter apparent resistivity conversion and application of the impulse helicopter electromagnetic system

  22. 利用永磁体磁极的相互作用和气隙间磁场可以实现机械能或声能与电磁能的相互转换,从而使得永磁材料被广泛应用于生产和生活的诸多领域。

    The permanent magnet can carry out the mutual convert of electromagnetic energy to mechanical energy or sound energy through the interaction of magnetic poles and the magnetic field in the interspace . Thus permanent magnetic materials have extensively applications in many realms of production and life .

  23. 电磁搅拌通过电磁感应实现能量无接触转换,将电磁能转换为钢水的旋转动能,推动钢水旋转运动,改善铸坯凝固组织及结晶状态,从而提高连铸坯质量。

    Electromagnetic stirring improves the solidification and internal crystalline state ; thereby it enhances the quality of continuous casting by means of electromagnetic induction non-converter which transforms electromagnetic power into electromagnetic force that impels the liquid metal to stir .

  24. 首先,微波热致超声波涉及多物理场过程,它包括电磁波在非均匀介质中的传播过程、电磁能转换为热能过程、热致膨胀产生机械波(超声波)过程。

    Firstly , the microwave-induced thermo-acoustic is an interdisciplinary field procedure . It includes the electromagnetic wave propagating in heterogeneous medium , the transform from the electromagnetic energy to the thermo-energy and the mechanical wave ( ultrasound ) generation due the tissue expanding .