
  • 网络cabling;cable line;cable plant;JD-D-b
  1. 此过程须在安装工作通过验证后开始,包括对设备及电缆线路的正确安装以及电路的适当终止的确认。

    This process will begin after installation work has been verified , including confirmation of the correct installation of equipment and cabling and the proper termination of circuits .

  2. 地铁35kV电缆线路差动保护误动分析及对策

    Analysis and countermeasures of differential protection maloperation on 35 kV subway cable line

  3. 用交流电压进行高压XLPE绝缘电缆线路的现场试验

    Field tests of XLPE insulated high voltage cable systems with AC voltage

  4. 基于PCM的电缆线路自动监测系统的构建

    Building of Cable-line Auto-System Based on PCM

  5. XLPE电缆线路局部放电量指标的分析

    Analysis of PD Level of XLPE Insulation Cable

  6. 10kV户外箱式环网柜在电缆线路改造中的应用

    Application of 10 kV Outdoor Ring Main Unit in Cable Transmission Line Renovation

  7. 10kV电缆线路的防火问题

    On fire prevention for 10 kV cable lines

  8. 一起220kV电缆线路故障原因剖析

    Cause Analyse of 220 kV Cable Line Fault

  9. 相序差对35kV电缆线路差动保护的影响与消除

    Effect of Phase-Sequence Difference on Differential Protection for 35 kV Cable Line and its Elimination

  10. 因此,随着电网的不断发展和城市电网改造的需要,XLPE电缆线路在电网中所占的比重日益增加。

    With the development of power grid and the needs of urban power network renovation , the proportion of XLPE cable lines is increasing in power system .

  11. 基于DsP技术,研究高压和超高压电力电缆线路参数的现场测试方法,提出能够快速准确测量电力电缆线路的正、零序阻抗的现场测试新技术。

    On site detection technique of power cable parameters such as positive sequence impedance and zero-order impedance is studied in this paper based on DSP technology . Practical experience approves that the new detection technique mentioned in the paper is fast , correct and simple .

  12. 对南京地区110kV高压电缆线路电缆连接头的接地线安装施工质量引起的电缆故障进行了分析,提出了相应的措施,避免了类似故障的发生。

    The fault caused by the improper installation of the grounding wire of the splices in 110 kV HV cables lines in Nanjing District is analysed . Counter measures are recommended to eliminate similar faults .

  13. 建议在同相两根并联10kV大截面电缆线路中采用上下两层水平布置和三角形排列布置的敷设方式。

    The laying mode that the symmetrical disposition for the two parallel 10 kV large section cable lines with the same phase is adopted on the upper and lower layers is suggested , it can be used as a reference .

  14. 电力电缆线路运行温度在线检测技术应用研究

    Application of Operation Temperature Detection Technique for On-line Power Cable Lines

  15. 物理描述包括架空线路、电缆线路以及混合线路。

    Physical description includes overhead lines , cable lines and mixed lines .

  16. 送电线路对市话电缆线路的危险影响及防护

    Dangerous Effect of Transmission Line on Urban Telephone Cable and its Prevention

  17. 长距离高压电缆线路互感参数测量

    Measurement of Mutual Inductances Parameters of Long-Distance High-Voltage Cable lines

  18. 以上电缆线路均沿规划路径埋地敷设。

    All cable lines will be laid underground along the planning path .

  19. 电缆线路有多种敷设方式,不同敷设方式的选择取决于多种因素。

    There are several lying modes , which depend on many factors .

  20. 伦敦将建成世界上输送容量最大的交联聚乙烯电缆线路

    The Biggest XLPE Cable Project Will be Completed in London

  21. 故本文通过对具体的电缆线路进行分析,采用接地线电流法作为趋势管理的手段。

    So we chose earth line current for trend management .

  22. 地下电缆线路还具有维修困难的缺点。

    Underground lines have the further disadvantage of poor accessibility .

  23. 长电缆线路雷电冲击过电压计算及绝缘配合

    Calculation of lightning impulse Overvoltage on long underground cable lines and insulation co-ordination

  24. 电缆线路中的每种过电压也可以用波过程解释。

    Each of the over-voltage cable lines can also be explained with wave process .

  25. 电缆线路的防火安全问题

    Security Problems of Fire Prevention in Cable Circuit

  26. 电力电缆线路参数测试技术的研究

    Study on Detection Technique of Power Cable Parameters

  27. 如何正确地识别电缆线路是电缆工程中极其重要的一环。

    It is important to correctly identify the power cable line in cable engineering .

  28. 浅述多回路不同电压电缆线路电磁环境影响评价方法

    Brief Discussion on electromagnetic environment impact assessment methods of multi-loop different voltage cable line

  29. 硅橡胶绝缘预制式中间接头是电力电缆线路的故障高发部位。

    Prefabricated cable joint with silicone rubber insulation is the high-risk area of cable faults .

  30. 基于分形理论的电缆线路故障类型判断及保护选择性研究

    Study on Fault Type Judgement and Protection Selectivity of Cable Line Based on Fractal Theory