
  • 网络Cable support;Cable holder;cable brackets;Cable Bearer
  1. 地铁用高分子复合材料电缆支架。

    A high molecular compound material cable rack used for a subway is disclosed .

  2. 该电缆支架由承载体和若干横臂构成;

    The cable rack consists of a bearing body and a plurality of cross arms ;

  3. 复合材料电缆支架

    Cable support of composite

  4. 本电缆支架可适应安装于垂直墙面或圆形隧道、马蹄形隧道等各种隧道墙面的需要;

    The utility model is suitable for being assembled on a vertical wall face or on various tunnel wall faces such as a round tunnel , and a horseshoe shaped tunnel , etc.

  5. 本文对复合材料电缆支架的发展现状、类型、制造工艺、主要技术参数和性能以及发展前景等进行了介绍。

    Moreover , it introduces the existing development conditions , types , manufacturing techniques , main technical parameters , and the characteristics of cable trough made of composite material and the developing prospect .

  6. 为了克服金属电缆支架易腐蚀、耗能大等缺点,研制开发了热固性复合材料电缆支架。

    To overcome a series of shortcomings of conventional metal such as corrosion and much energy consumption , made of thermal solidified composite , a cable support has been researched & developed as well as manufactured .

  7. 复合材料电缆支架的开发和应用,有效解决了地铁运行中金属电缆支架腐蚀所带来的使用寿命短、维护困难、运营成本高等问题。

    With development and application of cable trough made of composite material , problems of short service life , difficult in maintenance and higher operational cost caused by the metal cable trough in subway has been effectively settled .

  8. 将橡胶套上的电缆压入支架。

    Press cable at rubber sleeves into brackets .

  9. 简介了防直击雷和防感应雷措施,以及选择电缆和设计支架时应考虑的因素;

    Sixth , the protection measures from straight thunder and inductive thunder , the factors about the choice of cables , and the measures taken to protect support are briefly introduced ;