
  1. 并在此基础上对所提出的两种电子废弃物回收处理模式进行了优化设计。

    Finally , this article optimally design the electronic waste recycling modes .

  2. 对制定电子废弃物回收法的思考

    The Thinking of the Law of the Reclaimation of the Electronic Waste

  3. 电子废弃物回收拆解业工人健康调查

    Investigation of the Health of Electronic Waste Treatment Workers

  4. 电子废弃物回收利用的物理分选技术

    Mechanical Separation Methods for the Recycling of Eletronic Wastes

  5. 用具体的法律制度来保障电子废弃物回收处理工作的顺利进行。

    We need specific system to maintain the electronic waste recycling work operate smoothly .

  6. 对美国加州电子废弃物回收系统的分析与借鉴

    The Analysis of the Electrical Products Recycling System of California in American and Experience

  7. 电子废弃物回收处置及再循环利用&基于在校大学生的问卷调查

    Treatment and recycling of electronic waste & Based on the investigation of undergraduate on campus

  8. 电子废弃物回收利用探讨

    Study On Recycling Of Electronic Waste

  9. 基于循环经济的我国电子废弃物回收产业链再造

    The Reproduction of Recovery Chain of Electronic Waste in China Based on the Theory of Circular Economy

  10. 静脉产业视角下电子废弃物回收再利用研究&以长三角地区为例

    Research on E-waste Recycling from the Venous Industry Perspective & Taking the Case of the Yangtze Delta Region

  11. 达到使电子废弃物回收产业向正确的方向发展的最终目标,研究成果可为我国政府对电子废弃物回收处理的管制提供决策建议和方法支持。

    The results can provide the government restrictions on e-waste recycling and the proposed methods provide decision support .

  12. 爱瑞及其合作伙伴提供的电子废弃物回收服务还包括了贵金属提炼服务。

    Arrow Recovery Group and its partners have included metal refining to its arsenal of electronic waste recycling services .

  13. 中国城市电子废弃物回收处置现状&基于天津市的调查

    Status of Recycling and Treatment of Electronic Waste in the Cities of China : Base on the Investigation of Tianjin

  14. 本文主要研究基于循环经济理论我国电子废弃物回收产业链的再造问题。

    This thesis mainly studies the reproduction of recovery chain of electronic waste in china based on the theory of circular economy .

  15. 本文对制定电子废弃物回收法提出了粗浅的看法和建议。

    In this paper , the author puts forward some simple opinions and advices to establish a law of reclamation of the electronic waste .

  16. 通过分析发现两个模型具有很大的相似性,基于此本文建立了电子废弃物回收产业链的产业食物链模型。

    Through analysis , a similarity between these two models was found , so the thesis established food chain model of recovery of electronic waste .

  17. 为了证明本文设计的模型的现实可行性,文章将电子废弃物回收产业链模型与生态系统中的食物链模型进行了对比。

    In order to prove that this model is practical and workable , the thesis compared the recovery chain model of electronic waste with food chain in ecosystem .

  18. 本文回顾了德国双元系统在包装物回收领域取得的成功,探讨了此系统应用于电子废弃物回收的可行性与优势。

    The essay discusses the feasibility and advantage of a hypothetic DSD employed in WEEE reclamation after reviewing the success of DSD applied to the reclamation of waste package .

  19. 考虑到电子废弃物回收网络建设规模与回收量之间的关系以及土地利用规划的要求,本文对低回收量的情况进行了分析,得到回收网络的建设规模。

    Considering the relationship between the scope of electronic waste recycling network and recycling quantities , and the request of land use plan , the instance of low recycling quantity is calculated .

  20. 上海市作为我国经济社会最发达的地区之一,应该在电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立及相关法律法规和制度建设方面为全国起到一定的示范作用。

    Shanghai , as one of the most developed areas in China , should be functioned as a model in constructing the recycling network system of WEEE and in establishing the correlative laws and regulations .

  21. 文章最后总结了我国电子废弃物回收产业链再造的8点结论,提出4个可供进一步研究的方向,为进一步解决我国电子废弃物问题奠定了基础。

    At the end , the thesis drew 8 conclusions on the reproduction of recovery chain of electronic waste in china and put forward 4 directions for further study , which laid a thorough foundation for the solution of electronic waste in china .

  22. canaccord认为,电子废弃物的回收回收电子设备中通常危险的材料是下一项重大任务。

    Canaccord believes that e-cycling the recovery of often hazardous materials from electronic devices is the next big thing .

  23. 电子废弃物机械回收的研究现状与发展

    Mechanical Recycling of Electronics Scrap & Current Status and Prospects

  24. 电子电气废弃物回收利用初探

    Discussion on the Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

  25. 基于生态经济学的电子废弃物资源回收研究

    Study on the Resource Recycling of Electronic Waste Based on Ecological Economics

  26. 我国电子废弃物的回收处理现状和管理对策

    The recycling situation and countermeasures of waste electrical and electronic equipment in China

  27. 国外电子废弃物的回收利用技术

    Technology of Recycling Electronic Wastes Abroad

  28. 在电子废弃物的回收过程中,由于缺乏有效的回收途径和方法,已经给社会环境造成了严重的污染和破坏。

    Now the environment and human health is being harmed because of the improperly methods of recovering these waste .

  29. 日趋严格的政策法规和日益增长的环境保护和资源回收的意识推动了电子废弃物的回收处理工作的开展。

    Increasingly stringent policies and the growing awareness of environmental protection and resource recycling have greatly promoted the launching of e-waste recycling .

  30. 我国至今对电子废弃物的回收处理还没有形成合理科学的解决机制。

    Unfortunately , China has not yet set up a scientific and reasonable resolving mechanism regarding the reclaiming and handling of electronic wastes .