
diàn wán
  • video game;electronic toy
  1. 随后他开始详细介绍名叫“海洋之星II”的电玩。

    He then began to detail is called " Ocean Star II " video game .

  2. 汤尼老是在他宿舍房间里打ps的电玩游戏。

    Tony is always in his dorm room playing videogames on his PlayStation ( PS ) .

  3. CB经常看电玩天堂,但是我因为不懂语言,所以没太多兴趣。

    He was always watching the program , but I was not very interested because I couldn 't understand .

  4. 任天堂Wii的游戏操纵柄需要玩家运用身体的移动来操控电玩。

    Games consoles such as Nintendo Wii require players to use body movements to control the action .

  5. 这也是PewDiePie--一位拍摄自己和朋友们玩电玩,并吸引了大量观众的瑞典潮人和视频日记大师马库斯•巴特勒(MarcusButler)的家乡。

    It 's also home to PewDiePie - a Swedish hipster whose films of himself and friends playing video games draw vast audiences - and video diary maestro Marcus Butler .

  6. 没错,这些视频的内容与蓝色彼得(BluePeter)或神秘博士(DoctorWho)完全不同:作品谈不上有什么价值;主要题材是针对电玩、恶作剧和那些令所有青少年着迷的东西。

    True , the content is rather different to the fare served up on Blue Peter or Doctor Who : the production values are languid ; the subject matter focused principally on video games , pranks and that all encompassing teen obsession : stuff .

  7. 我曾经在报纸上读到说你是一个电玩玩家,那么在玩ESPN篮球游戏时,“操纵”自己的感觉是怎样的?

    I 've read that you 're a gamer , so how does it feel playing " yourself " on a game like ESPN Basketball ?

  8. 日本玩具制造商Takara公司和电玩游戏制造商Konami公司都已经开发出这项新技术了。

    Japanese toy maker Takara Co and videogame producer Konami Corp have developed such a new technology .

  9. 它在上世纪90年代遭到了世嘉(Sega)推出的电玩游戏《刺猬索尼克》(SonictheHedgehog)的伏击,后来世嘉由于在梦工厂(Dreamcast)游戏机上的失败陷入危机,并将业务缩减至仅做游戏出版商。

    It was ambushed by Sega with Sonic the Hedgehog in the 1990s before Sega faltered with the failure of its Dreamcast console and retreated to being purely a games publisher .

  10. 暗盒式电玩是不合法的,正是因为这一规定导致微软的Xboxes游戏被排除在展会之外。

    Cartridge-style computer games are illegal , a rule that conveniently shuts out Microsoft 's Xboxes .

  11. 微软收购Mojang公司,该公司创作了全球最畅销的电玩游戏《我的世界》。

    Microsoft has acquired Mojang , the maker of Minecraft , one of the world 's best-selling video games .

  12. 五年时间,元一时代广场已经拥有大型百货卖场、超市、电器城、五星级影院、KTV、电玩城等多种商业形式。

    In five years , many commercial entities have developed in the square : a large department store , supermarkets , Home-appliance City , five-star cinema , KTV , play station shops , etc.

  13. 如何在外形上抹掉人们对赛车电玩的最初印象,并使之具有自我风格的产品,这是“头文字D5”在开发过程中一个相当重要的问题。

    How to erase it in the shape of racing games on the first impression , and make it self-style products , which is " Initial D5 " in the development process of a very important issue .

  14. 主要机型有娱乐类电玩和赌博类电玩两种。

    Main models are class entertainment and gambling game game two .

  15. 星期一到星期五晚上我不可以打电玩。

    I 'm not allowed to play computer games on weeknights .

  16. 先要了解的捕鱼电玩运行原理。

    Should first understand the operating principle of fishing video game .

  17. 怎么里面没有牛奶,只有赌博电玩?

    How there is no milk , only gambling video game ?

  18. 一线民警正在学习辨认赌博电玩。

    Front-line police are learning to identify gambling video game .

  19. 洁西:我喜欢打电玩游戏或上网聊天。

    Jessie : I like to play video games or chat online .

  20. 他们打电玩会学到更多的计算机知识。

    They learn better computer skills by playing video games .

  21. 由任天堂推出,含解谜要素的奇幻电玩游戏系列。

    Forum for the discussion of Wii games and hardware .

  22. 而且都是包了赌博电玩好几个赌面的。

    And are wrapped in several gambling gambling gaming surface .

  23. 这些赌博电玩都是害人的,你千万不要碰!

    These gambling video games are harmful , you do not touch !

  24. 是电玩中的精品,吸收了更多玩家。

    Is a boutique video games , drawing more players .

  25. 圣诞节美国电玩产品可能热销

    Electronic game products may be hot in USA during Xmas

  26. 人气最旺、店家必备电玩机台!

    The most popular , an essential gaming machine stores !

  27. 一开头就有人刺杀电玩设计者。

    It began with the attempted assassination of a designer .

  28. 如果可以钓真的鱼,为何你要玩钓鱼电玩?

    Why would you video-fish if you could go fishing for real ?

  29. 杰森喜欢用计算机打电玩。

    Jason likes to play video games on his computer .

  30. 另外,我爱玩电玩。

    Also , I love to play video games .