
wú xiàn diàn ɡān rǎo
  • radio interference;radio jamming
  1. 空中电磁环境越来越复杂,无线电干扰时有发生,无线电监测的任务日趋繁重。

    The electromagnetism 's environment in the air becomes complex day by day , various radio jamming occur at every turn , so the tasks of the radio monitoring are heavier than before .

  2. 它在运行中搜索到了我们,并向我的手机发出警报,并在系统的事件记录中列出了我们的无线电干扰。

    It caught us in the act , sent an alert to my smartphone , and also listed our RF interference on the system 's event log .

  3. 在采取适当措施抑制发射到我们的测试实验室的无线电干扰信号以后,我们独立检测到了攻击,并且验证了在使用合适的设备的情况下,阻断信号是有可能的。

    After taking appropriate measures to contain the RF interference to our test lab , we tested the attack out for ourselves , and were able to verify that it 's possible with the right equipment .

  4. 对于SETI就如由于无线电干扰(RFI)而出现的错误的活跃信号。

    Such false positive signals are , to SETI , Radio Frequency Interference ( RFI ) .

  5. 为系统了解高压变电站产生的电磁环境情况,测量了13个500kV高压变电站内、外的工频电、磁场,以及变电站围墙外20m处的无线电干扰水平。

    The electric filed , magnetic field and radio interference in thirteen 500 kV substations is Measured .

  6. 110kV输变电工程无线电干扰对环境的影响

    Radio Interference Effect on Environment for 110 kV Power Distribution and Transmission Engineering

  7. 220kV高压输电线路的工频电磁场和无线电干扰污染

    Pollution of electro-magnetical fields and radio disturbed fields of 50 Hz-220 kV high tension line

  8. ±500kV直流同杆并架输电线路无线电干扰研究

    Study on Radio Interference of ± 500 kV DC Double Circuit Transmission Lines on Same Tower

  9. 同塔并架多回输电线无线电干扰分析ADSS光缆与输电线路同塔并架工程设计与开发

    Analysis of the Radio Interference for Parallel Multi-circuit Transmission Lines on the Same Tower Design exploitation for ADSS optical cables sharing towers with transmission lines

  10. 国网典型设计220kV输变电工程的工频电场和无线电干扰分析

    Analysis of Power Frequency Electric Field and Radio Frequency Interference for State Grid Typical Design Transmission and Distribution Projects

  11. 西北高海拔地区330kV线路无线电干扰的研究

    The Study on Radio Interference from 330 kV Transmission Lines at High Altitude in North-west

  12. 西北750kV输电线路的无线电干扰研究

    Study on the Radio Interference of 750 kV Northwest Transmission Lines

  13. 1000kV交流输电线路无线电干扰限值与设计控制

    Limits and Design Control of Radio Interference for 1000 kV AC Transmission Lines

  14. 文章主要介绍国际无线电干扰特别委员会(CISPR)的背景、工作程序及业务范畴。

    The background , working procedure and scope of business of International Special Committee on Radio Interference ( CISPR ) are presented in this paper .

  15. 文章介绍了特高压CVT的原理及结构、应重点研究的内容,如机械强度和抗震能力、无线电干扰水平、电场分布等,给出了主要参数与性能指标。

    The principle and structure of UHV CVT , and the contents of key research for UHV CVT were introduced , such as mechanical strength and anti-seismic ability , radio influence level and electric field distribution etc. , and the major parameters and performance index were given .

  16. 通过计算和试验研究找到了降低800kV特高压交流隔离开关的无线电干扰水平的途径,对屏蔽环的设计计算作了详细的阐述。

    In order to reduce the radio interference level of 800 kV EHV AC disconnector , calculations and experiments are carried out , and the measures are given out in this paper . The design of shielding ring of 800 kV disconnector is introduced in detail .

  17. 基于电晕笼的海拔高度对无线电干扰的影响

    Effect of Altitude on Radio Interference Based on Corona Test Cage

  18. 特高压交流输电线路电晕放电产生的无线电干扰

    Radio Interference Due to Corona Discharge on UHV AC Transmission Lines

  19. 四相输电线路的可闻噪声与无线电干扰分析

    Audible Noise and Radio Interference Analysis for 4-phase Transmission Lines

  20. 直流输电工程换流站无线电干扰测试分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Radio Interference in HVDC Converter Stations

  21. GB15707-1995高压交流架空送电线无线电干扰限值

    Limits of radio interference from AC high voltage overhead power transmission lines

  22. 抑制射频干扰电容器因电磁辐射而产生的无线电干扰。

    RFI suppression capacitor Radio interference produced by electromagnetic radiation .

  23. 对于特高压输电线路无线电干扰的预测主要采用激发函数法。

    The excitation function method is mainly used in UHV transmission lines .

  24. 对电源车辆无线电干扰有关问题的探讨

    Discussion of relating to problem on radio interference for movable power station vehicle

  25. 高压架空线路对移动通信基站的无线电干扰影响

    Analysis of Radio Interference on Mobile Telecommunication Station from HV Overhead Transmission Lines

  26. 特高压线路绝缘子串的无线电干扰

    Radio Interference from Insulator - string on UHV Lines

  27. 家用电器无线电干扰的测量

    Measurement of Radio Disturbance of House - hold Appliances

  28. 就说防火中心要排除无线电干扰。

    Tell the the Fire Marshall wants clear channels .

  29. 交直流高压输电线路并行传输时的无线电干扰特性

    Radio interference characteristic of HVAC and HVDC transmission lines in a hybrid corridor

  30. 超短波通信常见无线电干扰特点及排查方法

    Common Radio Interference Features in the Ultrashort Wave Communication and the Scour Way