
  1. 井冈山无私奉献精神与大学生价值观教育

    Jinggangshan unselfish dedication spirit and education of view of value

  2. 要是国会山也盛行这样的无私奉献精神就好了。

    If only a similar unselfishness prevailed on Capitol Hill .

  3. 第六,全心全意为人民服务的无私奉献精神。

    Sixth , the spirit of selfless dedication to serving people whole-heartedly .

  4. 井冈山无私奉献精神是马克思主义价值观的集中体现。

    Jinggangshan unselfish dedication spirit is the concentrated reflection of Marxist view of Value .

  5. 她的人文关怀、对生活的热情、永不间断的无私奉献精神将会永留史册。

    Her sense of humor , passion for life , never-ending dedication and generosity of spirit will be remembered by all of us .

  6. 它强调个人对他人、对社会自觉地履行道德义务和责任,讲求“克己”的无私奉献精神。

    It emphasizes that individual must carry out ethics duties conscientiously to others , and asks a wholehearted devotion gist of offering selflessly .

  7. 据此,老龄委和全国寸草心敬老志愿者联盟对环球天下的无私奉献精神给予了高度评价和肯定。

    Accordingly , the committee on aging and national inch grass heart to respect volunteer league on the global world of selfless dedication spirit gave high evaluation and affirmation .

  8. 雷锋逝世,他的日记被发表。他成为中国人无私奉献精神的榜样。

    After Lei 's death , his diary was published , and Lei was built up as a good example to the Chinese people to be cheerfully selfless and noble in thought .

  9. 大学以培养高素质人才为基本职能,高等教育的首要任务是培养具有高度社会责任感和无私奉献精神的合格劳动者。

    The university takes training high quality talents as the basic function . The most important task of higher education is to raise qualified workers with high social responsibility sense and unselfish dedication spirit .

  10. 他们以无畏和无私奉献的精神迎接了一个又一个的困难。

    They had faced one difficulty after another with bravery and dedication

  11. 宣传这种理念需要一种无私的奉献精神,更需要一种有效的手段。

    Promotion of this concept requires a selfless dedication and more effective means .

  12. 我喜欢蝴蝶兰,喜欢蝴蝶兰的顽强和无私奉献的精神。

    I like the butterfly orchid , Phalaenopsis like tenacious and selfless dedication .

  13. 我觉得他们都有一种团结协作、无私奉献的精神。

    I think they were all imbued with the spirit of cooperation , unity and dedication .

  14. 但是我记得布鲁姆教授,我依然记得他无私奉献的精神和他的博学多才。

    But I remember Professor Blum . And I still recall his dedication and high standards of learning .

  15. 无私奉献的精神是保证公司持续发展的根本动力,是提高我们产品质量的有力保证。

    The spirit of selfless devotion is the fundamental motivation to ensure sustainable development and high quality of our products .

  16. 没有无私的奉献精神,不能在品德作风上成为表率,入住学生公寓与推进思想政治工作进公寓就等于零;

    They should foster the spirit of selfless devotion , and set good examples to the students in moral character and style .

  17. 革命先烈英勇奋斗,不怕牺牲,无私奉献的精神,给宁化人民留下了极其宝贵的精神财富。

    Revolutionary martyrs who fought bravely defying death , the spirit of selfless dedication to the people of Nanjing left a very valuable spiritual wealth .

  18. 人员队伍整体素质较好,大部分的辅导员是热爱自己的思政教育事业的,具有饱满的工作热情和无私的奉献精神。

    The overall quality of the staff is excellent , and most of the instructors love their ideological and political education career with full enthusiasm and selfless dedication .

  19. 一年来,由于各位的热心参与会务,无私的奉献精神以及对本人的支持,使总会的业务发顺利,并达到许多高水准的成就。

    Owing to your enthusiastic contribution and devotion to Toastmasters and a wholly support in the past one year , we have a smooth and a high quality year .

  20. 芒果树就是这样,默默无闻地为我们营造阴凉,撒播芬芳,却从不计较报酬,我爱的就是它这种无私奉献的精神!

    Mango Tree is the case , unknown to us to create a cool , fragrant sow but never kind of reward , I love it this is the spirit of selfless dedication !

  21. 从中国工农红军面对现实、不畏艰险、心系他人、顾全大局四个方面,进一步探讨了长征精神的主要内涵,它们是:实事求是的精神、艰苦奋斗的精神、无私奉献的精神、团结协作的精神。

    The spirit of long march of chinas red army appeared in the1930s turns out to be extraordinary one for a group in arduous condition rather than that for someone in normal life .

  22. 其无私的奉献精神,认真的编辑态度,丰富的编辑实践,独特的编辑经验,深邃精湛的编辑思想,对我们今天的副刊编辑实践有着非常重要的启迪和现实意义。

    His unselfish spirit , earnest editing attitude , rich editing practice , unique editing experience and profound editing thought are still of important enlightening and practical significance to today 's supplement editing .

  23. 崇尚教授群体高尚的人格素养、严谨的学风准则、渊博的知识构成、杰出的创新意识、无私的奉献精神,亦即综合素质,实为立教之本。

    It is the basement of education that we praise professors , comprehensive ability , such as noble character , rigous academic atmosphere , broad and profound knowledge and consciousness of bringing forth new ideas and unselfish spirit .

  24. 质量特色:本专业的质量特色体现为:具有扎实的体育技术技能;具有宽泛的理论知识结构和多种技能;具有顽强拼搏、团结协作、无私奉献的精神;个性化培养的全面发展。

    Special features : the physical education is featured for the fostering of its graduates firm sports skills , broad theoretical structure of knowledge and more techniques ; have the spirit of cooperation , rally , hard work and devotion ; with all-round development personal cultivation .

  25. 中国石油工业的发展,离不开社会主义制度能把各方面力量集中起来办大事的优越性,离不开独立自主、自力更生和改革开放政策的有机结合,更离不开艰苦创业、无私奉献的大庆精神。

    It could not have made such a rapid development without the socialist advantage of being able to concentrate all China 's resources on one industry , without the effective combination of self-support with an open policy , and without the Daqing spirit , the spirit of unselfish devotion .