
  • 网络ballastless track
  1. 根据本文提出的参数值,由中南大学研发的水泥沥青砂浆材料已成功应用于武广客运专线5km长的板式无碴轨道试验段。

    Based on the parameter in this paper , the CAM material researched by Central South University has been applied to the ballastless track test section with the length of 5 km on the Wuhan-Guangzhou passenger dedicated line . 4 .

  2. 桥上长枕埋入式无碴轨道施工技术

    The construction of long sleeper buried ballastless track over a bridge

  3. 桥上板式无碴轨道CA砂浆施工技术

    Construction technology of CA mortar for ballastless slab track over bridges

  4. 板式无碴轨道用CA砂浆的关键技术

    Key Technologies of CA Mortar for Slab Track

  5. 作为高速铁路无碴轨道的弹性垫层,CA砂浆性能的好坏对轨道结构的安全性和耐久性有着极其重要的影响。

    As the elastic cushion of slag-less slab track in the high-speed railway , the performance of cement asphalt mortar is crucial to the durability and safety of slab track .

  6. CRTSⅠ型板式无碴轨道线路动态调整施工

    On dynamic adjustment construction of CRTS ⅰ type unballasted track

  7. 郑西客运专线(高速铁路)是我国在黄土地区修建的第一条高速铁路,最高时速达350km,全线铺设无碴轨道。

    Zhengzhou-Xi ' an passenger express railway is the first high-speed ( 350 km / h at best ) railway construction in loess area in China .

  8. 按照客运专线18号道岔设计参数并采用Rheda型无碴轨道结构建立模型,模型中对上部钢轨结构的尖轨和可动心轨辙叉部分进行了简化处理;

    The model was built according to the design parameter of the 18th rail switch of the Passenger-Dedicated Lines .

  9. 桥上无碴轨道无缝道岔力学特性分析

    Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics to the Jointless Switch on Ballastless Bridge

  10. 无碴轨道涵洞地基加固及沉降控制

    Improvement and Settlement Control of the Foundation of Ballastless Track Culvert

  11. 博格板式无碴轨道的竖向自振特性分析

    Characteristic analysis of vertically natural vibration of Burger slab ballastless track

  12. 目前国内试制的是博格板式无碴轨道。

    Domestic trial is the Borg ballastless slab track in China .

  13. 高速铁路桥梁板式无碴轨道施工技术

    Construction Techniques for Ballastless Slab Track for High-Speed Railway Bridges

  14. 我国新型无碴轨道结构比较及适用情况

    The structure comparison and application situation of new type sludge-less track structure

  15. 无碴轨道工后沉降变形观测、评估的集成理念

    The Integration Concept on Observation and Evaluation of Ballastless Track

  16. 无碴轨道桩板结构路基设计构造与施工

    Design and Construction of Ballastless Track Pile Slab Structure Subgrade

  17. 客运专线无碴轨道铁路工程测量和铺设条件评估关键技术

    PDL Ballastless Track Engineering Survey and Evaluation of Laying Condition

  18. 无碴轨道线下基础刚度匹配技术研究。

    The research of stiffness matching of under-rail foundation of ballastless track .

  19. 客运专线路基上双块式无碴轨道施工技术

    Construction Technology of Double - block Ballastless Track on Subgrade for PDL

  20. 高速铁路隧道内无碴轨道铺设施工工艺

    The Ballastless Track Construction Technology within the High-speed Railway Tunnel

  21. 遂渝线无碴轨道桩网结构地基处理技术

    Discuss on the Column-Net Structure of Ballastless Track in Sui-Yu Railway Line

  22. 无碴轨道桥梁高强混凝土徐变变形的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Creep Deformation of High-performance Concrete Bridge with Ballastless Track

  23. 无碴轨道道床竖曲线弦测法施工精度控制

    Construction Precision Control of Chord Surveying Method for Ballastless Track Ballast Bed

  24. 我国高速铁路采用无碴轨道型式。

    Ballastless track is used in high-speed railway in China .

  25. 高速列车与高架桥上无碴轨道相互作用研究

    Research on vertical interactions between high-speed train and ballastless track on Bridge

  26. 秦沈客运专线无碴轨道应用情况的比较和分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Unballasted Track for Qin-Shen Passenger Train

  27. 无碴轨道道岔区轨下基础受力分析

    The Stress Analysis of Foundation in Ballastless Track Turnout Region

  28. 铁路客运专线无碴轨道扣件探讨

    Exploration on rail fastenings for ballastless track of passenger dedicated railway line

  29. 盾构隧道下穿对土质路基无碴轨道的影响

    The Reasearch about the Affect of the Shield Tunneling across the Ballastless-rail

  30. 道岔区无碴轨道连续道床板力学分析

    The Mechanics Analysis of Continuous Bed Slab of Ballastless Track of Switch