
  • 网络Sinking Speed;SINK RATE
  1. 飞机着陆下沉速度是起落架设计和飞机设计定型试飞的起落架强度检查中的最主要的参数之一。

    The aircraft landing sinking speed is one of the major parameters during undercarriage design and undercarriage strength inspection of the aircraft design typing flight test .

  2. 计算的结果表明,深弹的下沉速度和计数电路的预置值对探测概率有较大的影响,其他因素影响很小。

    The solution shows that the sinking speed and the threshold value in the counter are the main influence while the others have a little influence .

  3. 在概率积分法预计模型的基础上,提出了开采沉陷动态预计的实用算法,给出了下沉速度系数C的计算公式。

    Based on the prediction model of probability integration method , the paper studied the utility method of mining subsidence dynamic prediction , gave a formula for computing subsidence velocity factor .

  4. 通过对冲击危险区域的电磁辐射日平均值序列及顶板下沉速度序列等实例的预测运算和分析,得到冲击地压的最大Lyapunov指数预测模型达到了较高的预测精度,是完全可行的。

    By prediction analysis to mean series of daily observation data of electromagnetic emission and roof subsidence velocity series , the results show that the prediction model based on the maximal Lyapunov index has very high prediction precision and is feasible .

  5. 并结合地表沉陷的GPS观测,确定了针对具体地质条件的地表移动变形边界角、移动角,找到了井下工作面推进位置与地表下沉速度之间的关系。

    Meanwhile , based on the ground observation by the global positioning system ( GPS ), the boundary angle and the motion angle , which aim at special geologic conditions , are determined . The relation between the position of underground working face and ground subsidence velocity are found .

  6. 下沉速度法研究地表移动变形分布规律

    Study on surface movement and displacement based on velocity of subsidence

  7. 球形和圆柱&圆锥形悬浮颗粒下沉速度、阻力系数和雷诺尔德数

    The Settling Velocity Drag Coefficient and Reynolds Number of Sphere and Bob

  8. 金属颗粒在混合液体中的下沉速度

    The Settling Velocity of Metal Particles in Suspensions

  9. 岩屑的临界下沉速度;

    Critical submerged speed of detritus ;

  10. 海洋粒子动力学:下沉速度,粒度分布,通量,和微生物降解率。

    Marine particle dynamics : sinking velocities , size distributions , fluxes , and microbial degradation rates .

  11. 阻力系数和雷诺尔德数与悬浮颗粒的下沉速度紧密联系在一起。

    The drag coefficient and the Reynolds number are tightly related with the settling velocity of suspensions .

  12. 序列的弹道辨识3.岩屑的临界下沉速度;

    A Method of Ballistic Trajectory Identification for CCF Based on Sequence of Velocity-time 3 . Critical submerged speed of detritus ;

  13. 这些沉降区多数都是以城市为中心,互相连成一片,下沉速度有逐渐加快的趋势。

    Most of the descending areas are centered in cities , connecting each other , and the descending rate shows an accelerating tendency .

  14. 最后,用实例对冲击危险区域的电磁辐射序列及顶板下沉速度序列等进行预测运算和分析,其结果表明,运用混沌理论的预测方法可达到较高的预测精度。

    The results are compared with ones gained by mathematical statistics method and show that the prediction methods based on chaotic theory have higher forecast precision .

  15. 通过12501地表观测站实测资料,着重讨论工作面推进过程中活跃期主断面内各点的下沉速度规律和预计方法。

    According the actual data of12501 earth 's surface observation station , the law and estimation of subside velocity of various points in active period are discussed emphatically during driving stope .

  16. 由于滦河最新三角洲的西部和东部地壳下沉速度不同,使滦河河道自全新世中期以来不断向东移动。

    Owing to the difference of the east and west parts of newest delta of Luanhe River in subsidence rate , the course of the Luanhe River was continuously migrating eastward since the Middle Holocene .

  17. 用分形对3604S4工作面和回采巷道顶板进行了研究,得到了该工作面下沉速度的几种分维值。

    Study was conducted on the roof of No.3604 S4 coal face and the actual mining roadway with fractals , and a few kinds of functional values of subsidence velocity of this face were obtained .

  18. 在具体实施过程中,对沉井群的平面尺寸、轴线位移、沉降量、下沉速度等进行了观测、记录,获得了大量数据资料,并对其进行汇总分析。

    During the actualizing process , the open caissons dimension , the axes displacement , the sedimentation and the sinking speed are observed and noted . By this a great deal data is gained which is gathered and analyzed .

  19. 研究了煤矿顶板运动过程中所表现出的分形特征,提出了用顶板下沉速度、声发射等的分数维值的变化来预报顶板失稳、冒落的方法。

    The authors apply fractal theory to the study of fractal characteristics of roof movement in coal mine and put out the method of using fractal dimension value of roof subsidence and acoustic emission to predict roof unstability and caving .

  20. 根据岩屑的下沉速度确定气液排量,并规定在同一井深,泡沫流动速度应高出岩屑下沉速度10%,作为安全附加系数。

    Gas / llquid flow rate was determined by submerged speed of detritus . And stipulated that the flowing velocity of foam should be 10 % higher than submerged speed at the same depth . 10 % was regarded as safety additional factor .

  21. 结果表明,提高云模式分辨率后,模拟的对流云底增高,对流过程加剧,最大上升速度和最大下沉速度增大,最大上升速度、最大下沉速度及最大地面风速都提前数分钟。

    Results are showed that bottom of the simulated convective cloud rises , the convection process intensifies , the maximum lifting speed and sinking speed significantly increase , the maximum lifting speed and the maximum sinking speed as well as the maximum surface wind speed happen several minutes in advance .

  22. 将土壤与水搅合,按土粒下沉的速度测量。

    By the speed with which they settle when mixed with water .

  23. 这些角可使该生物在水中下沉的速度减缓。

    These horns slow the sinking of the organism .

  24. 密度和围压对粗粒土力学性质的影响将土壤与水搅合,按土粒下沉的速度测量。

    Influences of Density and Confining Pressure on Mechanical Properties for Coarse-grained soils By the speed with which they settle when mixed with water .

  25. 专家表示,想要知道南水北调能否帮助充盈含水层并减慢北京下沉的速度还为时尚早。

    Experts say it is still too early to know if the canal 's water deliveries will help recharge the aquifer and slow Beijing 's rate of subsidence .

  26. 图形绘制,根据变形监测的成果,可以绘制相应的测点下沉过程、下沉速度、水平变形、水平变形速度等曲线。

    Graph protracting , it can draw corresponding deformation curve of sinking process sinking speed horizontal deformation horizontal deformation speed .

  27. 下沉角及下沉角速度对气象火箭射高的影响

    The Effect of Sinking Angle and Sinking Angle Velocity on the Overall Height of Meteorological Rocket

  28. 计算结果表明:下沉角及下沉角速度对气象火箭射高有一定影响。

    The calculation results show that sinking angle and sinking angle velocity have some effect on the overall height of meteorological rocket .

  29. 经量测该桥梁最大下沉1323mm,最大下沉速度43.66mm/日,最大倾斜9.4mm/m;

    By instrumentation this bridge biggest sink 1323 mm , biggest sink speed the / of 43.66 mm day , biggest incline 9.4 mm / m ;

  30. 墨西哥城每年下沉多达28厘米,雅加达下沉速度类似。

    Mexico City is sinking by up to 28cm a year and Jakarta is subsiding at a similar rate .