
xià tánɡ
  • end a class ; be abandoned/divorced by one's husband
  • finish class;abandoned or divorced woman
下堂 [xià táng]
  • (1) [finish class] 〈方〉∶上完一堂课后下课

  • (2) [abandoned or divorced woman]∶旧指妻妾被丈夫遗弃

  1. 糟糠之妻不下堂。

    A wife who shared her husband 's hard lot must never be cast aside .

  2. 气的白发倒竖说:“我虽然老了,但两臂能开三石之弓,浑身还有千斤之力。”只见黄忠大步走下堂,取下架上大刀,舞动如飞,拿下墙上硬弓,一连拉断两张。

    He said , " Old as I am , I am able to open two bows and am full of vitality . " Huang went down and got a big sword off the rack and performed with it . He took two hard bows off the wall and pulled them broken .

  3. 你迟到了,你的下一堂训练课。

    You are late for your next training session .

  4. 下一堂有氧舞蹈课什麽时候开始?

    NO07, 2.When does the next aerobics class start ?

  5. 然而这个装置起的作用要比录下一堂的讲座大得多。

    The device , though , would do much more than capture a lecture .

  6. 但在新的时代背景下,经堂教育教材也面临着新的考验。

    But in the new era , educational materials by the Church face a new test .

  7. 天色渐渐地发白,到了敬神的时候,觉慧便撇下剑云到堂屋里去了。堂屋里挂了灯彩,两边木板壁上也挂了红缎子绣花屏。

    At the hour for prayers to the gods , Chueh-hui went to the family hall . Large red lanterns were hung in the main hall ; on each of the side walls were placed panels of embroidered red silk .