
xià fānɡ
  • lower part;this world
  • earth
下方 [xià fāng]
  • (1) [lower part]∶下边;处于较低位置的

  • 房檐的下方住着一窝燕子

  • (2) [earth]∶指人间;下界

  1. W:品牌名字和美丽的图案不用变,但是净重需要放在整个标签的下方。

    W : The brand name and the nice artwork need not be changed , but the net weight must be placed on the lower part of the panel .

  2. 摩涅莫辛涅这个名字拼写起来有些困难,在你们讲义的下方可以找到。

    Mnemosyne , whose name is spelled with some difficulty , is spelled on the lower part of your handout .

  3. 地面陡降,下方是布满岩石的岸边。

    The land dropped precipitously down to the rocky shore .

  4. 这座城市绚丽多彩地展现在我们下方。

    The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory .

  5. 我还能远远地看到下方的机场建筑。

    I could still see the airport buildings far below .

  6. 我们下方是由田野、河流和林木交织成的图画。

    A mosaic of fields , rivers and woods lay below us .

  7. 在肋骨下方切开一个小口。

    Make a small incision below the ribs .

  8. 山谷在我们下方延伸。

    The valley spread out beneath us .

  9. 资金到位的情况下方可进行重大变革。

    You can only undertake mammoth changes if the finances are there

  10. 他们试着在洞穴正下方的一块地上挖掘。

    They tried digging in a patch just below the cave

  11. 刚好就在我下方,有个家伙手里拿着那个球。

    There , directly below me , was a guy holding the ball

  12. 铺位下方有成排的储物柜可以存放东西。

    Stowage is provided in lined lockers beneath the berths .

  13. 放咖啡罐的一个宽架子下方有一摞杂志。

    Under a wide shelf that holds coffee jars stands a pile of magazines

  14. 他从伦纳德家正下方的公寓里走了出来。

    He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard 's

  15. 在他下方,小镇卧在温暖的山谷里。

    Below him the town lay warm in the hollow of the hill .

  16. 破旧的卡车冒着黑烟艰难地沿着我们下方的公路往上爬。

    Tired old trucks were struggling up the road below us , belching black smoke

  17. 他额头下方出现了几道深深的皱纹。

    Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead .

  18. 最低的固定桥下方通行高度为12.8米。

    The lowest fixed bridge has 12.8m clearance .

  19. 拿张白纸,在左下方列个单子。

    Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list .

  20. 带刺铁丝网在我的右眼正下方只留了非常小的划痕。

    The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye .

  21. 该装置本身就在车子正下方,几乎与变速杆处于同一直线上。

    The device itself was right under the vehicle , almost in line with the gear lever

  22. 山脊下方不远处有一块露出地面的岩石,大致形成了一个掩蔽处。

    A little way below the ridge was an outcrop of rock that made a rough shelter .

  23. 就在你下方,不过是在50英里开外的,是一片你能想象到的最荒凉的不毛之地。

    Below you , though still 50 miles off , is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable .

  24. 房檐的下方住着一窝燕子。

    There is a swallow 's nest under the eaves .

  25. 胃的下方及侧面凸缘是胃大弯。

    The inferior and lateral convex border of the stomach is the greater curvature .

  26. 远在他们的下方,森林中的树木在微风中悲泣。

    Far beneath them , the trees of the forest sighed in the breeze .

  27. 大多数耳垂位于耳朵下方的较低处。

    Most ear lobes extend below the lower point of attachment of the ear .

  28. 锯子锯进格罗斯的左胸腔,通过肝脏下方。

    The saw had gone across gross 's left rib cage through the underside of his liver .

  29. 法拉利表示,概念车的电池被安置在浅盘形地板下方,这种设计能降低重心,从而提高而非妨碍其性能。

    Ferrari said that the design of its concept car , with its batteries positioned below the floorpan , would improve rather than hinder its performance by lowering the centre of gravity .

  30. 在广告时间,荧幕下方会出现一块用于向观众推销的遮挡区。观众点击一个按钮就可以中请获得一份免费的样品或订购一本产品目录。

    During commercials , an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen , prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue .