
  1. 你们没有看见福下忙着吗?

    Can 't you see that his fordship 's busy ?

  2. 几个老哥在低于地面的桥下忙活着。

    Several workers were busy under the bridge lower than the ground .

  3. 农民在炎炎烈日下忙着除草。

    Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun .

  4. 你能帮下忙带他去客房吗当然

    Would you be a dear , and show him the way ? Of course .

  5. 我也许不能解决你的问题,但至少我可以帮下忙。

    I may not be able to solve your problem , but I can at least help .

  6. 目下较忙,几日后再登门拜访。

    I 'm busy at the moment but I 'll visit you again in a couple of days .

  7. 通常情况下,“忙”仅仅意味着你目前有比见朋友更重要的事。

    Often , " busy " simply means that you have higher priorities right now than seeing friends .

  8. 鸦片战争掀起了近代中国的帷幕,中国在西方列强坚船利炮的驱赶下,匆匆忙忙地迈进了近代社会的门槛,中西关系、社会形态都发生了急剧变化。

    The opium war drew open the curtain of modern China . Driven by the western big powers , China stepped over the threshold of the modern society in a hurry . Sharp changes between the relationships of China and the Western countries , and the social formation took place .

  9. 噢我下个礼拜可忙了

    Oh , I 'm so slammed next week .

  10. 宁可活在死亡的威胁下,也不愿忙在工作的压迫中。

    It is better to be in the grip of death rather than in the grip of a job .

  11. 伊丽莎白跳下马车,匆匆忙忙把每个孩子亲吻了一下便赶快向门口奔去,吉英这时候正从母亲房间里跑下楼来,在那儿迎接她。

    Elizabeth jumped out ; and , after giving each of them an hasty kiss , hurried into the vestibule , where Jane , who came running down stairs from her mother 's apartment , immediately met her .