
  • 网络DDC;Down-conversion;Down Converter or DC;down convert
  1. 基于MIMO实时平台的数字下变频系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of DDC System Based on Realtime MIMO Platform

  2. 本文就是针对数字下变频技术展开研究,通过对数字下变频的DSP相关理论和关键模块的分析和设计,采用FPGA设计实现数字下变频功能。

    This article is aims DDC technology to launch the research , used the FPGA design to realize DDC function through DSP theories and essential module analysis .

  3. 用MATLAB在FPGA芯片中实现数字下变频设计

    Realization of Digital Down Conversion in FPGA Chip by Using MATLAB

  4. 基于DSP的直接下变频宽带接收机的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Direct Down Conversion Wideband Receiver Based on DSP

  5. 基于DSP的多相滤波正交数字下变频

    Polyphase Filters Quadrature Digital Down Converter Process Based on DSP

  6. FPGA在数字下变频设计中的应用

    Application of FPGA to the design of digital down converting

  7. 数字下变频中的FPGA高效滤波器设计

    Design of FPGA optimized FIR filters in digital down converter

  8. 从传统数字下变频出发,讨论了该结构的基本原理及FPGA实现方案。

    The basic principle and FPGA implementation of polyphase filtering structure are discussed .

  9. 宽带数字下变频的采样率变换模块的FPGA实现

    Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion for Wideband Digital Down Conversion Based on FPGA

  10. 基于DSP的数字下变频软件实现

    Software Implementation of DDC Based on DSP

  11. 利用中频采样、数字下变频以及DSP技术,实现了末制导雷达的数字化。

    Sampling of IF , digital down-conversion and DSP are used to digitize terminal guidance seeker .

  12. 超宽带系统中CMOS直接下变频混频器的设计和研究

    Design and Research on CMOS Direct Down Conversion Mixer for UWB System

  13. 基于DSP实现软件无线电上下变频的一种新方法

    A New Method of Digital Up and Down Convert of Frequency Based on DSP in Software Radio

  14. 基于PCI总线的数字下变频模块设计

    Design of Digital Down Converter Module Based on PCI Bus

  15. 基于解析信号处理的下变频系统FPGA实现与天文应用

    The FPGA Realization of a DDC System Based on Analytical-signal Processing and Its Application in Astronomy

  16. 正交数字下变频中高速FIR滤波器实现技术研究

    Implementation of High-Speed FIR Filter in Quadrature Digital Downconvert

  17. 用FPGA实现数字下变频

    Realize Digital Downconversion by FPGA

  18. FPGA高效的算法结构和可编程性能极大扩展了数字下变频的性能。

    The efficient algorithm structure and the programmable property of FPGA extend the performance of digital down conversion tremendously .

  19. DSP和数字上变频和下变频技术是构建高频雷达通用硬件平台的关键技术。

    The DSP , Digital Up Converter ( DUC ) and Digital Down Converter ( DDC ) are key technology of a hardware-platform .

  20. 射频前端接收芯片实现GPS信号的接收、放大、滤波和下变频,其中最重要的是对GPS信号进行下变频转化为数字中频信号。

    RF front end receives , magnifies and filtrates the GPS signal , and above all , converts it down to IF digital signal .

  21. 射频前端主要完成信号的预选滤波、功率放大、自动增益控制(AGC)及下变频等功能。

    RF front-end completed signal pre-filter , power amplifier , gain control and downconversion capabilities .

  22. Walsh变换在数字下变频中的应用研究

    Study on Implementation of DDC Based on Walsh Transform

  23. 此硬件平台由天线阵列、射频前端接收模块、FPGA中频数字下变频模块、PC机四部分组成。

    The hardware platform consists of antenna arrays , RF front-end receiver module , FPGA IF-digital down converter modules , and PC machine .

  24. 设计并优化了一个基于共用跨导级结构的用于超高频RFID阅读器的正交下变频混频器。

    A quadrature down-conversion mixer based on this topology is designed and optimized for an ultra high frequency RFID reader .

  25. 提出了一种数字下变频的FPGA实现方案,实现了高速、高性能的数字下变频。

    DDC method based on FPGA is put up in this paper , which is realized with a high speed and a high performance .

  26. 介绍了一种应用于GHz级高速频率合成器的数模混合下变频模块。

    An optimized method is presented to design the down scalers in a GHz frequency synthesizer .

  27. 分析了直接下变频导航接收机中,I、Q信号的非正交引起的载波及伪码的跟踪误差。

    In direct conversion navigation receiver , due to the IQ mismatch , there will be track error in carrier phase and code phase .

  28. 本文介绍了在数字下变频(DDC)中的抽取滤波器系统设计方法和具体实现方案。

    This paper describes the system design of decimation filter and the implementing method .

  29. DAB接收机中改进的数字下变频算法及实现

    Modified digital down - conversion in DAB receiver

  30. 下变频后的全球定位系统信号覆盖了发生多普勒频移的全球定位系统载波频率的整个范围。根据本文的一些基本原理,对这一经过下变频的全球定位系统信号的采样进行N点傅立叶变换。

    According to the principles of the paper , an N-point fourier transform is performed on samples of a down converted GPS signal representing the entire range of Doppler-shifted GPS carrier frequencies .