
  1. 开始下雪了。

    It was beginning to snow .

  2. 瞧,下雪了。终于是冬天了。

    Look ! It 's snowing . Winter is here at last .

  3. 按说这时候该下雪了。

    Ordinarily it should be snowing at this time of the year .

  4. 嘿,下雪了!

    Why , it 's snowing !

  5. 呀,下雪了!

    Oh , it 's snowing !

  6. 风向突然由西转北,怕要下雪了。

    The wind suddenly changed round from west to north , bringing with it the threat of snow .

  7. 你认为会下雨吗?或者“我觉得要下雪了?”

    Do you think it is going to rain ? or " I think it 's going to be snow ? "

  8. 看起来好像要下雪了。

    It looks as if it might snow .

  9. 人际互动在歌词语篇中的体现形式&你那里下雪了吗人际意义探讨

    Interpersonal Meaning in the Lyric " Did it snow there "

  10. 我们这里下雪了,空气好极了!

    It snowed here , and the air is pretty fresh !

  11. 我们要出门时,天开始下雪了。(下雪是在出门前)

    As we were going out , it began to snow .

  12. 多糟糕的天气。看来明天要下雪了。

    What bad weather . It 's going to snow tomorrow .

  13. 每年的这个时候天该下雪了。

    It tends to be snowing at this time of year .

  14. 下雪了,冬天了,还是独独的一个!

    Snow ! It 's winter ! I 'm all alone !

  15. 哦,就在我进屋之前下雪了。

    Oh , it was snowing just before I came in .

  16. 下雪了,你们干嘛还在外面玩?

    What you doing , playing out here in the snow ?

  17. 打电话告诉老妈,下雪了。

    I called my mother to tell her that Buffalo snowed .

  18. 我们刚离开剧院,就开始下雪了。

    We 'd hardly left the theater when it started to snow .

  19. 真是凑巧,到那儿的第二天,居然下雪了。

    What a coincidence that day there , incredibly snow .

  20. 要下雪了天色开始变暗。

    It will snow , for it 's getting dark .

  21. 下雪了。让我堆个雪人吧。

    It 's snowy . Let 's make a snowman .

  22. 下雪了,天很冷,很冷,很冷。

    The snow falls and it 's cold , cold , cold .

  23. 瞧,开始下雪了。

    A : Look , the snow is setting in !

  24. 看窗外!下雪了。

    Look out of the window ! It 's snowing .

  25. 上海下雪了,我已经有很多年没有见到雪了。

    Snow in Shanghai ! I haven 't seen snow in years .

  26. 下雪了,又穿上这双靴子,两只脚变得麻木迟钝。

    I wore them for the snow-Too thick to sense the world .

  27. 我们最好快点,天开始下雪了。

    We 'd better hurry , it 's coming on to snow .

  28. 你问我,“你那里下雪了吗?”

    You ask me : " Does it snow there ?"

  29. 天气如何?下雪了。

    What 's the weather like ? It 's snowing .

  30. 肯定下雪了。外面这么亮。

    It must be snowing , for it 's so bright outside .