
  • unrequited love;Secret Love;To Heart
暗恋 [àn liàn]
  • 暗中思慕、爱恋。如:“她悄悄的暗恋着他。”

  1. 它讲述了一个关于“破碎的梦和暗恋、热烈的情欲、牺牲和救赎”的故事。《IDreamedADream》也是歌曲之一。

    It is a story of " broken dreams and unrequited love , passion , sacrifice and redemption , " with songs that include I Dreamed A Dream .

  2. 暗恋是爱情里最美的样子,可是很少有人会一生都在暗恋,因为这样的美丽不是所有的人都折腾得起。

    Unrequited love is the most beautiful appearance in love , but very few people will life in the like , because of such beauty is not all sleep over it .

  3. 她曾经暗恋了他好多年。

    She had loved him at a distance for years .

  4. 他暗恋着她。

    He worshipped her from afar .

  5. 他暗恋着她。

    He loved her from afar .

  6. 有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?

    Is there anyone who hasn 't suffered for the secret love ?

  7. 暗恋一个人的心情,就像是瓶中等待发芽的种子,永远不能确定未来是否是美丽的,但却真心而倔强的等待着。

    To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up , though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful , stillwaiting it earnestly and eagerly .

  8. 虽然好像他朝着那个特定的场地走去,怀着希望能遇到他暗恋的对象GirlsAloud组合的谢丽尔.科尔。

    Although it seems he headed to that particular venue in the hope he 'd bump into his crush , Girls Aloud 's Cheryl Cole .

  9. 在剧中,他有暗恋已久的亲密好友艾瑞斯•韦斯特(坎迪斯•帕顿饰),还有STAR实验室的科学家团队保驾护航:他们不单救过他的命、为他提供精神支持,而且还为他惩恶扬善提供装备支持。

    He 's got close friend and longtime crush Iris West ( Candice Patton ) on his team as well as STAR Labs , a group of scientists that not only save his life , but also provide him emotional support and the gadgetry necessary to fight crime .

  10. 其实在有勇气告白之前,Sarah已经暗恋Kerry两年了,她说:我从来没想过自己会做出这样的举动,但是我现在是多么庆幸当初阻止了她的婚礼。

    Sarah , who was secretly in love with Kerry for two years before finding the courage to tell her , said : ' I never thought I would get the reaction I did . But now I am so glad I stopped the wedding . '

  11. 戴克·蒙哥马利(DacreMontgomery)再次成为第三季的主角,而在预告片中,惠勒夫人(卡拉·布奥诺[CaraBuono]饰)和霍金斯镇的所有妈妈们似乎都在暗恋着镇上新来的救生员。

    Dacre Montgomery is once again front and center for Season 3 , and it appears Mrs. Wheeler ( Cara Buono ) - and all the moms in Hawkins - are harboring a huge crush for the town 's new lifeguard in a short teaser .

  12. 暗恋是一种自毁,是一种伟大的牺牲。

    The peach is a self-destruct , is a great sacrifice .

  13. 他暗恋我们班上的一个女生。

    He has a crush on a girl in our class .

  14. 你偷画我暗恋我的事情,现在大家都知道了。

    Now , everybody knows you have drawn my picture secretly .

  15. 每个人都有过“暗恋”经历吧。我上高中时暗恋我的英语老师。

    I had a crush on my English teacherin high school .

  16. 这会我可醒了!吉娜有暗恋者了。

    Now I 'm awake ! Zina has a secret admirer .

  17. 我说没说过汤米暗恋珍妮雷利这件事?

    Did I mention that Tommy had this thing for Jenny riley ?

  18. 我也这么觉得。瞧,他的暗恋对象不是来了!

    I think so too . Look , here comes his crush !

  19. 匆忙的让我不知所措,如此的暗恋。

    Rushed Let me know what to do , so the crush .

  20. 当我第一次见到你,我暗恋你!

    When I first met you , I crush you !

  21. 暗恋为云女,应怜谁彷徨。

    Peach goes for women , who should take pity on indecision .

  22. 还有说各自在片场暗恋谁啦&各种各样的问题。

    Our secret crushes on set-all kinds of random questions .

  23. 17.有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?

    17.Is there anyone who hasn 't suffered for the secret love ?

  24. 暗恋的思念没有甜蜜,只有悠长的钝痛。

    Like of the missing not sweet , only long blunt painful .

  25. 你暗恋上了那个音像店里的男孩儿?

    Got a secret crush on the guy from the video store ?

  26. 痴情已经经历十几年了,暗恋也过了。

    Spoony have been through ten years , like also .

  27. 他暗恋玛丽好久了。

    He has been carrying the torch for Mary for a long time .

  28. 他已经暗恋一个女孩有2年了。

    He 's been secretiy in love with a girI for two years .

  29. 我可以做,但她以为我暗恋她。

    I would do it but she thinks I 'm attracted to her .

  30. 她还暗恋着我们的新邻居大卫。

    She also secretly admired our new neighbor David .