
àn ɡuǎn
  • Concealed conduit;underground pipes
  1. 在排水方面,按中国的经验,采用暗管与鼠穴排水效果甚好。

    In the aspect of drainage , China 's experience proves that underground pipes and mole holes can be used for drainage with good efficiency .

  2. 宁夏银川灌区引进机械施工的暗管排水工程施工技术,开展了大面积的暗管排水工程建设。

    The closed drainage technique of mechanical construction was introduced in North Ningxia Yinchuan Irrigation district .

  3. PVC单、双壁波纹塑料管用作农田排水暗管比较研究

    Comparative Study of Single and Double Partition PVC Wave Veins Plastic Pipe as a Conduit for Farmland Drainage

  4. 为降低暗管工程施工成本,在实验室利用模拟实验装置研究了PVC双壁波纹排水暗管的滤水结构。

    In order to lower cost of buried pipe engineering , using simulation test installation a filter structure of buried PVC pipe with double partitions and wave vein for water drainage was researched in laboratory .

  5. Hooghoudt公式在暗管排水设计中的计算程序及应用

    Computer program and used of HOOGHOUDT Formular in the design of pipe drainage project

  6. 1978年,本研究所在国内首次埋设塑料暗管,就地下排水标准与间距计算进行了研究。得出地下水头高0.5m,排水宰12mm/天为稳定流地下排水标准。

    We initiated applying the technology of laying underground drainage and space calculation in 1978 . The results indicated that 0.5m height for underground water head and 12mm / day for drainage rate were the stable flow for underground drainage standard .

  7. 盐渍土地区暗管排水效应试验研究

    An Experimental Study of Pipe Drainage Effect in Saline Soil Area

  8. 室内燃气管道暗管敷设和燃气快速接头的试验

    Experiment on Indoors Gas Pipe Hidden Laying and Gas Quick Connector

  9. 国内外暗管排水的发展现状与动态

    The Status and Developments of Subsurface Pipe Drainage at Home and Abroad

  10. 稻田暗管排水论农村视野中的法律

    Underdrainage of Paddy Field Law in Rural Field of Vision

  11. 稻田暗管排水武汉地区早熟中稻田释放甲烷的研究

    Underdrainage of Paddy Field EMANATION OF METHANE FROM PADDY FIELD

  12. 暗管排水在干旱地区的应用

    Application of Subsurface Pipe Drainage in Drought - prone Region

  13. 暗管排水条件下土壤特性和作物产量的空间变异性分析

    Analysis of spatial variability of soil characteristics and crop yield under subsurface drainage

  14. 暗管排水改善水稻土通透性的探讨

    Studies on the effect of the tile drainage on the permeability of paddy soils

  15. 滨海盐土地区暗管排水系统布置模式的研究

    Research on the arrange mode of underground pipe drainage system in saline soil Coastland

  16. 天津滨海新区盐碱土绿化暗管排盐工艺技术效果探讨

    Discussion on Pipe Salt Draining Technics of Saline Soil Planting in Tianjin Seashore Region

  17. 暗管排水改良滨海盐土的效果及其适宜条件

    Effects and condition of the underground drainage for improving saline soil of coastal region

  18. 淹灌稻田的暗管排水中氮素流失的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Leaching Losses of Nitrogen in Effluent from Drained Paddy Rice Field

  19. 暗管排水流量组成分析灌区暗管排水系统优化设计

    Discharge Combination Analysis of Subsurface Drain Pipe System

  20. 排水暗管化学淤堵及其防治

    Prevention from Chemical Clogging on Subsurface Drain Pipes

  21. 电拟法研究拉链式塑料暗管田间排水

    Research drainage by zipper type of plastic hidden pipes by using electric imitation method

  22. 塑料暗管是一种新型的排水材料,具有很好的排水效果,应用前景广阔。

    The application of new materials has greatly promoted the development of plastic pipe .

  23. 排水明沟和暗管渗流量与不完整性校正系数的计算

    Calculation of Discharge and Correction Factor on the Partial Penetration of Open Drains and Pipe Drains

  24. 暗管排水改良滨海盐土及其效果分析

    The Effect Analysis of Underground Pipe Drains for Reclamation of Saline Soil in the Coastal Region

  25. 室内各类电缆配线采用桥架结合暗管方式配线。

    Wiring of various indoor cables shall be the combination of cable trays and concealed pipes .

  26. 国外大型暗管排水工程的施工测量及其管理

    Construction survey and it 's management of large foreign projects of drainage with sub surface pipe

  27. 塑料暗管排降条件下麦田土壤水分变化规律模拟

    Simulation of soil moisture regime fluctuation in the winter wheat and barley field under PVC subdrainage

  28. 暗管排水对滨海新垦区土壤盐分动态的影响及脱盐效果

    Effects of Subsurface Drainage on Soil Salt Dynamics and Salinity Reduction in New Coastal Reclamation Zone

  29. 暗管与鼠道组合排水改造渍害稻田试验

    Reclamation of Waterlogging Paddy Field by Means of Drainage of Buried Pipes Combined with Mole Channels

  30. 农田塑料暗管排水设滤冲淤技术

    Studies on Techniques of draining water and washing sludge from underground plastic pipe and its filtration control