
  1. GB/T15820-1995聚乙烯压力管材与管件连接的耐拉拔试验

    Test of resistance to pull out of joints between polyethylene ( PE ) pressure pipes and fittings

  2. 用一块布,将管道和管件连接部位外部所有过量的粘固剂擦干净。

    Using a cloth , wipe clean all excess cement from the exterior juncture of the pipe and fitting .

  3. 地下室水箱间与生活泵至屋顶水箱之管材采用钢塑复合管及管件丝扣连接;

    Pipes connecting water tank in basement and connecting pumps and water tank on roof are composite metal plastic pipes and threaded connection .

  4. 其余给水管材均采用PP-R管及管件,热熔连接。

    Other pipes are PP-R pipe and pipe fittings with thermal connection .

  5. 将提供各种形状的管件以不同连接形式焊接与切割以实现自动化、程控化的计算方法。

    This paper provides calculating methods to accomplish automatic and program-controlled welding of all-shaped pipes in different connecting forms .

  6. 介绍了内衬不锈钢复合钢管良好的使用性能,以及管与管之间和管与管件之间的几种连接方式。

    It introduces the good usage properties of liner stainless steel compound steel pipe and several kinds of connection types between pipe and pipe and pipe with pipe fitting .