
  • 网络pipe drainage
  1. 东方1&1海底输气管道排水与干燥工艺技术

    Dewatering and drying techniques of DF 1-1 offshore gas pipelines

  2. 广蓄电站高压管道排水系统布置

    Arrangement of Drainage System for High Pressure Pipelines of Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station

  3. 介绍了东方1&1海底输气管道排水/干燥工艺涉及的清管器设计、干燥剂选择、排水/干燥方案设计、排水/干燥标准等技术环节,设计了除水/干燥方案。

    The dewatering / drying techniques of Dongfang 1 & 1 offshore gas pipeline are introduced including the pig design , drying agent selecting , the dewatering / drying program , and the dewatering / drying standards , etc. And the dewatering / drying program is made .

  4. 阻塞管道、排水沟、下水道等的污物

    A block in the pipe , gutter , drain , etc

  5. 我们得再安一根管道来排水。

    We have to put in another pipe to let the water drain away .

  6. 玻璃钢泡沫复合材料矩形管道城市排水工程应用探讨

    The study of the rectangular grp & prf composite conduit applied to the municipal sewerage

  7. 浅谈山区高速公路交通工程通讯管道防排水设计与施工

    Waterproof , Drainage Design and Construction of Freeway Traffic Engineering Communication Conduit in Mountain Area

  8. 必须在排放管道和排水沟或污水坑之间配置一个硬件气隙。

    A physical air gap must be maintained between the discharge pipe and the drain or sump .

  9. 污水工程主要指输送污水的管道或排水管,但也包括各种污水的收集、处理和清除。

    Sewerage means mainly the pipes or drain which carry sewage but can include all sewage collection , treatment and removal .

  10. 如果火山灰进入城市的管道和排水沟里,可能会造成堵塞,极易引起管道爆裂。

    If this material got into the city ` s pipes and drains , it may have clogged the passageways , making ruptures more likely , Bonis said .

  11. 采用一维非恒定流方程模拟地下排水管网内的水流,并给出泵站、闸门、淹没出流管道等排水系统的处理方法。

    The flow in the drainage pipe network is simulated by one-dimensional unsteady flow theory , and the calculation of the pumping stations , the water gates and submersed pipes is indicated .

  12. 介绍了防爆波阀门在给水管道和排水管道上的设置方法,阐述了洗消废水集水坑在防护密闭门内外设置的不同之处,提出了柴油发电机房给排水设计应注意的问题。

    It introduces collocation of anti-blast valve beside water supply pipe and drain pipe , illustrates difference of collocation of waste water sump pit around protection closed door , and puts forward matters need attention of water supply and sewerage design for diesel oil generator plant .

  13. 本文结合实际工程论述室外机冷凝排热的气流组织、VRV系统冷媒管道及冷凝排水管在安装过程中需注意的问题,指出不正确的安装是造成VRV系统运行不正常的主要原因。

    Based on the engineering practice , this paper discusses some issues on the air organization of condensing heat exhaust of outdoor unit of VRV system , refrigerant piping and condensing water piping , indicates that the main reason resulting in operating problems of the VRV system is incorrect installation .

  14. 安全阀绝不能用坚硬的管道连接到排水沟、水管或污水坑里。

    The relief valve should never be solidly piped into a drainage ditch , sewer or sump .

  15. 住宅中室内热水供应及管道安装、排水系统的液封及中水利用是设计中易被忽视的问题,应引起专业人士重视。

    Some problems are usually neglected in housing design such as indoor hot water supply and pipeline installation , liquid sealing of drainage system and reclaimed water utilization ; Professionals should pay attentions to them .

  16. 杨栋梁说:这次事故损失惨重,暴露出的突出问题是,输油管道与城市排水管网规划布置不合理;对输油管道疏于管理,造成原油泄漏。

    The serious damage in this incident has highlighted major problems , including the location of the pipelines and the sewerage grid and the negligent maintenance of the oil pipeline that caused the oil leak ,'' Mr Yang said .

  17. 本文以江苏省典型城市的降雨资料为研究对象,从分析影响二者标准制定的因素出发,探求一套二者衔接关系的计算方法,进而得出管道和河道排水标准的衔接关系。

    This paper investigates rainfall data of typical city in Jiangsu province , and analyzes factors affecting both standards establishing , in order to search for a method to join the two well , so as the relationship between storm sewer standard and river draining standard .

  18. 柔性管道在西安市排水工程中的应用

    Flexible Pipeline Used in Drainage Works in Xi'an

  19. 虹吸式输水管道作为船坞灌排水的一种新型式,已引起各船坞设计和船舶生产单位的广泛关注。

    Widespread attention has been paid by the institution of dock design and ship build to the siphoning pipe as a new form of drainage and irrigation , which is also edited into the ship design standard in China .

  20. 论文首先介绍了城市主排水管道机器人和城市排水管道疏通的国内外发展现状和应用情况,提出了采用双履带管道机器人本体结构设计方案,具体介绍了机器人本体结构设计的主要环节。

    At first , the author systematically overviews the developing situation of the pipeline robot and the city drainage pipeline cleaning technology , and puts forward the structure scheme which adopts double crawler movement for the robot . The paper also described the structure 's design of each important section .

  21. 介绍了给排水管道材料、管道基础、给排水附属构筑物的相关设计内容。

    And introduced water supply / discharge piping material , piping foundation and the related design contents of water supply / discharge auxiliary structures .

  22. 根据锦州20-2凝析气田海底管道改造工艺,完成了海底管道清管器的设计选型,设计并实现了锦州20-2海底管道的排水、惰化、干燥等投产工艺。

    The design and selection of submarine pipeline 's cleaning pig was performed in accordance with the reconstruction process of the condensate gas field JZ20-2 .