
  • 网络extension of line;route development;line
  1. 这些指标对于高速公路螺旋展线具有指导意义。

    These indicators have guiding significance in the helix line development .

  2. 山区隧道由于受地形及展线限制,一些较短的隧道常常选用连拱结构型式。

    The multi-arch tunnel is often adopted in the construction of short tunnel in mountain area , due to the restriction of landform and road line .

  3. 路网决策中展线系数的确定

    Decision of expanding coefficient in railway network planning technology on line

  4. 特别是为了克服高差,难以避免采用连续长下坡的方式展线。

    Specially to overcome the elevation difference , avoids using the long and steep downhill way line is very difficult .

  5. 因螺旋展线需修建隧道或高桥、长桥,造价很高,在低等级公路中较少采用。

    It is high cost because of tunnels or high bridge , Long Bridge ; low grade highway is less used .

  6. 该断层的性质、规模及其工程地质条件对秦岭北坡展线方案有着控制作用。

    Theproperty , scale and engineering geological conditions of this fault play a controlling role inthe railway developing schemes at the northern mountain slopes .

  7. 同时,随着桥梁和隧道建设水平的不断提高,螺旋展线在山区高速公路布设中将发挥其独特的价值。

    At the same time , with the continuous enhancement of bridge and tunnel construction , Helix line development will play a unique value in Mountain Highway .

  8. 螺旋展线一般多在山脊利用山包盘旋,以旱桥或隧道跨线;也有在峡谷内,路线就地迂回,建桥跨沟跨线。

    It spiral using of hill ridges by dry bridge or tunnel across lines ; also in the valley , local circuitous route , the construction of a bridge across line .

  9. 当采用自然展线无法克服路线控制点间的高差时,因螺旋展线比回头展线具有更好的线形条件和满足山区高速公路线形指标的潜能,开始受到重视。

    When using natural development unable to overcome the elevation difference between the control points , Helix line development begin to receive attention because it has better line conditions than back development and the potential of meet mountain highway alignment .

  10. 在山区高速公路的建设中,为满足高速公路展线及保护自然环境的需要,高速公路需沿陡坡地段进行展线,由此导致部分桥梁桩基位于陡坡之上。

    In the highway construction of mountain region , to meet the alignment and protect the natural environment , highways need to route development along the steep-slope , resulting in partial bridge pile foundation to be located above the steep-slope .

  11. 我国在高等级公路的建设中,在特殊地质及地形条件受限的地区,为了高速公路线型及展线的需要,同时为了获得良好的技术经济效果,常常选择连拱结构的隧道方案。

    When constructing senior highways in China , the project of double-arch tunnel is often adopted in special geologic and limited topography districts in order to meet the need of road type and outspreading road , to get better technological and economical purpose .

  12. 环形可展天线星线耦合动力学分析

    Coupling Dynamic Analysis of a Hoop Truss Deployable Satellite Antenna System

  13. 可展面的曲率线与曲率特征

    Curvature line and curvature characteristics of developable surface

  14. 不可展曲面三角线法近似展开的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Approximate Development for Solution of Triangle line of Skew Curved Surface

  15. 在对不可展曲面三角线法近似展开误差理论分析的基础上,实现了三角线法近似展开及误差分析程序系统。

    Approximate development of triangle line and error analysis program system are realized on the basis of approximate developing error theoretical analysis of triangle line of skew curved surface .

  16. 作为立达中国事业部的总裁,我也非常自豪的是,展阳生产线中的一部分设备是在立达常州组装生产的。

    In my function as the president of Rieter Textile Systems China I am also proud that some products of the installation have been delivered out of our manufacturing facility in Changzhou .

  17. zier曲线,分别得到了一个可展曲面,使这条C-B?zier曲线为该可展曲面的曲率线和测地线。

    Two classes of developable surfaces with any C-B é zier curve as curvature curve and geodesic curve respectively are constructed .