
zhǎn qū
  • exhibition area;display zone or section
  1. 周日,一只名为惠灵顿的跳岩企鹅来到了水族馆的亚马逊鱼类展区,很明显被这些鱼迷住了。

    Wellington , a rockhopper penguin , got to explore the aquarium 's " Amazon Rising " section on Sunday and was clearly fascinated by the fish .

  2. 展览女发言人JenniferBemisderfer表示,今年的可持续科技产品展区比去年的大四倍。

    Show spokeswoman Jennifer Bemisderfer says the Sustainable Planet Tech Zone is four times bigger than last year .

  3. 虽然油价持续走低,但在CES消费电子展上,电动汽车展区依然人头攒动。

    Despite lower fuel prices , electric cars continue to capture interest at CES .

  4. 亮点三:IMAX电影《阿尔卑斯山》在展区坡道的顶端,游客可以看到中庭10米高的投影屏幕。

    Highlight 3 : IMAX Film " The Alps " At the top end of the ramp of the exhibition area , visitors can see a 10-meter-high projection screen in the atrium .

  5. 我跟迈克说我之前来展区看过。

    I told Mike about my earlier visit to the lot .

  6. 我是在文物展区发现它的。

    I 'm the one who found it in the antiquities .

  7. 中国2009世界集邮展博物馆展区食品安全保障分析

    Food Security Analysis in China 2009 World Philatelic Exhibition Museum

  8. 我就进了太空堡垒卡拉狄加展区。

    I may have drifted into the Battlestar Galactica session .

  9. 展馆分为过去,现在和将来展区。

    The pavilion is divided into past , present and future exhibits .

  10. 在家具展区,宝龙拍卖行提供了一些19世纪的装饰性镜子。

    In the furniture arena , Bonhams offers some decorative 19th-century mirrors .

  11. 在后方展区,索尼凭借独特的运营理念,展示了低成本高清和低成本标清系统。

    Sony also showed its low cost HD and standard definition systems .

  12. 这包括参展展商的数量和展区面积。

    This included both the number of exhibitors and dedicated floor space .

  13. 庐山植物园的重要展区&岩石园

    An Important Scenic Spot of Lushan Botanical Garden & the Rock Garden

  14. 2006年国际铁合金交流洽谈会暨展览会会场、展区平面图

    The Floor Plan Of China International Ferroalloys Fair ' 2006

  15. 博物馆的特别展区现在是对公众免费开放的。

    Museum 's special exhibition area will now be free of charge .

  16. 欢迎参观“战争时期的女人”主题作品展区!

    Welcome to " Women in the War " gallery !

  17. 今年高交会首次开辟个人技术全新展区。

    This fair firstly developed personal technical exhibition area .

  18. 轴承紧固件等基础件制造装备展区;

    Basic parts manufacturing equipment exhibition area such as bearing fastener , etc ;

  19. 整个展场,气氛最热烈的当属湖南广播影视集团和青海省的展区。

    The exhibiting sites of GBS & Qinghai province proved the most popular .

  20. 今年,中国的展区非常大。

    China 's selection is very large this year .

  21. 在展区或是在帆船上则拍照摄影时则不能采用闪光灯和三角架等。

    Flash photograph and tripods are not allowed in exhibit buildings or onboard vessels .

  22. 资源大省的节省之道&2005全国建设节约型社会展览会山西展区印象

    The Conservation Road of a Resources-Rich Province Impression on Toward a Saving Society exhibition

  23. 参展单位应服从主办单位统一安排,严格按分类展区参展;

    Exhibitors should follow the organizer 's arrangement and exhibit on the appointed areas ;

  24. 浦东展区有许多知名国家的展馆,这其中包括中国和美国。

    Pudong has the high profile national pavilions , including China and the US .

  25. 强强联手与广州港集团共同打造华丽水上展区。

    Win-win co-operation with Guangzhou Port Group to create a beautiful water exhibition together .

  26. 汽车零部件制造设备展区;

    Auto parts manufacturing equipment exhibition area ;

  27. 信息技术展区还可以让人们了解无线电广播和电视的历史。

    The information technology exhibit also teaches visitors about the history of radio and television .

  28. 这个全新展区布置极尽心思,与时尚高雅的眼镜产品互相挥映。

    The setting of the new Gallery is as stylish as the eyewear it showcases .

  29. 在白雪公主的展区,挂在墙上的魔镜使游客们惊喜不已。

    In the Snow White section , a magic mirror on the wall astonishes visitors .

  30. 同样感谢美国展区总代表费乐友,美国驻上海总领事康碧翠。

    Thanks also to U.S.Commissioner General Jose Villarreal , to our Consul General Beatrice Camp .