
  • 网络TV MOBILE PHONE;TV phone;Mobile TV Phone;tivy;CMMB Feature Phone
  1. 这就是传说中的电视手机,他把屏幕一转,变成横着的了!

    This is the legendary TV phone , he screens a turn , become a horizontal or a !

  2. 电视手机的标准竞争与设计挑战

    Mobile Phone TV : Standard Land Design Challenges

  3. 听英文广播和看电视手机和数码音乐播放器已经从一个梦想的主流。

    Listening to radio and watching TV on cell phones & digital music players has gone from a dream to the mainstream .

  4. 对那些正看着电视刷手机的人们来说,这丝毫不让人惊讶。

    For those of you reading this on your phone in front of the TV , that will come as little surprise .

  5. ·Web网关:电视、手机等消费电子设备访问互联网的Web内容转换网关技术。

    Web gateway : the content transform technology that supports TV , mobile phone to access Web .

  6. 特别是随着IPTV、直播电视、手机电视、网络电视等新兴媒体的出现,有线电视赖以生存的空间不断受到挤压。

    Especially as IPTV , Live television , mobile TV , Internet TV and some other popular media have sprung up , cable TV meets challenges for survival .

  7. Blackbody是为数不多运用有机发光二极管(OLED)技术的公司之一。有机发光二极管技术更多地应用于电视及手机屏幕上,它有无眩光、不散热以及利于回收的优点。

    Blackbody is one of the only lighting companies working with OLEDs - organic LEDs , which are more usually found in television or mobile phone screens .

  8. 美国环保署(EPA)声称,消费者和企业需要回收旧的电脑、电视和手机,以控制住不断增多的成堆的电子垃圾。

    The Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) says that consumers and businesses need to recycle old PCs , televisions and cell phones to keep a lid on growing piles of electronic trash .

  9. 手机电视作为手机媒体的核心应用,被誉为3G时代的杀手铜,作为三网融合的典型业务,成为三网融合一个绝佳切入点和突破口。

    As the core of mobile media applications , known as " killer " at 3G times , Mobile TV which is also the typical business of " Convergence of three Networks ", becomes a tremendous breakthrough and point cut .

  10. 本文介绍了IPTV技术标准,并将IPTV与数字电视、手机电视进行了对比,最后分析了IPTV的应用现状及发展面临的问题。

    This paper introduces the technology specialties of IPTV . Next , it compares IPTV with TV and handset TV . Finally , the thesis illustrates the applications of IPTV and the problems that face the development of IPTV .

  11. 近年来,随着移动数字电视、手机电视和IPTV(InternetProtocolTelevision)等数字新媒体业务的迅速涌现,在带给我们前所未有的视听感受的同时,也对现有的网络提出了严峻的考验。

    With the mobile digital TV , mobile TV , IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television ) new digital media business emergence rapidly , we have obtained an unprecedented audio-visual experience . At the same time , the rapid surge in business posed a severe test of the existing heterogeneous network .

  12. 特别是随着3G市场的启动和用户规模的扩大,以及手机电视、手机网站等众多新媒体的涌现,使得以彩信为主要载体的手机报发展前景存在诸多的不确定性。

    Especially with the 3G market start-up and the customer base expands , as well as mobile TV , mobile websites and emergence of many other new media , there are many uncertainties for the prospects of Mobile paper with MMS as the major carrier .

  13. 新媒体以互联网为先遣,从国外悄然潜入,随后又以户外电视、手机电视、移动电视、网络电视、IPTV等多头部队大兵压境,迅速消解了广电媒体的进入壁垒。

    The Internet , as the guide of New media , enters into our country from abroad quietly , and then outdoor TV , mobile TV , mobile TV , Internet TV , IPTV also influx , and they eliminate the barriers to entry into Broadcast TV Media .

  14. 从电视到手机,它们无处不在。

    They 're on everything from televisions to mobile phones .

  15. 还有可以刷卡看电视的手机。

    And mobile friends that can act as a credit card and television all-in-one .

  16. 如今家家户户通了电,用上了电视及手机————尽管还未接通因特网。

    Electricity , TV and mobile phones have all arrived - though not yet the internet .

  17. 不过没有电视和手机是一件好事。

    But that 's the good thing about not having a television or a cell phone .

  18. 然而,购买平板电脑的钱必须从家庭预算中支出,而家庭预算已经在为电视、手机和其它消遣买单。

    But the cash must come from household budgets , already paying for TV , mobile phones and other entertainment .

  19. 想想你能从电视,手机账单,衣服,酒店或者任何与工作有关的东西上省下多少钱吧。

    Think about how you can save on cable , phone bills , clothes , restaurants , or any work-related deals .

  20. 因此,这使得产品,如电脑,电视或手机外壳是由“木”。

    So this allows products such as computer , television or mobile phone casings to be made from " wood " .

  21. 而新媒体是在传统媒体之后产生的,建立于新技术支撑下的媒体形态,包括互联网、移动电视、手机报、数字报刊等,也称为第五媒体。

    Compared with traditional media , the emerging electronic media mainly encompasses internet , mobile television , mobile-phone newspaper and digital newspaper .

  22. 从媒体内容上看,手机应用主要包括手机小说、手机新闻、手机电视和手机学习等几类。

    Based on the content , the Mobile phone application includes mobile novel , mobile news , mobile TV and mobile learning .

  23. 盖茨在北大的演讲中详细地阐述了他关于将视窗操作系统扩展到电视和手机的想法。

    Gates elaborated on his ideas at the university about extending the Windows operation system into television and mobile phones in the future .

  24. 地球开始发射出强烈的电磁波-其来源是所有的电视,手机和雷达信号传输。

    The planet became an intense emitter of radio waves -- the total output from all TV and cell phones and radar transmissions .

  25. 对内存芯片以及电视、手机的平面显示器的需求,已经使三星电子公司获得了三年来最高的季度利润。

    Demand for memory chips and flat screens for televisions and phones has given Samsung Electronics its best quarterly profits in three years .

  26. 甚至在经济放缓之前,电子产品制造商就面临着平板电视、手机和个人电脑等电子产品增长放缓的局面。

    Even before the economic slowdown , electronics manufacturers were coping with a leveling off in growth for products such as flat-panel TVs , cellphones and PCs.

  27. 这些被他分割的物品有平板电视、手机、汽车以及一张床。

    Some of the objects that he divided in half were a flat screen television , a mobile phone , a car , and a bed .

  28. 要了解更详细的信息或今天的其他新闻,可以登录网站,电视或手机查看。

    For more on those stories and other news of the day , CNN is always your source online , on TV , or on your cell phone .

  29. 自裸体新闻1999年在加拿大开播以来,北美、澳大利亚和欧洲的网际网路、电视和手机用户都可以收看到它的节目。

    Since making its debut in Canada in1999 , Naked News has become available via the Internet , television and mobile phones in North America , Australia and Europe .

  30. 用于电脑、电视、手机防火的绝缘材料会进灰尘,也会导致实验室受试老鼠的出生缺陷。

    Insulation used in computers , televisions and mobile phones to safeguard against fire can leak into household dust , and has caused birth defects in rats in laboratory experiments .