
  • 网络Electric Vehicle Battery;EV Battery;E-cell
  1. SOC估计是电动汽车电池管理系统的重要功能。

    SOC estimation was an important function of electric vehicle battery management system .

  2. 准确预测电池剩余电量(SOC)以及实现电池组的均衡充放电,延长电池的使用寿命是电动汽车电池管理系统需要解决的问题。

    Electric vehicle battery management system necessarily solves problems on State of Charge ( SOC ) estimation , balanced charge and discharge achievement and prolonging battery life span .

  3. 基于ARM和CAN的电动汽车电池管理系统

    Battery Management System of Electric Vehicle Based on ARM and CAN

  4. 介绍了分布式电动汽车电池管理系统中基于微控制器P87C591的下层ECU电控单元设计方案;

    The design of bottom ECU based on microcontroller P87C591 in distributed BMS of electrical vehicles is introduced .

  5. 特斯拉的主要优势一直是电动汽车电池及传动系统的差压变送器(stellar)技术。传动系统是从引擎实际传送动力并输送到车轮的部件。

    Tesla 's main strength has been stellar technology for electric car batteries and powertrains-the portion of the car that actually transfers energy from the engine and transmission to the wheels .

  6. 为了解决电动汽车电池管理系统的关键技术,提出了高电压安全的控制方法,并用修正电量累计法对电池的荷电状态(SOC)进行估计。

    In order to solve the key technology of the battery management system of EV ( electric vehicle ), the control method of the safety of high voltage was developed . The modified coulomb-accumulation method was used to estimate the battery .

  7. 相反,这笔26.5亿美元、刚果民主共和国(DRC)历史上最大规模的私人投资,旨在确保中国的钴供应。钴曾是一种利基原材料,如今对研发电动汽车电池至关重要。

    The $ 2.65bn deal , the biggest private investment in the Democratic Republic of Congo 's history , is instead designed to secure China 's supplies of cobalt , a once niche raw material that is crucial to developing batteries for electric cars .

  8. 为评估电动汽车电池充放电不平稳性给电池造成的损害,本文在NREL风力供电系统电池寿命模型的基础上引入了一种适用于混合动力车辆的电池寿命模型。

    To evaluate degree of how batteries suffer from the irregular charge and discharge patterns in hybrid vehicles , I introduced a battery lifetime model based on NREL 's battery lifetime model for wind power system .

  9. 二月份,A123Systems——一个电动汽车电池制造商——控告苹果挖走它的员工,引诱其员工发展“一个大规模电池部门去与A123在同一领域竞争”。两家公司已于五月份达成处理协议。

    In February , A123 Systems , an electric-car battery maker , sued Apple for poaching its employees , saying the company lured away workers to develop " a large-scale battery division to compete in the very same field as A123 . " The two companies reached a settlement in May .

  10. 电动汽车电池架的耐撞性仿真设计与优化

    Crashworthiness optimization of battery box of a new designed electric vehicle

  11. 三类常用电动汽车电池模型的比较研究

    Comparison study of 3 types of battery models for electrical vehicle

  12. 固态继电器为电动汽车电池监测提供便利

    Solid State Relays Make Monitoring Electric Car Battery Voltage Easy

  13. 电动汽车电池组热管理系统的关键技术

    Key Technologies of Thermal Management System for EV Battery Packs

  14. 电动汽车电池组连接方式研究

    Study on the attended mode of the EV battery pack

  15. 本文介绍了当今世界在电动汽车电池方面的研究状况。

    The present status of research on the cells is briefly introduced here .

  16. 电动汽车电池的剩余电量估计系统的研制也逐步的深入并进入实用化阶段。

    Electric vehicle battery system for the residual capacity enter the practical stage .

  17. 电动汽车电池技术是电动车发展的关键。

    Battery technique is the key to the development of electric powered automobile .

  18. 电动汽车电池功率输入等效电路模型的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Power Input Equivalent Circuit Model for Electric Vehicle Battery

  19. 混合动力电动汽车电池在线监控系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application of Online Monitoring System for Batteries in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  20. 电动汽车电池包热管理系统设计方法

    Design Method of Battery Thermal Management System on EV

  21. 电动汽车电池组连接可靠性及不一致性研究

    Study of the EV Battery Pack Reliability and Asymmetry

  22. 电动汽车电池的现状和未来

    Present and Future Status of Electrical Car Cell

  23. 电动汽车电池组管理系统研究及实现

    Study on battery management system for electric vehicle

  24. 电动汽车电池组绝缘检测方法的研究

    Research on battery insulation detection for electric vehicle

  25. 电动汽车电池智能快速充电器的设计

    Electric Automobile Battery Intelligence Fleetness Charger Design

  26. 总之本研究对于电动汽车电池包整体的设计有一定指导价值。

    Overall this research is instructive to the overall design of electric vehicle battery pack .

  27. 基于C/OS-Ⅱ电动汽车电池快速充电系统的研究

    Research of quick charger for electric powered automobile based on C / OS - ⅱ

  28. 混合动力电动汽车电池管理系统的可靠性设计

    The Design of the Reliability of the Battery Management System of the Hybrid Electronic Vehicle

  29. 尤其如何有效的进行电动汽车电池充电,成为了人们热门研究的重要问题。

    Especially for the electric vehicle battery charging , has become an important issue on research .

  30. 提出了基于CAN总线的电动汽车电池管理控制单元的设计方案。最后还对系统可靠性进行了设计。

    A design scheme of CAN bus-based battery management unit for EV is proposed with consideration on system reliability given .