
diàn dònɡ yá shuā
  • electric toothbrush;oral hygiene center
  1. 在亚马逊推出的视频中,用户在Twitter上发送了一条消息,表达了想要购买帮宝适(Pampers)尿布以及Oral-B电动牙刷等宝洁(Procter&Gamble)个人用品及一个PS4视频游戏的愿望。

    The Amazon video shows consumers tweeting their desire to buy Procter & Gamble personal products - Pampers nappies and an Oral-B electric toothbrush - as well as a video game for the PlayStation 4 console .

  2. 使用质量比较好的电动牙刷,有效按摩牙龈。

    Use a quality electric toothbrush to effectively massage your gums .

  3. 现在你在家里便可以看到上百个电机,各种电器设备,加热装置、通风系统、CD播放机、录像机,如果你足够幸运的话,你还可能用到电动牙刷。

    Today you might find a hundred electric motors in the typical home - they are in the appliances , heating , ventilation systems , CD player , the VCR , and , if you are so fortunate , the electric tooth-brush .

  4. 电动牙刷对牙龈炎作用的研究

    A study of powered toothbrush on gingivitis reduction

  5. 史努比的电动牙刷,快餐饼,都让你念念不忘。

    His electric teeth-brush , snack cakes are all everything you can 't forget .

  6. 电动牙刷与手动牙刷对口腔卫生的效果比较

    Manual versus Powered Toothbrushing for Oral Health

  7. 使用大多数的电动牙刷,你只需要把刷毛碰到牙齿就行了。

    With most electric toothbrushes you only need to touch the tooth with the bristles .

  8. 你的电视,收音机,录像机,你的电动牙刷&任何东西。

    It will power your TV , your radio , your VCR , your electric toothbrush everything .

  9. 普通牙刷还是电动牙刷?

    Manual or electric toothbrush ?

  10. 然后一个迷你电动牙刷,有个盖子来帮助保持卫生。

    And then a mini electric toothbrush , with a cover that comes to help keep it sanitary .

  11. 这种免插系统是基于感应充电的基础之上的&这项技术通常用来给电动牙刷充电。

    The plug-free system is based on induction charging – the technology commonly used to power electric toothbrushes .

  12. 如果电动牙刷能帮助你刷的更久,并且刷对了位置,那么它就是最好的。

    Electric toothbrushes are great tools if they help you brush longer and get you to the right places .

  13. 观察组采用电动牙刷刷洗结合氧化电位水冲洗法进行口腔护理,对照组采用传统的口腔护理方法。

    Observing group included 40 patients who were given oral nursing by rush-cleaning with electro-toothbrush and oxygenated electrical water .

  14. 经口气管插管患者行电动牙刷结合口腔冲洗法的效果研究

    Study for the effectiveness of oral care by electric toothbrush and oral cavity washing for patients with trachea cannula

  15. 格拉吉斯基表示,它的工作原理跟用充电座给你的电动牙刷充电没什么不同。

    It 's the same process used to juice up your electric toothbrush in its charging stand , Grajski says .

  16. 一项调查显示电动牙刷在减少齿菌斑和齿龈炎上更有效。

    A Review of studies from the past four decades found electric toothbrushes were more effective than manualalternatives in reducing plaqueand gingivitis .

  17. 现在普遍使用的无线充电式电动牙刷就是这个原理——电能通过磁场从电源传输给牙刷。

    Today 's electric toothbrushes charge wirelessly -- as power is transmitted through a magnetic field from the charger to the brush .

  18. 我以前出访一个国家时就做过这样的事,结果把电动牙刷弄坏了,这是经验之谈。

    This is what I did once when I visited another country and I ruined my electric toothbrush , so I speak from experience !

  19. 电动牙刷——是的,也许听起来奇怪,但如果你方法不对,它们就没什么作用。

    Electric toothbrushes - yes , this may sound strange but if you are not using the right technique , they can be useless .

  20. 国产DYS&15A型电动牙刷与手动牙刷进行了研究比较。

    A new domestic electrical toothbrush ( DYS - 15A ) in this study was evaluated by comparing its effect with that of a manual toothbrush .

  21. 结论采用电动牙刷刷洗结合氧化电位水冲洗法清洁口腔彻底、有效,能明显减少细菌数量,抑制细菌繁殖,防止口腔感染的发生。

    Conclusion Oral nursing by rush-cleaning with electro-toothbrush and oxygenated electrical water is completive and effective in inducing the number of bacteria and preventing oral infection .

  22. 2016年苹果首次推出AirPod时,有人嘲笑这款无线耳塞像挂在耳朵上的电动牙刷。

    When Apple first unveiled AirPods in 2016 , the wireless earbuds were mocked by some who suggested they looked like electronic toothbrushes dangling from ears .

  23. 佐佐木文雄的衣橱里只有20件衣物,在他极小的公寓里,还有一把电动牙刷和一个吸尘器。

    Fumio Sasaki has just 20 items of clothing in his closet , with an electric toothbrush and a vacuum cleaner among the possessions in his tiny apartment .

  24. 举例来说,干涉就是在一些病人用普通的牙刷时,给另一些病人一把电动牙刷,它能帮助他们更好地照顾他们的口腔。

    An intervention could be , for example , to give some patients an electric toothbrush that helps them care for their mouths better , while other patients just get a regular toothbrush .

  25. 我们以前一直在卖手动牙刷,后来觉得引进电动牙刷会是一件了不起的事情,因而我们发明了佳洁士电动牙刷,定价为3-7美元。

    We had been selling manual toothbrushes and thought it would be great to offer an electric toothbrush , like experience . We got into the SpinBrush for a $ 3 - $ 7 price point .

  26. 他说如果不正确使用,电动牙刷就“没什么用”,刷牙之后马上用清水漱口、刷牙太用力、在错误的时间或以错误的方式刷牙,都有可能损伤牙齿。

    He said electric toothbrushes can prove ' useless ' if they are not used correctly , and you can harm your teeth by rinsing too soon with water after brushing , brushing too much , at the wrong times or in the wrong way .

  27. 非接触供电适于一些小电器,例如电动剃须刀、电动牙刷。

    Non-contact power supply is applicable to small electrical appliances , such as electric shaver and electric toothbrush .

  28. 目前,这种技术已经在部分领域中得到应用,包括电动剃须刀、电动牙刷、净水器和无绳电话等。

    So far , this technology has been applied in some fields , including electric shavers , electric toothbrushes , water purifiers and cordless phones .

  29. 牙刷的电动程序中被设置了30秒的间隔时间,还具有美白牙齿的功效。飞利浦称该电动牙刷适合商旅人士及现代快节奏生活使用。

    Furthermore , it has a30-second interval timer that encourages even brushing and whitens teeth .