
  • 网络power trading
  1. 随着用电负荷的增长和电力交易的增加,更多的电能需要远距离传输。

    Growing consumption and power trading mean that power must increasingly be transported over large distances .

  2. 在输电业务模式上,本文指出中国应将电力调度机构和组织电力交易的交易所合二为一,成立非盈利性机构,保证公平调度,并与输电网公司独立,以实现公平接入。

    This paper pointed out that the power dispatch agencies and organizations of power trading exchanges in China should be combined to set up a nonprofit organization , to ensure fair scheduling and keep independent from transmission grid companies in order to achieve fair access .

  3. 北欧四国逐步建成了较为完备的电力交易体系(NordicPool),为市场主体提供了灵活的交易方式、丰富的交易品种,满足了市场多样化的需求,提高了市场运行的效率。

    In the four Nordic countries , the electricity trade system called Nordic Pool is established , which provides convenient trade methods and various products for participants . Consequently , the diversified demands of the market are satisfied , and the market operation efficiency is improved .

  4. 这条长260千米的英荷线(BritNed)将使得这两个国家之间实现电力交易,而且提高这两个国家的可靠性和电力供应。

    The260-kilometer BritNed link will allow energy trading between the two countries and increase the reliability of electricity supplies to both .

  5. 电力交易方式及市场竞价结算机制

    Trade Form in Electric Power Market and Competitive Settling Account Mechanism

  6. 电力交易中的博弈模型分析

    Analysis of the Game Models in Electric Power Transaction

  7. 实时电力交易中平均成本和边际成本定价理论研究

    Research on marginal cost and average cost pricing theories in spot power transactions

  8. 短期电力交易中机组竞争指标体系的研究

    Research on Competition Ability Index System of Generator Unit in Short Term Electricity Trade

  9. 浙江电力交易市场管理系统软件

    Management system software of Zhejiang electric power market

  10. 电力交易计划的关键信息及合理性判据

    Key Information and Rationality Criteria of Electricity Trade

  11. 基于期货的新型电力交易模式

    New mechanism of electricity trade based on futures

  12. 英国新电力交易制度运行状况

    A Review of the New Electricity Trading Arrangement

  13. 基于合作对策论的电力交易计划

    Transaction strategies based on Cooperative Game Theory

  14. 不同的电力交易模式对电力市场均衡的影响分析

    Economics Analysis of the Equilibrium of Electricity Market on the Basis of Different Electricity Exchange Model

  15. 南方互联电网安全稳定控制系统的配置、功能及作用互联电网中电力交易的合作对策模型

    The configuration and function of security and stability control system for South China interconnected power network

  16. 英国不列颠电力交易与输电制度

    British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangements

  17. 从英国新电力交易系统看我国电力市场的发展

    Regarding the Development of China 's Power Market from the Perspective of the NETA in the UK

  18. 对阻塞线路i,电力交易中心以一定比例将该线路的阻塞费用分摊到发电侧和负荷侧。

    For congestion line I , the congestion cost is shared by generation side and consumer side .

  19. 关键信息集合是用来判断电力交易合理性的最小信息集合。

    The key information set is the minimum data set required to check the fairness of electricity trade .

  20. 发电商能够在自由的市场中进行自主交易,这样使电力交易呈多样化方式发展。

    The generation companies in the free market can trade independently , so power transactions are diversified way development .

  21. 得出的初步结论:一是电力交易模式的设计对电力市场结构的形成有直接影响;

    The conclusions include : firstly , the design of electricity exchange model affects structure of electricity market directly ;

  22. 电价是控制电力交易的支点,在电力市场中起着价格导向的作用。

    Electric price is the fulcrum controlling power trade and plays a role in price guidance of electricity market .

  23. 电网企业需要在电力交易市场上向发电企业购买其所需的备用容量。

    Power grid enterprises need to buy their spare capacity in the electricity trading market from power generation enterprises .

  24. 发电商既可以在双边合同市场中进行电力交易,也可以在日前市场的实时电能市场和辅助服务市场进行电力交易。

    Generator can sell energy in bilateral market and day-ahead auction market including the spot energy market and ancillary service market .

  25. 随着电力交易市场的发展,电力应用对于电能量数据质量的要求越来越高。

    With the development of electric trading market , the requirement of quality of electric energy data on electric application is increasing .

  26. 与其它文献的不同之处在于,论文在研究过程中考虑了电力交易市场与排污权交易市场之间的相互影响。

    It is difference from other literatures that the mutual influence between electric power trade market and emission trade market was considered .

  27. 他们认为目前这种迫使他们为在伊利诺斯州外进行的电力交易赋税的做法是有欠公允的。

    They argue it is unfair that they are currently obliged to pay Illinois taxes on electronic trades that happen out of state .

  28. 系统输电能力的确定对于约束电力交易行为,保障公共电网安全具有积极的作用。

    Confirming the power system transmission capability has good effect on restricting the actions of the trade and assuring the security of the grid .

  29. 在最近的管制环境中,因为不同的电力交易和以利益为基础的业务计划,不确定性已经在电力系统中成为了比较普遍的现象。

    In the recent deregulated environment , uncertainty has become more prevalent in power systems because of diverse power transactions and benefit-based operational schemes .

  30. 采用条件风险价值理论研究供电公司在多个电力交易市场中的最优购电分配策略。

    Taking the conditional value at risk ( CVaR ) as risk management index , DistCos purchase allocation among multi electricity trading markets is studied .