
  • 网络ELECTRICAL DESIGNER;Electric Design engineer
  1. 摘要电能质量及供电可靠性一直是用户和电气设计师关注的问题。

    Power quality as well as the reliability of power supply has always been the matters considered by both the users and the electrical designers .

  2. 在四兄弟很小的时候,他们的父亲--通用电气的软件设计师达林·韦德会对孩子诸如说谎等违规行为施以惩戒,比如,惩罚他们做仰卧起坐、俯卧撑,或围着街区跑圈等。

    When they were younger , their father , Darrin Wade , a software architect for General Electric , would punish disciplinary infractions like lying by making them do situps and push-ups and run around the block .