
  1. HubertTang表示,鉴于船舶运营商和船主们现在都在抢购新船,因此我们认为新船厂竣工乃重大利好消息。

    ' In view of the current shopping spree by ship owners and operators , we believe this is a particularly positive development , 'he says .

  2. 世界黄金协会的央行及公共政策事务董事总经理纳塔莉登普斯特(NatalieDempster)表示,新协议对黄金市场是重大利好消息。

    Natalie Dempster , managing director for central banks and public policy at the World Gold Council , said the new agreement was extremely positive news for the gold market .

  3. 消费者关注销路稳定的产品,对于各大品牌而言同样是重大利好。

    This new focus on the staple is great news for shirting brands too .

  4. 在股市的影响仅仅是一个长期和深远的实质性的重大利好。

    The impact of the stock market alone , is a long-term and far-reaching substantive big positive .

  5. 安全通过财政手段来发展,在市场条件当然是一个重大利好。

    Security through financial means to growth , in terms of the market is certainly a big positive .

  6. 对于投资者而言,这种突如其来的印钞政策是一个重大利好消息,有助于推升股票和其他风险资产的价格。

    For investors this sudden monetary battering was great news , helping to drive up shares and other risky assets .

  7. 如果你们两个学习传达你的感情,明确和客观,这将是一个重大利好。

    It will be a major plus if the two of you learn to communicate your feelings clearly and objectively .

  8. 纺织业内专家汪前进认为,新消费时代的到来,对于纺织内销市场无疑是重大利好。

    Wang Qianjin , an expert of textile industry believes the new consumer ear is very beneficial for domestic consumption of textile industry .

  9. 2008年重庆市保税港的成立,对重庆市对外贸易将又是一个重大利好。

    The establishment of the harbour in bond of Chongqing of 2008 , will be a great advantage to the foreign trade of Chongqing .

  10. 对做多镍的投资者来说,这一禁令的出台似乎构成了重大利好&由于供应过度,镍成为2013年表现最差的贱金属。

    The ban might seem like a terribly good idea to investors long nickel – the worst-performing base metal of 2013 because of excess supply .

  11. 对做多镍的投资者来说,这一禁令的出台似乎构成了重大利好——由于供应过度,镍成为2013年表现最差的贱金属。

    The ban might seem like a terribly good idea to investors long nickel - the worst-performing base metal of 2013 because of excess supply .

  12. 尽管很多媒体报道了这场管理层地震,但这些报道忽略了一个重要背景:中国的电动汽车市场正在释放重大利好。

    Although the media widely covered the management shakeup , the press has largely ignored the context : a massive boom in China 's market for electric cars .

  13. 这对家庭资产、建筑业就业以及国内生产总值的增长都是重大利好,而最重要的也许是,房市的回暖能让房主心态更加平和。

    And that 's great news for growth in household net worth , construction employment , gross domestic product , and perhaps most important , homeowner peace of mind .

  14. 他的回归对曼联将是一个重大利好,不仅是费迪南德还在禁赛而巴西人拉斐尔在酋长球场受了伤。

    His return would be a huge boost for the Reds , not least because Rio Ferdinand is still suspended and Brazilian defender Rafael picked up a knock at the Emirates .

  15. 在股票市场上,并购事件被认为是重大利好信息,无数股民希望依靠并购行情的股价飙升而发家致富。

    In the stock market , Merger Acquisition case is considered to be a major positive . Many investors rely on the hope that the Merger Acquisition market and the soaring price of the wealthy .

  16. 第二,这对发展中欧关系是重大利好,瑞士与欧盟各成员国和欧元区经济联系密切,是中国企业与欧洲企业合作的重要纽带。

    Second , it is good news for China-Europe relations . Switzerland is closely linked with the EU member states and the euro zone economies , and it is an important bond connecting Chinese and European enterprises .

  17. 在英国,房贷支出占工资的比率已降至历史平均值以下&这对于能得到更低房贷利率的购房者来说是个重大利好,虽然他们往往是已是有房一族或者自身存款较多。

    In the UK , mortgage payments as a percentage of take-home pay have fallen below the historic average – a boon to those who can access the lower interest rates , though that tends to be those already on the housing ladder or able to muster large deposits .

  18. 首先,这对深化中瑞经贸合作是重大利好,将使各项制度和政策更加透明,使各具优势的中国制造和瑞士制造更容易进入对方市场,给两国企业和消费者都带来好处。

    It will make our rules and policies more transparent , and help made in China and made in Switzerland products , each competitive in their own ways , gain access to the other sides market more easily , and bring benefits to the companies and consumers of both countries .

  19. 随着近年我国房地产市场的繁荣、房地产物业价值不断攀高的背景下,采用公允价值计量对企业的财务状况具有重大的利好影响。

    In recent years , our country real estate value rising background , the use of fair value of the financial statements is undoubtedly significant positive impact .

  20. 总结:在我们看来,大盘要攻破重大阻力位,需要有重大利好的推动。

    In summary : it seems to us that the market is in need of a meaningful catalyst to overcome the key resistance levels .