
zhònɡ lì xuǎn kuànɡ
  • Gravity beneficiation;gravitational segregation
  1. 用有限元数值分析方法对NdFeB磁粉颗粒之间的磁团聚相互作用进行了模拟计算。磁团聚重力选矿机的研制、发展与应用

    Finite element method was applied for calculation of the magnetic agglomeration interaction between Nd Fe B powders . Research , Development and Application of Magnetic Agglomeration Gravity Separator

  2. 磁团聚重力选矿机的研制、发展与应用

    Research , Development and Application of Magnetic Agglomeration Gravity Separator

  3. 重力选矿过程中水平介质流对矿粒运动的影响

    The effect of horizontal media flow on the movement of particles in gravity dressing

  4. 介绍了峨口铁矿使用变径型磁团聚重力选矿机的情况。

    The application of diameter-varied magnetic agglomeration gravity separator in Ekou Iron Mine is described .

  5. 重力选矿也正因此从经验的工艺技术走向科学化、数学化的道路。

    It is precisely because of gravity from the beneficiation technology experience to scientific , mathematical path .

  6. 本文从流体力学和重力选矿的理论出发,建立了低压条件下、理想圆柱颗粒在旋流器中运动的微分方程。

    Proceeding from the principles of hydromechanics and gravity separation , the author of this paper has established a differential equation describing the motion of ideal , column shaped particles in a hydrocyclone under low pressure .

  7. 总结了蒙脱石的各种提纯方法及其试验原理和提纯分离效果,主要涉及重力选矿、水力分析、絮凝法、离心分离和化学提纯。

    In this paper , the crystal structure of montmorillonite is introduced and the purification methods (( including ) gravity separation , hydraulic classification , flocculation , centrifugal separation and chemical purification ), the purification principles and purification effectiveness of the methods were summarized .